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Sasha Lilias

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Posts posted by Sasha Lilias

  1. [quote name='Curiose' timestamp='1298183224' post='79096']
    And do you think Chewett has not also gone to me in PM/Messenger to rip me a new one? That is Chewett. While here are times I absolutely want to blow his brains out for what he has said to me, I suck it up and not make a giant deal about it. I don't accuse him of ruining things, or being rude, but let's be honest, do you really think calling someone out on being "rude" and a general D**k head will fix things? Obviously not.

    While you may be trying to do something good in the long run, the fact that you have a wall in your way, and you decide to scream at it and throw a tantrum does not work in the slightest. If you honestly want to get past the wall, ignore it, or smack it down in a progressive way. Deconstruction is the basis of reconstruction. That is, if you can understand what I mean.

    Now, on a different fact:
    Since it was brought up, and because the "abuse" of Yrth has been called into question, and the other topic I was wanting to use to discuss it got locked...

    Personally, I do not see any abuse in using a wishpoint of which would not be used for himself but rather for Mya's item. While, I see Udgard's logic being put into play here... I don't see why Yrth would need any sort of 'bragging' right or spell to boost his character. I mean, for Christ's sake... he's King of GG. In MY eyes, I see it as him being constructive and giving a necessary item which was duly rewarded. It wasn't like he GAVE a WP for Mya simply for RPing, but an item of which could AID role playing and therefore her role.
    I understand you completely, and I realise I may have dealt with it in a better way. The main fact is that I have had enough of him pulling out ALL my faults and flaws in PUBLIC comments, not in Private Messages(even when he does he pulls parts out to use against me.)It is ridiculous and I pity such a man that has so much time to point out others flaws before even looking at all of his...

    As for the Yrth part..I don't have much to say apart from..it is WP abuse. Plain an simple. He awarded himself a WP for the creation of an item, does that mean I may do so also? I have had two punishments due to WP abuse, the first was plain and simple abuse, the second...well...people can judge.
    Just because he is king does not mean that he has a plausible reason to every action. What he did was wrong...and he should know that...

  2. [color="#0000FF"][font="Century Gothic"][size="4"]I am currently looking for others that will help in sponsoring my quest. The rewards can be as small or big as you like.
    Obviously, the biggest prizes will go to the best roleplayers and the smallest will go to the people that do well, but no as well. :)
    The reason I ask for others help is so that this quest may run for longer, otherwise my supply of rewards will deminish extremely quickly.[/size][/font][/color]

    [color="#FF0000"]If you are willing to help then please post here your "donations" or send me a message so we make speak about it. :)[/color]

    ~Sasha lilias~

    UPDATE:I am now looking for others to sponsor more Wishpoints. Please PM me for deatails.

  3. [color="#FF0000"][center][size="7"][u]Important![/u][/size]
    [size="5"]Quest is now back up and running! [/size][/color]
    [center]If you wish to join please post here.[/center]

  4. If I remember correctly, a lot of people have the base item made..and then the magical part is just described. For example my old harp was made from Golden Oak, I didn't say what the strings were made from though.
    As long as you have the main items...then I am sure it can all just be described. :)

    Example: Arrow
    Description: An arrow made of loreroot wood, the flights are that of winderwild feathers.
    Items needed: Lumber

    I am not sure about this, but I remember it in other peoples items descriptions. :)


  5. Chewett I would appreciate if you didn't spam my topics :) I have not blamed you at all. I would appreciate it also if you would delete your post.

    Would a Mod please delete chewetts post, I have his permission for another to do so.

  6. [center][color="#FF0000"][size="7"]Important![/size][/color]
    [size="5"]This quest has now been Postoponed, due to unforseen problems.[/size]
    Quest continues as of tomorrow.[/center]

  7. [quote name='Curiose' timestamp='1298076254' post='79046']
    Imma be picky and point out a tiny error in your response here, despite how belated it is.

    1. You signed up for this. YOU put yourself on the chopping block like every one else. YOU are responsible for taking whatever blow you may receive from whoever, in this case: Chewett.

    2. I also consider Chewy a friend. But when he responds to things, I never get as butt hurt over it as you are portraying. So, to this I can easily say: He does it to everyone.

    3. He did not turn this into an argument. Was he rude? I think not. Did he insult you in any way? Not really. Did he say something legit in response to what you put out? Sure. Instead of doing any of those things which are insulting, he pointed out the flaws, which are seemly so: You are slipping on the line of abuse, no matter how fine.

