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Sasha Lilias

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Posts posted by Sasha Lilias

  1. Shadow I have to say that I must agree with everyone else on this. THOUGH as you can see all the other posters were men, and we all know men do not have a big enough brain to create thoughts AND feelings :) Anyway, thankyou for placing me as one of the nominees and I think it is a nice,kind and good idea. Perhaps a little more thought and it will be ready. :)

    Note to all the others: Don't get too snappy over a post, it is rude and not to mention can make people feel bad :/

    Wow....it seems people cannot take a joke ^_^

  2. I would like to sell a GG drach for 30 credits or more.
    Here are it's stats:
    Token: [Blooddrop3]

    Would like to sell tonight, if not possible then this post will be removed.


    On the subject of selling, I would like to sell Savels old avatar. It will be based on offers given and the REASON you think you should get it.


    [color="#FF0000"]Avatar is BACK IN SHOP[/color]:D

  3. [color="#0000FF"][size="4"][u][b]Stage 2[/b][/u][/size]

    In stage 2 you shall be given a chance to gain more points. To do this you must solve the riddle to find out where I await your arrival.
    I will be in the same place until all 10 people have found me, so stage 2 shall take some time.

    If you remember in riddle 6 pieces were missing, these pieces you had to try and work out, well this is the same for stage 2, except ALL riddles will be missing pieces. In the very last riddle I shall only give you ONE word.
    I assume that because you all seemed to find stage 1 rather easy this should be easy for you also.
    So here is the main rule:[/color]

    [color="#FF0000"] * NO locate spells- If you do this will result in an instant ban, I will be watching the triggers.[/color]

    [color="#0000FF"]Anything else may go. This is a RACE stage. So anything is allowed, send to GoE, Movelock ect.The ones that find me will gain points based on this order:[/color]
    [color="#00BFFF"]1st: +20
    2nd: +18
    3rd: +16
    4th: +14
    5th: +12
    6th: +10
    7th: +8
    8th: +6
    9th: +4
    10th: +2[/color][/spoiler]

    [color="#0000FF"]There will be 5 riddles, so good luck.

    Goodluck and Have fun

    ~Sasha Lilias~

    *Clock Master*-173[/s]
    [color="#FF0000"][s]Poppi Chulloz-74[/s]-DNF[/color]
    [s]Phantom Orchid-123
    Assira the Black-130
    Sephirah Caelum- 140[/s]
    [s] Time-112

  4. This poll is to see which quest people prefered. I will make more of the ones that you prefer, because after all, it is about you!:))

    Feedback on why you like them would be greatly appreciated them, the same goes for the ones you did not like.

    Here are the three quests in order:
    A Writers Soul[spoiler][u][b]A writers soul[/b][/u]

    My quest is simple.
    All you must do is write.
    To begin choose a category from below and send me a pm.
    Then I shall write who has entered beneath each subtitle.
    The categories are as follows;
    [color="#FF0000"][u]A Bards Poem[/u][/i]
    [color="#FF0000"][*][s]Meru Chi[/s]-Received
    [*]Lord Beta Wolfeyes
    [*][s]Fyrd Argentus[/s]-Received
    [*]Keith Moon
    [*]Phantom Orchid

    [color="#FFA500"][i][u]A Muses Song[/u][/i]
    [*][s]Meru Chi[/s]-Received
    [*][s]Fyrd Argentus[/s]-Recived
    [*]Phantom Orchid
    [*][s]Sir Kamil[/s]-Recieved

    A Writers Story[/u][/i]
    [*][s]Fyrd Argentus[/s]-Recieved
    [*]Blackwood Forest
    [*]Phantom Orchid

    Each category will only have ONE winner and a different prize to another.
    The prizes are these;
    [i][u][color="#FF0000"]A Bards Poem-[/u][/i][/color] 1 Gold
    [i][u][color="#FFA500"]A Muses Song-[/u][/i][/color] Banjo
    [i][u][color="#708090"]A Writers Story-[/u][/i][/color] A BloodPact Archer

    [b]Note: You MAY enter for more than one category but you can only win ONE prize.
    [color="#FF0000"]NO ALTERNATE ACCOUNTS![/u][/color]

    All pieces must be original. Any copying will gain you a PERMANANT ban from this and any future quests.

