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Sasha Lilias

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Posts posted by Sasha Lilias

  1. Mur as much as I respect you, I see your reprimand completely ridiculous.

    [quote]- this is obviosuly a personal fight between two players that one of them decided to take into a potential jailing of the other part, i dont like that, especialy the recomandation of the jail time. The jail time is for the one doing the punishment to decide not for the accuser.[/quote]

    As for this reason, completely ridiculous. Do I have to point out that all of the current cases have been between two people? Dst and Fenrir, Granos and Jaco. What makes this any different from the case between Dst and Fenrir? Also where you say.

    [color="#FF0000"]*Edited due to confusion and re-read.[/color]

  2. Name: Sasha Lilias

    ID: 148016

    Previous Experience: I used twitter for two years, but dropped a few months ago.(I got bored basically :3)

    Why am I interested? Well, who wouldn't want to help promote the game and it's awesome community? :))

    Why you should choose me: As you stated above, the person must have experience and ideas. I have both. I can also sponsor/create competitions with bigger rewards, though that would come soon after the page has gained followers, and active tweeters.

    I hope this helps.

    ~Sasha Lilias~

  3. quote name='BFH' timestamp='1305319248' post='84441']Why? Because he is not using an alt to keep his incorrect behavior.[/quote]
    Are you sure? Backlash Ro was an Alt according to Grido.

    [quote name='BFH' timestamp='1305319248' post='84441']
    Let's see what happens after he get out of the actual bans.

    I hope he change his mind,.....

    As I said before Backlash is/was an alt from a much older player, he has been banned before and nothing has seemed to change. Why should he get a third chance to be abusive to others?

  4. I will be casting a large quest, with a very big rewarding system, SO I want to ask you all...What do YOU prefer? Coins? Or perhaps Creatures? Perhaps Both?

    All you need to do here, is click the one you prefer. No posting opinions, other ideas or anything else along those lines, just click and choose. If you don't do quests or don't plan to do quests, it would still be good to know what you like and don't like. This way it should make it easier for all quest makers when it comes to deciding what to give out as rewards.

    I look forward to seeing the results!

    ~Sasha Lilias~

  5. I apologize to those that have gained any, or more, offence from Backlash due to this post. Though I felt it was required to bring it all up, to stop those that play in the future from getting any abusive language thrown at them. Though it seems that he will not see that he is [u]completely[/u] in the wrong here, and that everyone else is.

    In regards to Grido's second PL entry evidence, I had no idea this one was written, and now....well do I have to even mention how offensive this is to me? I would personally ask for him to gain an IP ban, and I am willing to fight for this if I must.

    I hope my two posts make enough sense for others to see what I see, it seems that the first has done so.

    ~Sasha Lilias~

    [size="2"]P.s I have not responded sooner due to work in RL and also wanting to allow others to give their opinions, not just have posts in which I ramble on about him with a "hot head". :)[/size]

  6. [b][u]Highest Bid[/u][/b]


    Name: Tsunami

    Tokens: claw 1 and 2

    Stored Heat 1463624

    Age 129


    Name: Gian

    Tokens: claw1 and 2, blood drop 2,1 and 3, stardust, blacktear, onyxfangs, goldbelt, claw3, emerald glare, enlightening

    Stored Heat 14374992

    Age 117

    [b][u]Dark Archer III[/u][/b]

    Tokens: star dust, claw 2, claw1, kelle'tha fire

    Stored Heat 186173

    Age 400

    [b][u]Master of puppets[/u][/b]

    Tokens: claw1,claw 2, emerald glare

    Stored Heat 1761358

    Age 225

    [b][u]Aramor assasin[/u][/b]

    Tokens: claw2, claw 1, emerald glare

    Age 229

  7. [quote name='Manda' timestamp='1304784165' post='84110']
    rein 13 (you see ofers of 14) GC
    Rusty with those tokens in order 13 GC min thats is sheap
    Uhh rein's sell for 10-14 gc so, 10+14/2=12. As for the rusty, a rusty will never be worth 13gc in my eyes. Though it does have a good order.

  8. So, as the topic says, I am selling my windy, tokens included (:P) Here are it's stats:

    Name: Pui De Dragon

    Age: 23

    Heat: 436652

    Tokens: Claw I, Blood Drop I, Kelle'tha Fire, Fire Drop, Jewel Shards, Dark Shield, Claw II, Blood Drop II, Stardust, Blood Drop III, Emerald Glare, Osiris Belt, Purpur Moon, Purpur Fog and Onyx Fangs.
    Total tokens = 15

    [u]Rules about bidding[/u]:

    [*]I will [b]NOT[/b] just sell for coins.
    [*]Here are the offers I will be interested in (left to right): Max tokened creatures, Tokened creatures+age, Tokened creatures,Creatures, Credits, Items, Gold+silver(but only to make up difference).
    [*]Rarer creatures will be much more of an interest for me.
    [*]ALL bids must be made here, unless for a good reason.
    [*]I will [b]NOT[/b] take back this post but I [b]WILL[/b] not sell it for bids I deem unworthy.

