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Everything posted by teufelhunden

  1. Well i dont really drink so that wouldnt be a problem...... but i do have a camera so drink all you want
  2. Bummer, Let us know if you start recruiting agian......
  3. YAY........................................... I am from North Texas and willing to host a MD Party!!!!!!! Send me a message if your interested.
  4. Last time somebody had a telephone number we could call. Do you have one we can call this time?
  5. I hate to sound like a whiner but i feel as if i am being ignored. I asked some valid questions before and i dont feel they were addressed. Can somebody please help me?
  6. hmmm..... where did that go

  7. You could make the entrence to looroot an impromptu pub for the duration of the event.
  8. This is the whole list? What about those who would like to join......
  9. Well this is an interesting discussion..... I have not played for very long but i have tried to make my playing felt by everyone. I have an easy quest going on thats targeted for noobs and i support that guest almost everyday. I give out at least 2 rewards everytime i get on. I have made the arguement before that noobs need more interaction(look at my post about the clockwork drachorn). This is a fun game but its hard to be a viable new player, i see tons of new people who dont talk and dont interact with anybody. On the other hand i saw one new player (kitty) get a item almost as soon as he started playing. WHATS UP WITH THAT. I can see the value of what he got but how come other new players are not treated the same. I am not saying that every new player is a great addition to the game but some are and they deserve something for trying to play the game properly.
  10. Sounds good, i like how you added nightshade to the name of the second one.
  11. I will come help clean up, of course i have no way over there so.......
  12. I am sorry for you bad luck, not everyone is all about fighting. I enjoyed your story and would like to read more. Goodluck
  13. You are right, i keep forgeting about the alts. I dont believe people would be that crude as to use them to ruin a contest though. It takes a lot of effert to keep one character going so i see no reason to put the effort into more then that.
  14. I like this contest but this seems kinda skewed to older players. How many younger players know about all the creatures and how are they supposed to get access to them so they can come up with a good description that fits. Can there be some kind of sliding scale based on who does the description?
  15. You bring up a good point, i will ensure they have substance to the papers they create.
  16. Wow, i like the way you think Azrael. If you did recieve an "item" upon signing up for a land then it would make since to have the leader track said "item". It would also be good if you had to "show" your "item" to get into meetings or special places, like say a throne room or war room. Of course if you had a tangible item then anybody could look into your papaers and tell your "item" was missing.......
  17. As i am totally dedicated to non-violance i cannot help with fighting. That being said i would like to help with Architects/Carpenters, i enjoy drawing maps and houses so i can see myself doing this. I would also like to help and learn how to heal other people. PS, i love the name
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  19. I have started a easy quest for new players, all they have to do is go get papers and i will reward them with a creature from looroot. I have had two people complain about what i am doing so i am putting this here for the collective mind to examine. The rules are as follows You have to be a new player (i pick who is new and freezeblink is not ) You have to get your papers and they have to have some substance to them. You must pick between a Warrior, a Healer or a Guardian. (if you understand what each one refers to then dont spoil it for the noobs) You only get one creature. (no take backs) I do not feel i am spoiling anything, these are not all powerful or rare creatures and the players must pick one.
  20. I think you were not bet and did it on your own.......
  21. I dont know why this topic died out but it seems to have had some impact because i saw something about mugs for sale....... somewhere...... .......where are those dang mugs for sale.....
  22. That is a very good idea; Misdirection is everything, or as i like to put it "perception is reality" You could have several different types. It could confuse its friends with attackers and end up hitting it self or creatures in the same ritual. You could also have healers healing you instead of those they are supposed to heal.
  23. Congrats to you new King..... So since he was elected is he really a king or more of a minister????
  24. How i see it working is that it absorbs all the damage done to it till it is about to die, before it dies it releases that damage back onto who ever attacked it, so if there is a healer and an attacker only the attacker would take the damage. I would say any thing that causes it to lose VE. I am not sure how it will help overall in the tactics area, maybe once it release its pent up energy it will have like 1 ve left or something.
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