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Everything posted by aaront222

  1. They invented tequila takillya.

  2. To all that apply: At Winds Sanct

  3. Cupcakes are dry and the icing takes away the "flavor" MUFINZ!!!
  4. You have never tasted chocolate muffins with chocolate chips before then have you?
  5. I can't find you. Otherwise I would.

  6. Which would you normally prefer under normal circumstance.... eating a cupcake or muffin?
  7. Cupcakes vs. Muffins!

  8. Make an armpit beauty salon!

  9. Spamming the statusbar... WITH THIS!!!

  10. End iggy.......


  11. I'll sell my Bird. Current trade value: 471, Transfered 1 times. Age 290 [goldtear] Name a reasonable price.
  12. I got this. I've been capped for awhile. How? [attachment=1777:capbug.png] If this is a bug it's my 2nd one found today...
  13. Rednecks will rule the world with their animated corn someday!!! They will takeover the world with CORN!!!

  14. This post, along with most other post is in this topic is spam.

  15. Is this an OFFICIAL festival? Like the festival of pain? Rewards I expect- Credits Creats etc
  16. This isn't a game. This is Mur's brain. MD is a psychological thing for him. He's creating his own world so he can make sense of the real one and so he has somewhere to dump his random thoughts. It's his philosophical world that came up to hold the discharge of what he wishes the world could be. This is The Mind of Mur.

  17. Tomatoes are actually some of my least favorite fruits...... They are my least favorite........ Belch Ketchup
  18. You people mighthow somehow find that attractuve... her profile pic is somewhat scary....

  19. Pip Pippidy Pip Pippidy,

    Pip Pip Pip Pip,

    Pip Pip-ah-dee,

    Pip Pip-ah-dah,

    Pip Pip-ah-dam-do.

  20. This list has some spam. I'll add some more...

  21. There seems to be something important about tomatoes in this game. Why don't you just create a Tomato Principle or something? That would increase the tomatoiness even more. Why are tomatoes so important? I want an answer from Mur/Grido
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