    This contest shall be up for two weeks.

    Started-00:52 25/04/10

    Please send final entries by 15/05/10!

    [color="#000080"]Note: To know what to write look at the subtitle. Ie Muses Song- Write a Song.

    [size="6"]Please feel free to add your entries for all to see! Thankyou for participating![/size][/color][/spoiler]

    A Comedians Soul[spoiler][size="3"][color="#0000FF"][font="Century Gothic"]This is part two to "A writers soul".
    Here you must create a comedy video. It may be anything as long as it is funny!
    So you could dress up and make a small film, make an animation, anything!!
    There is one catch. It will not be ME that votes who will win. It shall be the other MD citizens, so you should make sure it is good enough to post on the forum, in this section.

    The rewards shall be;

    1st)Joker - ClawI,ClawII,EmeraldGlare,Kellethafire,Firedrop,PurpurFog and OsirisBelt

    2nd)Imperial Aramor - Kellethafire,EmeraldGlare,FireDrop and OsirisBelt

    3rd)10 silver

    Goodluck and have fun. :D

    [size="4"]Note:You should have the MD sign in your entry so we know it is yours.

    Voting will start-15/05/10 so please get your entries in before that date.

    [size="5"]P.s Could you please send me a message or write here that you are going to join. It allows me to sort "things" out. :)[/size][/font][/color][/size][/size]

    [size="5"][color="#0000FF"]Quest is now....over!

    Seeing as no one has entered/placed their video here
    for all to see, I am assuming that no one finished
    and therefore the quest has no winner.
    Perhaps next time! Thankyou to everyone that
    Voted though![/size][/color][/spoiler]

    A Travelers Soul[spoiler][i][color="#0000FF"]In this quest you will be given six riddles. Each riddle is a way of working out the next location.

    Once at the location you will have to work out a sum by using the co-ords [/color][color="#FF0000"]i.e. 3_1x3_7[/color]. [color="#0000FF"]To work it out just do this [color="#FF0000"](3+1)x(3+7)= ?[/color]

    When you have worked out the sum then send me a message containing the answer, location and co-ords[/color] [color="#FF0000"]i.e Location: West Garden Exit,Co-ords: 3_1x3_7, Answer:40[/color]

    [color="#0000FF"]After the correct answer has been sent to me then I shall send you a message containing the next riddle.(Answers can be sent to me via pm in game or forum.)

    [color="#0000FF"]For each location you can have 2 hints, though each hint will decrease your score. Your score starts at 100, each hint costs 10 points and each mistake is worth 5 points. If you gain 0 points at ANY stage during the quest then you shall be disqualified, so be careful. :))


    [color="#4169E1"]1st: 1 wishpoint[/color]

    [color="#48D1CC"]2nd: Tokened imp;[spoiler]
    [clawIII][/spoiler] [/color]
    [color="#00BFFF"]3rd: Joker(Gold Coin- optional)[/color]

    [color="#00FFFF"]4th: 10 sc[/size][/color]

    [size="5"]WARNING: No alts are allowed. Anyone caught using alts shall be BANNED from this, and future, quests.[/size]

    Starting riddle- [color="#800080"]Above the beginning and below the sky, a boat you shall see if you use your eyes.[/color][/color][/i]

    [color="#0000FF"]The first five to finish will gain points depending on order:

    1st: +10
    2nd: +8
    3rd: +6
    4th: +4
    5th: +2

    Another new rule is that once you reach 70 points you gain ONE free hint. Ask your question wisely.[/color][/spoiler]

    Personally for me I enjoyed making the Travelers quest because it allowed me to move around, think and be kept busy by floods of Pm's.
    Also please try to NOT go on the rewards.^_^

  5. [color="#9932CC"][size="3"]SO we have our finalists:[/size]
    1st: Chewett-80(+10)
    2nd: MisterE-85(+8)
    3rd: *Clock Master*-85(+6)
    4th: Poppi Chulloz-60(+4)
    5th: Phantom Orchid-85(+2)
    6th: Assira the Black-90
    7th: Sephirah Caelum- 80
    8th: Nimrodel-95
    9th: Time-80
    10th: Shnappie-80[/spoiler]

    [size="3"]Congratualtions to you all.Please await details of stage 2!Phase 2 shall start TOMORROW.[/size][/color]

  6. Im assuming that when you say 'lost' you don't believe me? Then you are saying that I am lying and that I would ignore your messages? If thats the case then perhaps I should not have given you all the other chances that the others did NOT get.

