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Sephirah Caelum

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Posts posted by Sephirah Caelum

  1. Dear MDers,

    for the month of May I wish to hommage Pirates of MD, and for that I'm offering one Attacklock stone or Movelock stone or Weaken Stone or 10 Silver Coins for the best drawing of Crimson Blade and its crew.

    What is the Crimson Blade? and who are the pirates of Magic Duel? Well, finding the answer is part of the quest.

    Have fun.

    1.if there is lot of participants [u][b]or[/b][/u] you have a SUPERB entry I will award one WP.

    2.Rules and explanations will come when needed.

    Edit 01: changed PS 1 (or, not and)

    [b]Edit 02: since there are artists in MD, I reconsidered the number of winners and now is possible have 3 winners (but only one WP and hardly -very hardly- 2WP).[/b]

  2. Hello all,

    so as the title says in this quest you have 8 days to do a card with message or a movie or sing/play a song or whatever your imagination allow you to do, to celebrate this world called Magic Duel. Be creative!

    For now the winners will be divided into:[list]
    [*]The Best Handmade Card;
    [*]The Best Message and;
    [*]The Most Creative Card (for all the others that are not handmade).
    If there is a lot of participants and your imagination run wild I may unfold The Most Creative Card into something that better fits the inscriptions.

    So, you can send the maximum of 3 cards or whatever your imagination allow you to do until the last day of MD festivities.

    Any questions?

    [b]Edit 01: Quest extended until next friday (05 days extention)![/b]

    [color=#ff0000][b]Edit 02: Results, as annouced by the Master of Ceremonies:[/b][/color]
    [*]The Best Handmade Card: [b][color=#ff0000]dst[/color][/b]
    [*]The Best Message and: [b][color=#ff0000]dst [/color][/b]and[b][color=#FF0000] dark raptor[/color][/b]
    [*]The Most Creative Card: [color=#ff0000][b]Eagle Eye[/b][/color]

  3. Because of Maebius I'll extend the quest until the end of [color=#ff0000][u][b]February[/b][/u][/color], so I can give more time to you read the book.

    Generous Madmen, aka gen76, I hope the hard way is not going at the Library, maybe with this extended period your way is better.

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