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Sephirah Caelum

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Posts posted by Sephirah Caelum

  1. *edit* Keeping the chat with Azull:

    [quote]and more creative ways to punish rebels while keeping their purpose as a rebel.[/quote]

    The rebel tag could have a time frame, and this tag
    will expire if the rebel do not get more citizens to
    his cause.

    For each citizen added for the cause, no alt, the
    duration of the tag will become longer, untill the
    half of the number of citizens be reached, with that
    the time frame won't work anymore and now, the king and
    his supporters will have to take a move: war, elections
    or negotiate with the rebels.

    [quote]anonimous but public complain system, addressed to the king (only to him), is something i agree it could be usefull. not many have the courage to speak their mind freely, but their ideas might be usefull. It also prevents the king from saying no just because of his ego.

    For now see how yould manage that with what it is...untill i figure something like a feature for it.[/quote]

    This idea is completely imperfect but is everything that
    me and Azull was able to come in the end. We are posting
    because that has the chance to someone else has a better
    idea with this imperfect suggestion.

    A person could be named to be the bridge from
    the citizen who wants complaining and the
    king/government. With that said citizen can complaining with
    the Bridge, and this person could talk with the king of the
    land, in the name of the anonimous citizen.

    This idea goes on, but has teh chance to become a new feature,
    so we stop to say it at this point.

    PS: [size="3"][b]we know this confidant has to be a special person, who is
    trusted by the people[/b][/size]

  2. [quote]next to be done is a way to see percentage of discontent in a land[/quote]

    This came after a talk with Azull:

    Mya's idea is good, but the king has the right to know
    the reason why people are unhappy with his governement,
    therefore for this purpose could be used the Post Office
    system, that Chewett placed in front of the Willow shop a
    while ago. Once this allows the citizen find the king's
    ears even when he is not on the pre-rebel's Friend list.

    The person receiving the letter could be named by King
    if he is very busy.

  3. Instead of creating a guild that is occupied only with water, why not have freelancers whom that besides taking care to collect and purify water also engage in making beverages such as soda and other alcohol?

    And the drinks could be as consumable items. Having one manufacturer responsible for each land, so that each one would have the opportunity to produce its own and different beverages, with the characteristics of that land, made with properties of its own environment.

    And the different lands could exchange their consumables with each other, regulated by international laws of trade or just like is made with the Sunny Bedroom keys.

    Of course, everything combined with the water related matters as well, like purifing and handling.

  4. Hazel - The Knower

    Edit: If you are born under the energy of the Hazel, you are highly intelligent, organized and efficient. Like the Holly, you are naturally gifted in academia, and excel in the classroom. You also have the ability to retain information and can recall, recite and expound on subjects you've memorized with amazing accuracy. You know your facts, and you are always well informed

    ............ok, *looks around* If you find it, could you please return to me?

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