  7. [quote name='tankfans' date='09 June 2010 - 11:25 AM' timestamp='1276082738' post='61440']
    I had send a PM in-game 1 day and 8 hours ago, awaiting for your reply :P

    Im truely sorry about that :D I must have lost it because of all the other messages :)) my mistake.

  8. [quote name='Kyphis the Bard' date='08 June 2010 - 09:02 AM' timestamp='1275987731' post='61346']
    Since you haven't been on all that often, and it is easily possible for the current top 4 scores to be beaten, any chance you would extend this quest a little longer?
    Say until the end of the week?

    (Just to be clear, I am reading that as day/month/year)
    Seeing as the quest is over so no new players may start the quest I shall say this. There was a stage 2 for all players that finished. If YOU finish then you will be able to do stage 2. In this stage you EARN
    Oh and all players that started will be given time to finish ;)

  9. [color="#0000FF"]These are the players that are competing and at what stage:[/color]

    [color="#FF8C00"][u]Riddle 1:[/u][spoiler]
    Phantom Orchid-100
    Assira the Black-100
    Poppi Chulloz-80
    *Clock Master*-95
    Mighty Pirate-95
    Aron Stone-95
    Sajura Oninay-90
    Fateless Gerard-90
    [color="#FF0000"][u]Riddle 2:[/u][spoiler]
    Phantom Orchid-100
    Assira the Black-100
    Poppi Chulloz-80
    *Clock Master*-95
    Mighty Pirate-95
    BFH LIGHTHING-90[/s]

    [color="#FF00FF"][u]Riddle 3:[/u][spoiler]
    Phantom Orchid-95
    Poppi Chulloz-80
    Assira the black-100
    *Clock Master*-95
    Mighty Pirate-95

    [color="#00BFFF"][u]Riddle 4:[/u][spoiler]
    Phantom Orchid-95
    *Clock Master*-95
    Poppi Chulloz-65
    Assira the Black-100

    [color="#A0522D"][u]Riddle 5:[/u][spoiler]
    Phantom Orchid-90
    *Clock Master*-85
    Poppi Chulloz-65
    Assira the Black-100


    [color="#00FF00"][u]Riddle 6:[/u][spoiler]
    *Clock Master*-85
    Poppi Chulloz-60
    Phantom Orchid-80
    Assira the Black-90
    Sephirah Caelum-80


    1st: Chewett-80(+10)
    2nd: MisterE-85(+8)
    3rd: *Clock Master*-85(+6)
    4th: Poppi Chulloz-60(+4)
    5th: Phantom Orchid-85(+2)
    6th: Assira the Black-90
    7th: Sephirah Caelum- 80
    8th: Nimrodel-95
    9th: Time-80
    10th: Shnappie-80[/color][/spoiler]

    [size="4"][color="#0000FF"]A big thankyou to all that participated and bad luck, maybe next time :P[/color][/size]

  10. [i][color="#0000FF"]In this quest you will be given six riddles. Each riddle is a way of working out the next location.

    Once at the location you will have to work out a sum by using the co-ords [/color][color="#FF0000"]i.e. 3_1x3_7[/color]. [color="#0000FF"]To work it out just do this [color="#FF0000"](3+1)x(3+7)= ?[/color]

    When you have worked out the sum then send me a message containing the answer, location and co-ords[/color] [color="#FF0000"]i.e Location: West Garden Exit,Co-ords: 3_1x3_7, Answer:40[/color]

    [color="#0000FF"]After the correct answer has been sent to me then I shall send you a message containing the next riddle.(Answers can be sent to me via pm in game or forum.)

