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Sephirah Caelum

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Posts posted by Sephirah Caelum

  1. Personality in the current moment is approached by mental health experts so multidimensional. That is, the personality of the individuals are formed and influenced by factors innate, present at birth of the individual, and by dimensions shaped by its development (which are influenced by the environment in which they develops).

    With all due respect but you are being reductionist to believe that something as complex as personality depends of a single factor for starting their training and that it and influenced only by this point.

  2. [s]Angien:[/s]

    [s]ID: 660580[/s]
    [s]Heat: 313930[/s]
    [s]Age: 491[/s]
    [s]No tokens.[/s]

    [s]I'll end in 72 hours, and I only accept gold and/or silver.[/s]

    Sold to Krioni, I'll contact by Forum PM and In game PM.

  3. I know I'm late ...

    but considering the annoucement made by the concil

    [b]"Ann. 2112 - [2011-12-03 01:40:05 - Stage 11][/b]
    [b]Final Clarification Regarding Communication Outside MD"[/b]

    I would like to point that (if this is not happening), BFH´s idea about the Treasury link for the TK, is a good idea to us keep in touch with him when needed and also to avoid the use of others resources of communication to resolve in game situations.


  4. Answering the hot topic of the weekend and maybe of the week, I would like to share my words and also answering everything I read since the end of the past year:

    I thanks Curry about the scientific information provided on the day of Blind Justice, not the information per se but with what she gave me I was albe to inform better about this new issue on social life: cyber bullying. I also thanks to Awiiya on his post into this topic,

    [quote name='awiiya' timestamp='1319819876' post='94778']
    Form a coalition in game that actively works against harassment.

    Organizing is a lot more productive than this sort of blase complaining. I've seen enough of it. Please do something.



    That been said and without futher explanations, I'm inviting myself of said coalition if one is already being formed. And if not I'm building one, and for that one I wish to receive the help of a real life teacher and/or social service professional and/or mental health professional. I would also like to have the help of anyone wishing to apply, (will have a maximum of participants, but I don't know how many for now)


    Edit: [color=#ff0000][size=5][b]I would apreciate not to answer this topic but send me a Forum PM.[/b][/size][/color]

  5. [size=4][b]Answering the hot topic of the weekend and maybe of the week, I would like to share my words and also answering everything I read since the end of the past year:[/b][/size]

    [b]I thanks Curry about the scientific information provided on the day of Blind Justice, not the information per se but with what she gave me I was albe to inform better about this new issue on social life: cyber bullying. I also thanks to Awiiya on his post into this topic,[/b]

    [b][quote name='awiiya' timestamp='1319819876' post='94778'][/b]
    [b]Form a coalition in game that actively works against harassment.[/b]

    [b]Organizing is a lot more productive than this sort of blase complaining. I've seen enough of it. Please do something.[/b]



    [b]That been said and without futher explanations, I'm inviting myself of said coalition if one is already being formed. And if not I'm building one, and for that one I wish to receive the help of a real life teacher and/or social service professional and/or mental health professional. I would also like to have the help of anyone wishing to apply, (will have a maximum of participants, but I don't know how many for now)[/b]


    [b]Edit: [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10850-bullying-coalition/page__pid__94804#entry94804"]Made a topic for that.[/url][/b]

  6. [center][center] [/center][/center]

    [center][center] [/center][/center]
    [center][center][size=6][b]"Ome .. why .. why you ..."[/b][/size]

    Citizens and no citizens, I, Sephirah, at the Foundation (7_foundation_1), on November 12th at 16 hours, server time, will honor the long gone characters of the land of Magic Duel BigC and Omegaweapon.

    The hommage will be made of two independent parts: a quest and a talking.

    [center][center] [/center][/center]

    [center][center] [/center][/center]
    [size=5][u]First the quest:[/u][/size]

    BigC in his final moment, before spending a season in Necrovion, uttered his last words: "Ome .. why .. why you ...". Once revived with the help of many people, under the leadership of Thanasia, how do you believe that BigC and Omegaweapon would react if their road cross again? Answer this question with a play written by yourself that have the duration of a maximum of 10 minutes.


    [*]the writer of the play must to be anonymous (so send the texts by PM and do not post here - I'll be around teh realm and mostly at the Lands of the East Gate);
    [*]the quest will be awarded only if a minimum of 3 plays (of different people) be applied till November 2nd;
    [*]the play will be judge by the Caretaker available at the moment and by public vote.

    [b]Reward:[/b] One Wish Point for the winner.

    [b][color=#ff0000][i][u]The staging of the plays will be made by volunteers from the public and won’t be rewarded.[/u][/i][/color][/b]


    Will be hold after the presentations, if the minimum of participants apply, and before the announcement of the winners. The theme? Violence.[center][center] [/center][/center]

    [center][center] [/center][/center]

    [center][center] [/center][/center]

    [center][center] [/center][/center]
    [center][center][b][size=6][color=#ff0000]THI[/color][color=#ff0066]S IS A[/color][color=#ff99cc] FAN[/color][color=#9933cc]TASY[/color] [color=#0000cd]BAS[/color][color=#000080]ED O[/color][color=#006400]N PAST [/color][color=#00ff00]HAP[/color][color=#ffd700]PENIN[/color][color=#daa520]GS, [/color][color=#ffa500]THI[/color][color=#ff8c00]S IS [/color][color=#ff0000]NOT HIS[/color][color=#b22222]TORY. [/color][/size][/b]

