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Sasha Lilias

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Everything posted by Sasha Lilias

  1. Hmm...seems I did not get to post my vote then. The way I counted it everyone had one vote....excluding the one I wished to pass. Odd way of "working" things out....
  2. Start off with a Santa for the Shade. Age: 345 Tokens: N/A Transfers:1
  3. Boooredd :/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rex


      Find something to do! woman up (man up but for women) ;)

    3. Sasha Lilias

      Sasha Lilias

      I can't man up!! I'm a woman! :D

    4. Rex


      That why i said woman up!

  4. Umm...*hides the thing that looks like a whip but isn't a whip because he likes it* I didn't.... O_o

  5. I have a few...ideas*hides the whip behind her back* >:3

  6. Ahh your Location and Interests made me giggle :3 Location:Nibbling hazelnuts in Loreroot

    Interests: Hazelnuts XD

  7. "That's what I call utilizing your women!"

    I will show you "utilizing"....>:D

  8. Happy Birthday old friend :)

  9. [color="#FF0000"]Note: I am taking back all bids, if you wish for the reason pm me, I am sure you would not want it posted here. Sasha[/color]
  10. Only 2 more mins until end of bidding! Bid is now over. Raven when you are ready I am at the Paper Cabin. Mods this topic can now be closed, thankyou.
  11. Joker Age :266 [enlightning] Enlightning [firedrop] Fire Drop [darkshield] Dark Shield [onyxfangs] Onyx Fangs [claw3] Claw III [goldbelt] Gold Belt [stardust] Stardust [claw1] Claw I Santa Age: 17 Claw I From: [color="#FF0000"]BFH[/color]
  12. Ridiculous... I had already stated that I had not thought it was against the rules allowing me to show two people, that had asked for help, through the maze. People say that it is ment to be a challenge, what is the reward though? Being able to see the GG lands and then be trapped there unless you knwo your way back out? or be teleported? The only time it had any REAL reward was when it was first created, THEN it was a challenge, to see who could find the way through first. No warnings nor minor punishments. Who exactly did you speak to? Perhaps instead of speaking behind my back you could have invited me, allowing myself to explain to you in person, rather than through pm's, which is useless seeing as you are hardly ever on, or have time, to read them. I, Mcvitie, have been a loyal Golemus citizen since my very first days, and this is how you treat one of your people? Urgh Also,as I put in my first post: [quote]I will not help any others through the Labyrinth then, even if I do see no real problems with it.[/quote] This obviously shows that I was respecting your wishes, and MagicDuels, by me saying that I would not do it again. You did not have to send me to jail to make [u]ANY[/u] point. [color="#696969"]Edit: Oh and please, if your going to make a vote at least place your reason. [/color]
  13. I am looking to sell a rusty . [u] Details:[/u] Age:0 ID:698651 Tokens: Claw I, Kelletha Fire, Emerald Glare, Osiris Belt, Dark Shield, Dark Sky and finally Onyx Fangs, a total of 7 tokens. Highest bid- Ravenstrider
  14. Im sorry but you were outside the time limit.
  15. Please could Zleip contact me to trade, thankyou :)

  16. Bid is now over! Sold to Zleip for: Rusty(age 63) and Soul Weaver(age 14)
  17. [quote name='Grido' timestamp='1293995665' post='76658'] what creatures ~are~ you interested in? [/quote] It would depend. I am looking for creatures that I can use, not just collect. Creatures such as heretics, barrens, knators and aramors will not be considered (unless they have a mountain of tokens).Apart from them I am willing to take everything else into consideration.
  18. I am selling a GG drach and willing to accept either gold, silver, items,credits or other creatures.(Please take into concideration that I am NOT going to trade this creature in for creatures like Aramors or Heretics.) Age 96 Current trade value: 146, Transfered 1 times. ID:660376 [color="#FF0000"]No tokens. [/color] Highest bid- Zleiphneir amount in coins: 10gc [color="#696969"]Edit: Oh and bidding ends in 2 hours. Happy bidding.[/color] [color="#0000FF"][u]Creature Conversion:[/u] Santa; 4gc Nutcracker; 4gc SW; 3gc Rusty; 7gc(every 5 tokens = 1gc more) Sharptear; 3gc (Note: All other creatures with tokens gain 1gc value more for every [u]6[/u] tokens. Example: Imperial with 14 tokens = 20sc + 2g = 3g5sc)[/color]
  19. Happy New Year Burnsy!!! :D xxx

  20. HAPPY NEW YEAR ALLL!!!!! :D xxxxxxxxxxx

  21. 10mins till new year here!! Oh and chewy, what did you just do to MD? :/

  22. Happy birthday old man! (See I can say that because 1) Your a man so we can mention your age 2) Yes I may not know your actual age but you are one year older which makes you an old man 3) I am slightly hyper from eating too many smarties XD)
  23. You should take up painting as a little profit making I know lots of people, including myself, who would buy pictures like that! Oh and as a side note...it's not straight
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