    [color="#0000FF"]For each location you can have 2 hints, though each hint will decrease your score. Your score starts at 100, each hint costs 10 points and each mistake is worth 5 points. If you gain 0 points at ANY stage during the quest then you shall be disqualified, so be careful. :P


    [color="#4169E1"]1st: 1 wishpoint[/color]

    [color="#48D1CC"]2nd: Tokened imp;[spoiler]
    [clawIII][/spoiler] [/color]
    [color="#00BFFF"]3rd: Joker(Gold Coin- optional)[/color]

    [color="#00FFFF"]4th: 10 sc[/size][/color]

    [size="5"]WARNING: No alts are allowed. Anyone caught using alts shall be BANNED from this, and future, quests.[/size]

    Starting riddle- [color="#800080"]Above the beginning and below the sky, a boat you shall see if you use your eyes.[/color][/color][/i]

    [color="#0000FF"]The first five to finish will gain points depending on order:

    1st: +10
    2nd: +8
    3rd: +6
    4th: +4
    5th: +2

    Another new rule is that once you reach 70 points you gain ONE free hint. Ask your question wisely.[/color][/spoiler]

  11. [quote name='MRAlyon' date='03 June 2010 - 04:21 PM' timestamp='1275582065' post='60888']
    I have a shade that I would sell... his age 96 (on day 153)...
    PM me your offert where do you want...
    I'll sell it only if I get a good offert that satisfy me... there isn't limit of time...

    Highest bid: rusty with tokens
    Could you message me please, I have a question to ask. I may be prepared to sell my GG for it(with 12 tokens.

  12. [quote name='Tarquinus' date='04 June 2010 - 06:37 PM' timestamp='1275676644' post='61015']
    Unless I am very much mistaken, you can speak with her as far as the system is concerned. If Mya chooses to make communication with her "ghost" more difficult and flavorful, I applaud her inventiveness.

