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Sephirah Caelum

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Posts posted by Sephirah Caelum



    Yes I agree with this, However I devoted quite a large amount of time to organising them and getting them "ready", E.g. I normally had a 3 hour meeting with them every week which I could have spent time on coding (for them or generally).


    Ok, 3 hours/week for meeting is too long, at least in my experience with my RL team. My problem different of yours is that I'm the new one who have to adapt until the others understand that we don't need all this time to talk about our and others problems.


    Since we are in a game the time of reunion with this new council should be shorter to 1 hour/ maybe less per week. Maybe even dividing the time of the matters to be decided (there is so many matters for decision??).



    here was organisational issues as described above, Nothing actually gone done because each idea was talked about and then "stored" and never looked at again. Time wasnt used as efficiently as it could have been in the PC.

    The RL problems, as I said above, made it worse and better. Its much easier to get a consensus and do stuff if you are a group of two that needs to agree on things.


    Ohhh...so I read it partially right!!!  ^_^ Sorry!


    Yeah it is easier to take decision with less people, but even when you have something like 10 to 13 persons into a reunion, things get easier when some issues already have a common way of functioning, there is one person to put things on track when people are walking to the blablabla direction, even to put a time limit. Of course when everyone is new on the experience things will get more time to get fine.


    I still think that 01 experience with the PC is sufficient to say it is a failure.


    But is you, Chewett, who better knows if you are up to coordinate other PC. 

  2. I like the idea of the PC because is a good way to train/learn about leadership, organization/decision of public matters exterior to our own interest (of course when things get only for the satisfaction of the PC's members, they  risk loose their authority).


    The problem of RL matters turning players inactive is like death, there is no solution and will keep happening no matter how much we try to stop or slow down it. It will happen with all and everyone, it even happened with the Concil, Mur, and even Zleiphneir (or is he/she around?).


    Said that, I think that Nim's new role is ok, and others could keep going on, I even believe this will make people wish to stay longer in the game. And the Public Council is ok, too; If I read right the problem was because the IRL problem's, there was no others matters and if we are going to stop cool things just because people from one way or other eventually die, we should turn off the light and close the door.

  3. The date is really August 24, or is this a mistake? That is 8 months from now!


    Yep, it is august 24. I'm giving a lot of time for you to inspire yourself, research about Ailith or even learn how to write a poem. And if at the time I do not have a winner, I will extend the date until the end of this year.

  4. A place of shelter, for others to fear,
    A place of weakness or power,
    Blind stillness unsettles within..

    Stare into it and see your depths,
    A mirror of sorts, 
    No appearance held.. yet..
    Keep your gaze
    And acknowledge yourself.

    For here you cannot hide
    Nor disguise nor pretend.
    It is here your darkest foes
    Have wisdom to lend.



    Have you ever heard about Ailith? Well, time to remember her or discover who was she. This time I will give one WP for the poem I like most that homage her. For now, the final day for posting the poem will be 24 Aug., but I will extend the time if I don't find any winner.


    More rules on my quest page.


    Have fun!

    EDIT 01: Send me a PM in game or here on forum. Any MP can participate, and alts are forbidden.

  5. I say no for the idea.


    It's cool to have something physical from MD, and not only virtual, the legacy idea I liked very much, but there is no certainty that the queen/king will leave the box for her/his sucessor, so a money that can be spent for the joy of few people.


    Of course, if there is an politic authority that wish to build his/her own box and give it to the sucessor, or send certificates to his/her citizens, I will find this idea awesome. What you could do, is to build the stamps and seals, and send the models for the queen/king that wish to do this, so it is up to him decide if he/she wants to participate.

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