    Just my 2.5 cents to add.

    Edit: I realize I may be a bit thick skinned, but seriously? You're overreacting. : x

    [size="3"][b]I echo the words my prior comrades have spoken before me![/b][/size]

    Firstly I started this topic to see if anyone WOULD be interested, not so that I may gain critisism.
    Secondly I actually think what he said/did was very rude. Instead of coming to me personally to talk about it, he decided to post it in the public, therefor allowing others to "jump on the bandwagon" and start and argument! I mean look at this topic!
    Finally it may be overreacting in your eyes, but you do not realise any of the personal conversations that we have had in the past, and how many times he has done this. Either way, my quest is now going to be ended(even though I have tried to put a lot of effort, time and money into this) and I shall refrain from speaking to anyone, seeing as whenever I do I am either over-reacting or completely wrong.

    I am sorry to those that have started the quest..and if you feel you have been hard done by then please come and see me.

    [color="#0000FF"]~Sasha~[/color] / [color="#FF0000"]-Mcvitie-[/color]

  8. [quote name='Mya Celestia' timestamp='1298066835' post='79038']
    [color="#8B0000"][font="Palatino Linotype"]Why hasn't the wp been awarded if it was earned?[/font][/color]
    Because apparently it will take time for the coding to be done (Apop's quest)That plus Jester is hardly on.

    Also Curi, I was not making assumptions, I was being sarcastic, just as you were. Hence the "¬_¬".

  9. [quote name='Curiose' timestamp='1298066022' post='79036']
    I don't really care either way, but, have you ever thought that maybe it was something that was necessary? That he had spoken about with Mur?

    Have you ever heard someone say "If I bend the rules for one then I will have to bend the rules for all"? Well this is the exact point. If Mur HAS said it was okay for Yrth to do so, then surely it should be okay for me to do so also? Otherwise that would be unfair of course.

  10. Allow me to announce what he said then " If Yrth is allowed to do it then why isn't Sasha?" Now it should make sense.

    Also I thankyou for ruining this topic and turning it into an argument, it seems that it is all that you are good at nowadays.

    @Kyphis: This is ridiculous. The person would have obtained their wishpoint for a valid reason anyway, be it quest or helping out with something. I would merely be, as you said, reimbursing there used WP.

    I will point out now, no one answered why it was okay for a Yrthilian, a king who should know better than any, to do it? And ideas?

    [color="#0000FF"]USE the freaking EDIT button!!!

  11. Oh thats because he is king, so he can get away with it! ¬_¬ Of course, I never heard Chewett moaning about the rule breaking of that...
    Either way. That is not what I am doing. What I am doing is absolutely fine and I am willing to take this up with Mur if Chewett so wishes.

    Also on a side note I find the negative votes on my comments rather childish, and I can probably guess who has done it.

    I do not care wether my history makes you think of this or not. We have discussed this in private. Instead on announcing things in public you should have sent me a message, that way nothing would have happened to either of us. Also if you read the post properly I did state that I was "owed" a WP.

  12. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1298062406' post='79026']
    The second option is you GIVING someone a WP to give you an item. Or to put it a different way, using a WP for YOURSELF, both of which are against the rules.
    I think you misunderstood me :)
    I completed a quest and so I am owed a wishpoint. I am able to use the wispoint however I like. In this case I am saying that if someone used one of their OWN wishpoints, I would be willing to tell Jester to give my owed wishpoint to that person, thus making it fair. None of that is against the rules. So please, try not to look for rule brekaings that do not exist. :) xx

    ~Sasha Lilias~

  13. [color="#FF0000"]I am looking to have an item created[/color], this item will be used as part of my quest and also part of my new role. The only problem I have is that I do not currently have a wishpoint available. I have to propositions for anyone that is interested, which may be no one.

    1) I would be willing to pay 3-4 gc if someone were to create the item for me and then give it to me. I could supply the items needed and description upon request.

    2) If someone would do the same above, but I would replace their wishpoint with one that I am owed and also give 1gc

    I would wait for the WP that I am owed but it seems that I may be waiting quite a while, due to it being Jester and all ;), and this would means slight differences in my quest, which I would prefer not to happen.
    I hope someone will be able to help me, and I would be eternally gratefull to the one that does.