    [u]Creatures I will accept:[/u]
    GG Drachorns
    Rustgold Drachorns
    Imps(Any sort)

    Plus any others you may thinks I will be interested in :D

    [u]Creatures I will not accept:[/u]
    Elementals(Water or Fire)

    Bidding will end after 24hrs after a bid deemed worthy has been made. :)

    ~Sasha Lilias~

    Oh and creatures that I will accept in bids is exactly that. IN bids, so not just by themselves, unless they are worth the amount the windy is.

    (Heretics/BP's should have tokens, age or something else special about them.)

    [color="#FF0000"]Edit 1: Yes that fits my terms Rhaegar.....doesn't mean I will accept it. :)[/color]

    [color="#0000FF"][size="4"]Edit 2: First Acceptable Bid- Manda; Post No. 11 [/size][/color]

  9. [quote name='Burns' timestamp='1303758115' post='83395']
    For this event, you are allowed to use all creatures that have [color="#FF0000"]NO AURAS. No pray power and no tokens for this event.[/color]

    Sign up here until Sunday, 1st of May, with your name and MP-level. Rewards are not yet fixed and will be announced when i know the competition.

    Please only sign up if you seriously want to play, and have time to do so in the first week of May. If this doesn't work out again, i'll have to charge an entry fee next time.

    How do people, that have creatures with tokens only, play then? O_o

  10. [color="#FF0000"]Well...here they are:

    [u]Grasan:[/u]- Ravenstrider- 2gc 5sc

    Age: 448

    Heat: 45418

    Tokens: Claw I, Claw II, Blood Drop II, Blood Drop I, Kelle'tha Fire, Osiris Belt, Fire Drop, Black Tear, Onyx Fangs, Dark Shield, Stardust, Blood Drop III, Emerald Glare, Enlightening, Jewel Shards and Purpur Moon.
    -Total Tokens = 16

    [u]Aramor 1:[/u]- MRAlyon= 50sc(1+2)

    Age: 390

    Heat: 51556

    Tokens: Claw I, Claw II, Blood Drop I, Kelle'Tha Fire, Emerald Glare, Jewel Shards, Fire Drop, Black Tear, Onyx Fangs, Dark Shield, Blood Drop II, Stardust, Anti-Freeze, Blood Drop III, Osiris Belt and Purpur Moon.
    -Total Tokens = 16

    [u]Aramor 2:[/u]- MRAlyon- 50sc(1+2)

    Age: 390

    Heat: 50342

    Tokens: Claw II, Claw I, Blood Drop II, Blood Drop III, Blood Drop I, Kelle'tha Fire, Emerald Glare, Fire Drop, Osiris Belt, Onyx Fangs, Stardust, Anti-Freeze, Enlightening, Jewel Shards, Purpur Moon, Purpur Fog and Dark Shield.
    -Total Tokens = 17

    [u]Air Scout:[/u]- Ravenstrider- 18sc

    Age: 390

    Heat: 486079

    Tokens: Claw II, Claw I, Blood Drop III, Blood Drop I, Blood Drop II, Emerald Glare, Fire Drop, Osiris Belt, Onyx Fangs, Black Tear, Dark Shield, Stardust, Anti-Freeze, Kelle'tha Fire, Enlightening, Jewel Shards and Purpur Fog.
    -Total tokens = 17

    [u]Elemental:[/u]- Manda- 2gc

    Age: 390

    Heat: 488764

    Tokens: Claw I, Blood Drop I, Blood Drop III, Blood Drop II, Kelle'tha Fire, Fire Drop, Dark Shield, Onyx Fangs, Claw II, Stardust, Emerald Glare, Enlightening, Osiris Belt, Jewel Shards, Purpur Moon and Purpur Fog.
    -Total Tokens = 16

    [u]Unholy Priest:[/u] - Manda - 1gc 5sc

    Age: 7

    Heat: 9468

    Tokens: Claw I, Claw II, Blood Drop III, Blood Drop I, Blood Drop II, Emerald Glare, Kelle'tha Fire, Osiris Belt, Fire Drop, Purpur Fog, Dark Shield, Onyx Fangs, Anti-Freeze, Stardust, Enlightening, Jewel Shards, and Purpur Moon.
    -Total Tokens = 17[/color]

    Just a little note to you all, I usually charge 2sc for a tokening service. True, you get to choose what creatures are tokened, but the pricing should still stay the same AROUND the same price. :D Remember that each token is worth $1.

  11. I would not mind helping out.

    I would say that I would be fit for this...job..because I am well organized, I look at the forums more than I do MD and because I enjoy helping other out. As to why I would bee unsuited for this job...well, you know some of my flaws. :)

    I hope that you choose a good applicant, and an early congratulations to that player.

    ~Sasha Lilias~

  12. As the title and topic explain, I wish to buy tokened creatures. Here are a few rules:

    [*]Only place one post, edit it if needs be.
    [*]All creature posts should be posted here or via PM IN GAME
    [*]Offered creatures should have a minimum of 6 tokens.

    If I am interested then will send a message to that person with my offer. Please post ANY creatures, my budget can change to the creature it is.

    Finally I am willing to spend alot on UNTOKENED but RARE(er) creatures.:)

    ~Sasha Lilias~

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