I like the idea of the PC because is a good way to train/learn about leadership, organization/decision of public matters exterior to our own interest (of course when things get only for the satisfaction of the PC's members, they risk loose their authority).
The problem of RL matters turning players inactive is like death, there is no solution and will keep happening no matter how much we try to stop or slow down it. It will happen with all and everyone, it even happened with the Concil, Mur, and even Zleiphneir (or is he/she around?).
Said that, I think that Nim's new role is ok, and others could keep going on, I even believe this will make people wish to stay longer in the game. And the Public Council is ok, too; If I read right the problem was because the IRL problem's, there was no others matters and if we are going to stop cool things just because people from one way or other eventually die, we should turn off the light and close the door.