    Thankyou for reading this :)

    ~Sasha Lilias~

  14. I would love to give this an attempt, yet I have no ways of turning it into an avitar...I am not even sure how to :(. To all the other drawers, I am loving all your pictures, and I am sure it will be very hard to decide who is a winner, for they are all brilliant. I would like to perhaps give the drawers an idea of adding something that represents Awiiya even more, perhaps an open book beside the tree, or even one of his items, such as his PenSword(Which I realise is not his any more) I personally think that this will add more to the Avi, and make it more that just a tree.
    I realise that this may not be listened to, which is fine seeing as I am not even doing it, but it is just another idea.

    To all drawers, I wish you the best of luck!

    ~Sasha Lilias~

  15. [quote name='Kyphis the Bard' timestamp='1297545929' post='78790']
    For those postings RP Logs, the Drop Down box BBC code is now:
    [b](log=Log Box Name]Big log[/log)[/b]

    This makes (replacing the round brackets with Square brackets, of course):
    [log=Log Box Name]Big log[/log]
    Thankyou for that Kyph :)

  16. Please place all roleplay logs that you wish for me to read here(These should only be the logs that I did not see due to it being in a different area than the GoC, or because I was offline/idle)
    Important logs will be put here also, but I would ask for no one other than me to post these(unless I ask you to do it), this will allow me to give you pieces of roleplay that I find important(these will usually have a hint of something to use in your roleplaying, so look for something that is the same in each piece.)

    [Log=Sasha Lilias's Death][color="#FF0000"](IMPORTANT)[/color]
    [color="#00BFFF"]Azull steps to the other side and lifts Sasha's body carefully[/color]
    [color="#00BFFF"]: sasha lilias the ghost, watches weakly as they bury what is left from her body. [/color][color="#00BFFF"]She smiles a little and thinks to herself..."I..beat you..."[/color]
    [color="#00BFFF"]: Tipu lifts the body along with Azull
    : Azull together with Tipu places the body in the coffin[/color]
    Tipu: [color="#00BFFF"]*laughs*[/color] hahaha...
    [color="#00BFFF"]: sasha lilias the ghost, slowly rises, still weak from speaking, but walks towards the coffin[/color]
    Tipu: hey azull take a finall look at ur friend ... for she will be buried muhaha
    [color="#00BFFF"]: Azull glares at Tipu
    : The tentacle begins whipping around ferociously as if it knows what is happening[/color]
    Tipu: hey azull how about buring the ghost too..lets end this once and for all..
    [color="#00BFFF"]: Azull pushes the tentacle down
    : The tentacle continues to whip around as Azull holds it down[/color]
    Azull: [color="#00BFFF"]*looks at Tipu, still pushing down on the tentacle*[/color] you can't bury a ghost Tipu
    [color="#00BFFF"]: sasha lilias the ghost, watches with horror as it moves
    : The tentacle whips at Tipu, a large tear appearing in his armor as it rips it open like a tin can.[/color]
    Azull: [color="#00BFFF"]*strugles with the tentacle*[/color] Come on Tipu, help me out here
    Tipu: haha i will show this ghost not to mess up with KC guards
    Tipu: i will cut all her tentacles muhaha
    : [color="#00BFFF"]sasha lilias the ghost, glowers towards Tipu and points towards the coffin lid[/color]
    Tipu: [color="#00BFFF"]*tries to draw his rusted sword*[/color] in the name of undertaker...but..
    Azull: [color="#00BFFF"]*turns his head to Tipu*[/color] get the lid of the coffin Tipu.
    Azull: But wait until I get my arms out
    Tipu: [color="#00BFFF"]*his rusted sword get stuck in his sheath*[/color] damn ...stupid amor..
    Azull: [color="#00BFFF"]*strugles with the tentacle*[/color] hurry up man
    Tipu: ho ok[color="#00BFFF"] * runs to the coffin lid* [/color]
    Tipu: [color="#00BFFF"]*drags it towards azull*[/color] what now..
    Azull: [color="#00BFFF"]*pushes down on the tentacle*[/color] get ready to close the coffin, but mind my arms yes
    Tipu: all right iam ready..
    Azull:[color="#00BFFF"] *grunts as the tentacle trashes around*[/color] ok, on three, close the lid..
    Tipu: [color="#00BFFF"]*nods*[/color] ok
    Azull: [color="#00BFFF"]*pushes down hard*[/color] one...
    Azull: two...
    Azull: three, do it NOW [color="#00BFFF"]*pulls his arms out quickly*[/color]
    Tipu: [color="#00BFFF"]*quickly slides the coffin lid*[/color] yes yes we did it muhaha
    : Silence falls...as Sasha's body is buried forever
    : [color="#00BFFF"]sasha lilias the ghost, smiles sadly, knowing she will never be human again..[/color]