    Don't rein Toten in, please. He is providing some much-needed humor in a somewhat acrimonious time.
    Im trying to keep it in roleplay that is all :D
    I...WE would love some humor at the GoE..
    [04/06/10 21:31] :*Mya Celestia* floats above her body
    [04/06/10 21:31] I am Bored:and allow us to communicate with her.... though we ended up just sending awiiya in as a ghost...
    [04/06/10 21:31] I am Bored:/
    [04/06/10 21:31] I am Bored:but all we got was, she pointed south
    [04/06/10 21:31] :Marvolo looks in the direction of the body and then to Darigan
    [04/06/10 21:31] Ancient Relyk:wow thats weird am i the only one who saw that
    [04/06/10 21:31] I am Bored:then she pointed to loreroot then south
    [04/06/10 21:31] sasha lilias:South....
    [04/06/10 21:32] I am Bored:the she said Sen
    [04/06/10 21:32] I am Bored:the she said D
    [04/06/10 21:32] I am Bored:then she said Be
    [04/06/10 21:32] :Darigan nods to Marv
    [04/06/10 21:32] Marvolo:Can I? Darigan
    [04/06/10 21:32] Darigan:yes
    [04/06/10 21:33] I am Bored:someone start another fire..... unless anyone here can become a ghost like awiiya?
    [04/06/10 21:33] :Marvolo nods
    [04/06/10 21:33] I am Bored:though the fire would still be needed
    [04/06/10 21:33] :Marvolo takes his ritual dagger and draws a circle around himself
    [04/06/10 21:33] I am Bored:hey burns, start another fire
    [04/06/10 21:33] ~~Ghost~~:[Spell] Athraigh
    [04/06/10 21:34] :sasha lilias waits
    [04/06/10 21:34] :~~Ghost~~ looks around
    [04/06/10 21:34] :*Mya Celestia* looks toward the ghost
    [04/06/10 21:34] :~~Ghost~~ looks to Mya
    [04/06/10 21:35] Miq: *looks at the body of Mya* this is just sad
    [04/06/10 21:35] *Mya Celestia*: *hauntingly* no......
    [04/06/10 21:35] sasha lilias: *sighs* If only sparr was here....
    [04/06/10 21:35] ~~Ghost~~:No?
    [04/06/10 21:35] I am Bored:mya, what did Sen mean?
    [04/06/10 21:35] I am Bored:that's the third time she's said no....
    [04/06/10 21:36] *Mya Celestia*: *hauntingly* Be.....
    [04/06/10 21:36] sasha lilias: (IAB, you should let Marv tell us what she said when he gets back ;P)
    [04/06/10 21:36] I am Bored:ok....
    [04/06/10 21:36] *Mya Celestia*: *hauntingly* By.....
    [04/06/10 21:36] ~~Ghost~~:Can you speak full words Mya?
    [04/06/10 21:36] I am Bored: (though that would have been the 4th time)
    [04/06/10 21:37] :*Mya Celestia* shakes her head slowly
    [04/06/10 21:37] :Ancient Relyk shakes suddenly and violently
    [04/06/10 21:37] I am Bored:wait...
    [04/06/10 21:37] *Mya Celestia*: *hauntingly* lie....
    [04/06/10 21:37] ~~Ghost~~:Do you mean "No Betrayal By" ?
    [04/06/10 21:37] I am Bored:perhaps the no's were part of what she was trying to say..
    [04/06/10 21:37] *Mya Celestia*: *hauntingly* D......
    [04/06/10 21:37] I am Bored:so...
    [04/06/10 21:38] ~~Ghost~~:No Betrayal Lies By Darigan?
    [04/06/10 21:38] :*Mya Celestia* shakes her head
    [04/06/10 21:38] I am Bored:Sen, no, D, no, Be..
    [04/06/10 21:39] ~~Ghost~~:Can you spell words Mya?
    [04/06/10 21:39] *Mya Celestia*: *hauntingly* Sen.....
    [04/06/10 21:39] ~~Ghost~~:Sentinels?
    [04/06/10 21:39] :*Mya Celestia* nods slowly
    [04/06/10 21:39] ~~Ghost~~:Good
    [04/06/10 21:40] sasha lilias:Marvolo wether Amoran was involved......
    [04/06/10 21:40] ~~Ghost~~:Be is Betrayal?
    [04/06/10 21:40] :*Mya Celestia* nods
    [04/06/10 21:40] ~~Ghost~~:Good
    [04/06/10 21:40] sasha lilias:Betrayal.....Sentinals....
    [04/06/10 21:40] ~~Ghost~~:the No's are just No's?
    [04/06/10 21:40] :*Mya Celestia* nods slowly
    [04/06/10 21:40] ~~Ghost~~:Darigan betrayed the Sentines by lies?
    [04/06/10 21:41] :Ancient Relyk heaves while black misty liquid starts to roll out of mouth
    [04/06/10 21:41] :*Mya Celestia* shakes her head
    [04/06/10 21:41] sasha lilias:Is Sparrhawk on?
    [04/06/10 21:41] *Mya Celestia*: *hauntingly* lies......
    [04/06/10 21:41] ~~Ghost~~:Do you have more to tell?
    [04/06/10 21:41] sasha lilias:Does anyone know?
    [04/06/10 21:41] I am Bored: ('no', 'Be'trayal, 'lie', 'D', 'Sen')