    [center][center] [/center][/center]

    [center][center] [/center][/center]
    [center][center][b][size=6][color=#ff0000]JUST[/color][color=#ff0066] A FIC[/color][color=#ff99cc]TION[/color][color=#9933cc]AL PL[/color][color=#0000cd]AY [/color][color=#000080]AND [/color][color=#006400]SHO[/color][color=#00ff00]ULD [/color][color=#ffd700]NOT [/color][color=#DAA520]BE TA[/color][/size][/b][b][size=6][color=#ffa500]KEN[/color][color=#ff8c00] LITE[/color][color=#ff0000]RALL[/color][color=#b22222]Y.[/color][/size][/b][b][size=6][color=#daa520] [/color][/size][/b]

    [center][center] [/center][/center]

    [center][center] [/center][/center]
    [center][center][b][size=6][color=#ff0000]I'M J[/color][color=#ff0066]UST [/color][color=#ff99cc]PLAY[/color][color=#9933cc]ING [/color][color=#0000cd]AND [/color][color=#000080]ASK[/color][color=#006400]ING [/color][color=#00ff00]PEO[/color][color=#ffd700]PLE [/color][color=#daa520]TO PL[/color][color=#ffa500]AY WHI[/color][color=#ff8c00]T WHA[/color][color=#FF0000]T MIG[/color][/size][/b][b][size=6][color=#b22222]HT H[/color][color=#8b4513]AVE [/color][color=#800000]HAPP[/color][color=#696969]ENED.[/color][/size][/b]

    [center][center] [/center][/center]
    Any question?

    [center][center] [/center][/center]

    Edit: typos.[/center][/center]

    [center][center] [/center][/center]

    [center][center] [/center][/center]

  7. In order to avoid the copses deteriorate while waiting for an apropriate funeral:


    //adapted to md world
    $instr['title'] = "Embalming fluid";

    //the description will be the only thing to describe the needed steps to the ones that try to help you prepare the recipe
    //be sure you include all steps in it but tell it so that they wont be identical words with the steps defined below
    $instr['description'] = "
    A dead body can be preserved by the injection of this fluid into the corpse, prepares it when needed but not in war,
    otherwise you will consume to much resources from the land. To prepare the balm you will need wood, heat stones and water.
    Firstly burn the wood inside the device, after the gases are formed you will mix the water, once the mixture is warm
    you just need to inject the product into the body vessels and cavities.";

    "1" => 'add the lumber to the reactor',
    "2" => 'closes the reactor',
    "3" => 'add the heatstones to the heater',
    "4" => 'waits for 12 hour',
    "5" => 'take the heat stones from the heater',
    "6" => 'connects the second body to the reactor',
    "7" => 'opens the connection between the reactor and the second body',
    "8" => 'closes the connection',
    "9" => 'add the heatstones to the heater of the second body',
    "10" => 'waits for 10 hours',
    "11" => 'take the heatstones from the second body'
    "12" => 'let the mixture warm'
    "13" => 'adds water'
    "14" => 'drops it into a bottle',

    //what phrases will it recognize and what step will it run (from above values)
    //the more variations the better, think what people could say
    //always use first person, not "RP" blue text third person line please
    $instr['step_lines'] = array(

    "What is current recipe?" => 'current',
    "What are you doing?" => 'current',
    "What are you playing with?" => 'device',
    "Tell me a random number" => 'random numbers',
    "Read the recipe to me ".$item['name'] => 'description',

    //step 1
    "Put the lumber into the device" => '1',
    "Throws the lumber into the device" => '1',
    "Gently puts the lumber into the device" => '1',
    "Begins the process putting the lumber" => '1',

    //step 2
    "Push the cover down" => '2',
    "Closes the reactor" => '2',
    "Compress the lumber" => '2',

    //step 3
    "Put the heatstones into the heater" => '3',
    "Opens a little door" => '3',

    //step 4
    "Let it reach the right temperature" => '4',
    "Goes to prepare some food" => '4'
    "wait 12 hours" => '4'

    //step 5
    "Opens the little door bellow the heater" => '5',

    //step 6
    "Wraps the second body on the reactor cover" => '6',
    "Wraps the big on the small" => '6',

    //step 7
    "Pulls the fliper for some minutes" => '7',

    //step 8
    "let's the flipper rest" => '8',

    //step 9
    "Takes more heatstones" => '9',

    //step 10
    "Goes to make the beds" => '10',

    //step 11
    "Takes the heat stones of the second body" => '',

    //step 12
    "Goes to shave the corpse" => '',

    //step 13
    "Fills the second body with water" => '',

    //step 14
    "Fills a bottle with the fluid" => '',


    //what lines should be used by participants to offer their resources for the preparation
    //each line also has the target resources it will work on
    //for example you could pour water, but install mechanisms
    $instr['provide_ingredients'] = array(
    "/I will provide the (.*)/is" => 'Lumber,Water',
    "/I will bring the (.*)/is" => 'Lumber, Water, Heatstones',
    "/Here is some (.*)/is" => 'Water',


    //what ingredients does this recipe require
    //feel free to use existing resources or items but you can also invent new
    //as long as they fit perfectly with md and the device
    $instr['ingredients'] = "


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