    [u][i][b]Player Comments[/b][/i][/u]
    [color="#FF0000"]Grido(Leader)- Interesting to watch. Loved his idea with the coffin.
    Tipu- Good roleplay but sometimes does things without allowing others to react.
    Kamisha- Has not taken part in the quest so far.
    Sunfire- Of what I saw I enjoyed, perhaps join in a bit more for stage 3.
    *Lightsage*- Has not taken part in the quest so far.

    [color="#0000FF"][u]Reserrectioners: [/u]
    Azull(Leader)- Has not taken part as much as I wished, though brilliant RP when he did
    Cuthilion(Vice-Leader)- ^As above^
    Adiomino- Brilliant initiatives and ideas. Has deserved all rewards given so far.
    TTL- Did well with Miiriam, though has seemed to have given up a little.
    Xrieg- Joined in briefly before going through story mode. Seems good at what he does.
    Brulant- Brulant? More like brilliant. He has done an excellent job, please read end post for his rewards.
    Blade Faryn- Quiet for a lot of the time, but was very good when he joined in.
    Rasiel- Has not taken part in the quest so far.
    ChildOfTheSoul- Has joined in a little, good roleplayer.
    Belexar-A new player that is able to join in with elder players as if he had known them for a long time, very nice.[/color]

    All views here are personal. If you have problems with what I have said then, please feel free to, post your comments in this topic or send me them via [b][u]forum[/u][/b] PM.
    Thankyou to all those that took part and please have a rest before stage 3 starts.

  17. [color="#800080"][font="Times New Roman"][i]To you I write to declare my love,
    this I have known for so long.
    Hoping this reaches you by my dove,
    I wait for you to sing me just one song.
    When I first looked into your eyes,
    I saw twinkle that took my breath,
    The feeling of love I cannot deny,
    And this feeling I shall have until death.
    So now here I sit writing for you,
    Thinking of what I have to loose.
    Though even then this is what I knew,
    I have nothing but to gain, you my muse.[/i][/font]

    Love Poem To~ [b][u][i]Chewett[/i][/u][/b][/color]

    Must we post who we write our message to?

  18. [color="#FF8C00"]Firstly, this is ment to be vague, if you knew all parts of idea then you would have a stronger choice of wether to join or not. The less that is told in the beginning will entice those that are of a curiouse nature, these being some of the best roleplayers. Roleplay is nearly always unpredicatble, how this pans out, where it is placed and by whom will be decided by the teams.
    Secondly the roleplay was held out at the Fountain of Dark Vibrations, part of it can be found ,posted by Asterdai, by clicking the fountain.
    This quest could go on as a long term one, this is a battle for a life of a person, it is also a way for more people(especially the newer players) to get involved in role playing and get to know others in the realm.
    As for what will happen I cannot say, wether Sasha lives or dies is up to you, though you should know this..when Sasha is dead she will do all she can to stay so, and vice versa. Each choice will have a negative action for one team, and a positive for another. She will never leave the underground, from now on....

    @ShadowSeeker: When I say "you will do as they say" I mean so as in roleplay only. If you disagree with something then become a rebel, of a sort. If you do this you will be named as a "rebel" and can choose to either ignore instructions from the leader or do nothing at all...you CANNOT change teams though. Rebels will stay in the same team, but choose to do as they wish.

    (For more info PM me personally)[/color]

    Current Status: Dead(Ghost form)

    (Note 1 :Sasha's Status will only change through brilliant role play, if idle or logged off, she she be pm'd the logs of roleplay.)

  19. For those that are ready, should come to the GoC to be briefed on what they must do and who their leaders are.

    [color="#FF8C00"]Important Note: People should not start this quest yet. At the moment I am still collecting willing [s]lab pets[/s] questers. Whilst speaking in a group about ideas is fine, trying to start reviving/keeping her dead will result in penalties.[/color]

  20. [quote name='dst' timestamp='1296934029' post='78506']
    I don't have the time to take part in the quest but I vote for sasha being left dead.
    [quote name='phantasm' timestamp='1296934460' post='78507']
    ditto with dst's comment
    I will ad you as influences, so if you decide to join in at all you may.

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