    [04/06/10 21:41] ~~Ghost~~:Who lied?
    [04/06/10 21:42] *Mya Celestia*: *hauntingly* all......
    [04/06/10 21:42] Miq: (d= death maybe)
    [04/06/10 21:42] Marvolo:Damn I'm back
    [04/06/10 21:42] Marvolo: *takes his dagger again* lets do that again
    [04/06/10 21:42] ~~Ghost~~:[Spell] Athraigh
    [04/06/10 21:42] sasha lilias:Wait marv!
    [04/06/10 21:42] ~~Ghost~~:So everyone lied?
    [04/06/10 21:42] I am Bored:we think D was Darigan, ask if it was
    [04/06/10 21:43] Ancient Relyk:death surrounds us always *speaks with sunken eyes*
    [04/06/10 21:43] :~~Ghost~~ looks at the kind of blurry crowd around him
    [04/06/10 21:43] :*Mya Celestia* nods slowly
    [04/06/10 21:43] ~~Ghost~~:Does D represent Darigan?
    [04/06/10 21:43] :sasha lilias rights some things down in her notebook
    [04/06/10 21:43] :*Mya Celestia* nods
    [04/06/10 21:43] ~~Ghost~~:Good
    [04/06/10 21:44] I am Bored: ('no', 'Be'trayal, 'lie's, 'D'arigan, 'Sen'tinals) all lied
    [04/06/10 21:44] *Mya Celestia*: *hauntingly* Ar.........
    [04/06/10 21:44] ~~Ghost~~:can you set those words in the correct order?
    [04/06/10 21:44] ~~Ghost~~:Ar?
    [04/06/10 21:44] sasha lilias:Ar.....Arion!
    [04/06/10 21:45] sasha lilias:Ask if Ar represents Arion!
    [04/06/10 21:45] ~~Ghost~~:Arion?
    [04/06/10 21:45] :*Mya Celestia* nods
    [04/06/10 21:45] ~~Ghost~~:Ok
    [04/06/10 21:45] ~~Ghost~~:Can you try to put the words into the right order?
    [04/06/10 21:45] I am Bored:shasha, who is arion?
    [04/06/10 21:45] Assira the Black:Arion is Mya's son.
    [04/06/10 21:45] I am Bored: ('no', 'Be'trayal, 'lie's, 'D'arigan, 'Sen'tinals, 'Ar'ion) everyone lied
    [04/06/10 21:45] *Mya Celestia*: *hauntingly* Sen....
    [04/06/10 21:46] Darigan:shhh
    [04/06/10 21:46] *Mya Celestia*: *hauntingly* no.......
    [04/06/10 21:46] sasha lilias:.....Arion is her son...
    [04/06/10 21:46] *Mya Celestia*: *hauntingly* D.......
    [04/06/10 21:46] Ancient Relyk:maybe no is know
    [04/06/10 21:46] *Mya Celestia*: *hauntingly* no......
    [04/06/10 21:46] :*Mya Celestia* 's spirit wavers
    [04/06/10 21:47] sasha lilias:Sentinals no, Darigan no, ....
    [04/06/10 21:47] *Mya Celestia*: *hauntingly* Be.....
    [04/06/10 21:47] ~~Ghost~~:Sentinels know Darigan not betrayed?
    [04/06/10 21:47] Miq: (Sentinels, no darigan, no Betreyal)
    [04/06/10 21:47] *Mya Celestia*: *hauntingly* all.......
    [04/06/10 21:47] sasha lilias:Sentinals no, Darigan no, Betrayed.....
    [04/06/10 21:47] sasha lilias:Betrayed all...
    [04/06/10 21:48] ~~Ghost~~:So the Sentinels know that Darigan didnt betray all?
    [04/06/10 21:48] *Mya Celestia*: *hauntingly* lies.......
    [04/06/10 21:48] Darigan:you ask her to repeat then ask questions
    [04/06/10 21:48] :Darigan sighs
    [04/06/10 21:48] Miq:there was no betrayal
    [04/06/10 21:48] *Mya Celestia*: *hauntingly* Ar........
    [04/06/10 21:48] ~~Ghost~~:the rumours about betrayal are lies?
    [04/06/10 21:48] Miq:everybody lied
    [04/06/10 21:49] ~~Ghost~~:everybody lied about Darigans betrayal?
    [04/06/10 21:49] Ancient Relyk:maybe it was the sentinals know that darigan betrayed arion
    [04/06/10 21:49] I am Bored: ('no', 'Be'trayal, 'lie's, 'D'arigan, 'Sen'tinals, 'Ar'ion) everyone lied ('Sen'tinals, 'no', 'D'arigan, 'no', 'Be'trayal, 'lies', 'Ar'ion, )
    [04/06/10 21:49] :*Mya Celestia* looks at the ghost confused
    [04/06/10 21:49] sasha lilias:Arion...
    [04/06/10 21:49] :~~Ghost~~ shakes his head
    [04/06/10 21:49] sasha lilias:Marv....ask if Arion played a part in her death...
    [04/06/10 21:49] I am Bored: ('no', 'Be'trayal, 'lie's, 'D'arigan, 'Sen'tinals, 'Ar'ion) everyone lied (Sentinals know Darigan knows Betrayal lies with Arion, )
    [04/06/10 21:50] *Mya Celestia*: *hauntingly* no......
    [04/06/10 21:50] *Mya Celestia*: *hauntingly* ven.......
    [04/06/10 21:50] ~~Ghost~~:Arion isnt part of your death?
    [04/06/10 21:50] ~~Ghost~~:Ven?
    [04/06/10 21:50] ~~Ghost~~:Venom?
    [04/06/10 21:50] Ancient Relyk:no vendetta?
