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Sephirah Caelum

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Everything posted by Sephirah Caelum

  1. I know I'm late, but Happy B-day Azull!
  2. [quote name='BFH' timestamp='1305924550' post='84754'] ok site xtremetopgames and mmorpgtop200.com will be removed. For the others please check here if they work: [size="4"][url="http://magicduel.com/players/*BFH_Lightning*"]TEST[/url][/size] let me know. [/quote] The following sites keep with the problem: http://www.xtremetop100.com/ http://www.gamesites100.net/mmorpgmpog http://www.mmorpgtoplist.com/
  3. [quote name='BFH' timestamp='1305759307' post='84597'] @Sephy, please confirm me that problem persist. I'll work with it tomorrow. [/quote] The only link which the problem do not persist is: http://topg.org/in- All the others are still with the problem.
  4. As BFH asked I'm posting here my issues with the Free Credits links: 1. The sites bellow do not shows a voting/captcha link after clicking the voting link given by MD: [list] [*]http://www.xtremetop100.com/ [*]http://www.gamesites100.net/mmorpgmpog [*]http://topg.org/in- [*]http://www.mmorpgtoplist.com/ [*]http://www.mmorpgtop200.com/ [/list] I'm using Firefox 4, and I already cleared the cache. 2. The following site has two links at the free credits, this site is also above with the problem of not having the voting/captcha link: http://www.mmorpgtoplist.com/ Respectfully
  5. Two pickles for you Fyrd!
  6. «Dime qué diagnósticas y te diré tu especialidad ».

    1. BFH


      ¿Diagnosticar o No? esa es la pregunta :))

    2. Hedge Munos
  7. High five Nadrolski!
  8. My preferences go from up to bottom: 1. Moon Light Sonata; 2. The Black Star; 3. Ludovico Einaudi.
  9. If I tell that I'm inscribing for the Merry Delivers just for the sake of buring Marind Nitratus. Will I still be accepted?
  10. @Raven, I really enjoy your art work, your aramors are really good; @Xrieg, I liked the Steam Engine, it was the most creative of all aramors untill now; @Rex, I prefer the fourth and the Afro Aramors.
  11. I understand that if you have a random organization, you have something existing. Considering the Chaos from greek mythology, you are considering the god that gave origin to everything. From what I understand giving birth to everything that exist is not the same of being the things you created. So, if the things created are organized or not, this is a condition that is there after the Chaos creation, so is much more something about the Cosmos than with the Chaos itself.
  12. Happy B-day Indyra!!!
  13. From february till now I was without a internet access, so at my playing time I was: Monday: On the traffic, trying to reach home; Tuesday: At the library; Wednesday: Reunion with all the professors of my residency; Thursday and Friday: Studying or looking for a place to live. Saturday and Sunday: studying/ cleaning my room.
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