    [04/06/10 21:50] sasha lilias:Pamplemousse......
    [04/06/10 21:50] Marvolo:No vendetta?
    [04/06/10 21:50] Ancient Relyk:vengence
    [04/06/10 21:50] Marvolo:Damn
    [04/06/10 21:51] sasha lilias:Or perhaps vengance...
    [04/06/10 21:51] :Marvolo curses and breathes heavily
    [04/06/10 21:51] sasha lilias:*vengence
    [04/06/10 21:51] I am Bored: ('no', 'Be'trayal, 'lie's, 'D'arigan, 'Sen'tinals, 'Ar'ion) everyone lied ('Sen'tinals, 'no', 'D'arigan, 'no', 'Be'trayal, 'lies', 'Ar'ion, 'no', 'Ven')
    [04/06/10 21:51] sasha lilias:Marvolo...rest *places a hand on his shoulder*
    [04/06/10 21:51] :Marvolo sits down on a rock
    [04/06/10 21:51] Marvolo:That was... Tiresome
    [04/06/10 21:52] I am Bored:sentnals know darigan knows of the betrayal. Arion knows 'Ven'
    [04/06/10 21:52] sasha lilias: *says in a loud yet soft voice* Thankyou Mya....please rest....
    [04/06/10 21:52] :sasha lilias sits down beside Marvolo
    [04/06/10 21:52] Marvolo:Does anyone has some food or water please?
    [04/06/10 21:53] Ancient Relyk:pulls vitality pot and some meat
    [04/06/10 21:53] I am Bored:i have some booze, that count marv ?
    [04/06/10 21:53] :Darigan hands Marv a muffin
    [04/06/10 21:53] :Marvolo rests his head in his hands
    [04/06/10 21:53] Marvolo:Thank you Darigan *smiles and takes the muffin*
    [04/06/10 21:54] Darigan:least i can do
    [04/06/10 21:54] :Ancient Relyk passes meat and potion around
    [04/06/10 21:54] Assira the Black:It could have something to do with the belief that Arion will one day join the Sentinals.
    [04/06/10 21:54] :Marvolo smiles
    [04/06/10 21:54] I am Bored: ('no', 'Be'trayal, 'lie's, 'D'arigan, 'Sen'tinals, 'Ar'ion) everyone lied ('Sen'tinals, k'no'w, 'D'arigan, k'no'ws, 'Be'trayal, 'lies', 'Ar'ion, k'no'w, 'Ven')
    [04/06/10 21:54] Darigan:thank you for that
    [04/06/10 21:54] Ancient Relyk:np anything to hep
    [04/06/10 21:54] Marvolo:I'm happy I got some new words
    [04/06/10 21:55] I am Bored:everyone lied ('Sen'tinals, k'no'w, 'D'arigan, k'no'ws, 'Be'trayal, 'lies', 'Ar'ion, k'no'w, 'Ven')
    [04/06/10 21:55] Mighty Pirate:are you sure ar is Arion?
    [04/06/10 21:55] sasha lilias:IAB we know...
    [04/06/10 21:55] Darigan:hmmm
    [04/06/10 21:55] I am Bored:sorry, just cleaning up my notes :P
    [04/06/10 21:57] :Marvolo sighs
    [04/06/10 21:57] I am Bored:it could also be, sentinals know darigan knows betrayal lies with arion, arion knows ven
    [04/06/10 21:57] Ancient Relyk:hmm i think i got it... the Sentinals know Darigan knows of the betraying lies that arion knows, and thats when i got stuck...
    [04/06/10 21:58] I am Bored:everyone lied ('Sen'tinals, k'no'w, 'D'arigan, k'no'ws, 'Be'trayal, 'lies', 'Ar'ion, k'no'ws, 'Ven')
    [04/06/10 21:58] I am Bored:what was ven...
    [04/06/10 21:58] Miq:it wasnt venoms right?
    [04/06/10 21:59] Ancient Relyk:does mya know someone with ven in their name? that cold help
    [04/06/10 21:59] I am Bored:sentinals know darigan knows the betrayal lies with arion who knows of the vendetta
    [04/06/10 21:59] Marvolo:No
    [04/06/10 21:59] Ancient Relyk:oh...
    [04/06/10 21:59] I am Bored:i am guessing it's vendetta
    [04/06/10 21:59] :Ancient Relyk looks away awkwardly
    [04/06/10 21:59] Marvolo:or vengeance?
    [04/06/10 21:59] I am Bored:it sounds right...
    [04/06/10 22:00] I am Bored:but what would vengence have to do with anything...
    [04/06/10 22:00] Miq:then who is retaliating
    [04/06/10 22:00] :Darigan shakes his head and sits beside the alrar
    [04/06/10 22:00] I am Bored:does arion know vengence?
    [04/06/10 22:00] Marvolo:arion needs ro revenge her?
    [04/06/10 22:00] Marvolo:or smt
    [04/06/10 22:00] Assira the Black:No Betrayal By lies Darigan, Sentinals... all lies. Arion, sentinels no, darigan no betrayal. Arion no vengence.
    [04/06/10 22:00] Marvolo:Venom -> Pamplemousse?
    [04/06/10 22:01] Marvolo:but it wasnt venom... I cant remember it well
    [04/06/10 22:01] Ancient Relyk:so then sentinals know darigan knows of the betraying lies that arion is probably hiding meaning he knows of them


    Chat log from the GoE as we spoke to Mya.
    (Could a Mod put this in a spoiler box please, thankyou :P

  13. [quote name='Tarquinus' date='03 June 2010 - 08:20 PM' timestamp='1275596458' post='60906']
    I cannot speak for Yrthilian, but I no longer have the dream control. That's probably for the best.

    Can you not speak to Mya's "spirit" at the GoE, where her body lies?

    I don't think we can in any "normal" way..though:

    [quote name='SageWoman']

    Perhaps you might conduct a Seance? Are there any mediums in Magic Duel? I might give it a try but I have never spoken to the dead before. Perhaps a Necrovion has this skill? Or Phantasm.[/quote]

    This may be a good idea.....so..can anyone conduct a seance for Darigan and Shara?
    [Also Toten could you please keep to the subject :P][/size][/color]

  14. [size="5"][color="#FF0000"]I am in search for a someone that may cast dreams upon people.

    The reason for this being I believe that Mya is trying to communicate with Shara and Darigan..I also believe the only way she MAY be able to do this is through a dream...for we all know that dreams make the things that we believe to be unreal...real.

    I will be willing to pay 1 gold for the service or possibly more if I can find no one...

    Please contact me ASAP.

    ~Sasha Lilias~[/color][/size]

  15. [color="#0000FF"]I am wanting to sell an agien with:

    Age- 175


    Please post your offers here.:wub:

    [size="3"]Bidding shall end in:[/size] [size="4"]1 Day[/size][/color]

    Highest Bid- 4sc

  16. [quote name='darlec77' date='24 May 2010 - 05:25 PM' timestamp='1274721907' post='60313']
    I wish to sell my joker:
    XP: 187267
    Won Battles: 116
    Age: 301
    Tokens: [claw1]
    Trade Value: 54
    - Transfered 1 time(s).

    Post Bids Below - Bidding closes on 31st May

    I love to see people selling and buying creatures! it shows that our community is still alive. Anyway, I saw that you added won battles and XP. To save you time, and perhaps stop newer players from getting confused, I would not add them for they reset back to 0 after the trade. :)
    The rest is perfect :)) , I think I may start adding the Trade Value and Transfered amount in my future posts. -_-

    Thankyou and I hope you get a good price for it.

    ~Sasha Lilias~

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