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Sasha Lilias

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Posts posted by Sasha Lilias

  1. Hmm, decisions, decisions...

    Ok, so here are my nominations. :)

    Adventuring Award- (Undecided)

    Best Beautification- (Undecided)

    Best Spell Caster- Eon, for planning his attacks and then using certain spells to help himself to wins. ;)

    Champion Fighter- Eon, no doubt about it and no explanation needed.

    Elite Evil Villain of the Year- Jester, just for being genuinely evil. :D

    Fossil of the Year- Has to to be Chewett :D

    The Golden Protector- Azull, why? Because he has done an amazing job with being a protector, and I think people will agree with me on this. :)

    Helper of the Year- Maebius, for all the hard work he has put into the game and for all the players he has helped, including myself.

    Most Addicted- Muratus Del Mur, almost definitely the most addicted player to be top of the active vet's list! :D

    Outstanding Service to MD-

    Pre-eminent Role Player- Eon, for sticking to his role even though he has had an massive amount of harassment because of it.

    Prime Quest- (Undecided)

    Rookie of the Year- Guillak, for being the perfect noob and being the perfect spell target. Love you really Gui ;D

    Top Techie- Rendril Revrant, for all his work behind the scenes and out of sight.

  2. [quote name='Sharazhad' timestamp='1321700394' post='96186']

    [color=#008000][i]@ Kamisha. The rest of us are so intently focused on Eon because we have nothing better to do, than to gang up on someone who clearly has oodles of respect for players and the game and demonstrates his/her respect by depleting resources, dishing out massive SD, stalking players, and shows common courtesy by general harassment. Surely you cannot be that pig-headed?! [/i][/color]

    [color=#008000][i]If you took this kind of behaviour and placed it in the real world, how is this different to that if say, Robert Mugabe? and would you still be saying "I don't understand why the Zimbabweans were crying?! Surely Mugabe cant be that bad? Raping and pillaging a country is part of life people! If you don't like it just go to the UK for a bit and then come back to Zimbabwe when he leaves on business trips"[/i][/color]

    [i]Yes fighting is part of the game, but it is not acceptable when the odds are stacked so highly in one persons favour, and do not give me all that jazz about MD not being fair. There is unfairness in MD when it comes to fighting such as the Heads Contest, and then there is this. If I were a new mp5 who worked hard on achieving my stats not by grinding only to have them squashed by a troll like Eon, I would never want to play this game again, especially when the developers appear to be nonchalant and doing nothing about it and then blame the players for the lack of action.[/i]

    Ridiculous. All I hear is "Eon did this, Eon did that." Do you want someone to hold your hand? Grow up people.

    Firstly, my biggest issue is how you are comparing Eon to Mugabe. That really is turning an ant hill into a mountain, don't you think? You're wrong on so many levels there.
    Secondly, It is not UNFAIR at all. As I have said before, if you spend more time training than chatting, roleplaying and [u]complaining [/u] (this goes for all of you) perhaps then you will be able to grind stats like he has managed. Unlike some players, Eon has not used bugs to raise his stats, he has used his brain, initiatives and money. if you cannot do the same then quit your whining. As for the SD? Well he can use it however he bloody well wants to. He [b]earnt [/b]it as a prize for winning the BHC. So unless you have a problem with him winning the BHC, I would also stop complaining about that. There is a reason it is given as a reward, and it's not so that he can just admire the title and number.
    Thirdly, do you not perhaps think he attacks you so many times, depletes resources and causes so much "harassment*" because of the amount of harassment he gets from others? Perhaps it is his way of getting his own back.

    Basically, to cut a long message short.[b] Stop Whining. Start Working.[/b]


  3. [b][u]"Eon isn't a dictator who needs to be toppled, he's a fellow player"[/u] - [size=1]Lets use this as our "quote for thought".[/size][/b]

    How does one get their stats? By whining about how others stats are higher than their own? Or perhaps by working hard at trying to raise them?
    Eon has worked harder than [b]any [/b]other player, to obtain his insanely high stats. So why should he have to put up with constant slander for no other reason than that you can't be bothered to work as hard as he did, you'd rather moan until something happens to his stats. Well bad luck, that's not likely to happen. View his attacks as a challenge that'll only help you get stronger, not a hindrance.

    Eon is no different to you or me, the [b]only[/b] difference is that he has chosen to work harder than a lot of people. Remember this when you before you moan about him.


  4. This, to me, seems a little unfair seeing as the armour you get depends entirely on your VP. Also, there is the Necrovian bone set, which few can get, but is by far more "scary" than any other armour set. Is there some leeway for the MP and age of the player? For this would have some effect on how they can get their "costume".

    Edit- This isn't a rant by the way :3 Just a thought I had. :)

  5. [center][center] [/center][/center]

    [center][center] [/center][/center]

    [center][center] [/center][/center]

    [center][center] [/center][/center]
    [center][center][i]Once every two weeks, I am willing to cast a spell of your choice onto a memory stone.[/i]

    [center][center] [/center][/center]
    [center][center][i]This will be for free, [b]but[/b] there are a few things you must know:[/i]

    [*][i]You must have your own memory stone[/i]
    [*][i]You can only choose [b]one[/b] spell[/i]
    [*][i]This is a [b]first come, first serve [/b]service[/i]
    [*][i]You [b]will not[/b] be able to have another spell from me for another month.[/i]
    [*][i]You [b]will not[/b] be able to have the same spell for a month and a half.[/i]
    [/list][center][center] [/center][/center]

    [center][center] [/center][/center]
    [center][center][i]Here are the spells:[/i]

    [*][i][b]Weaken - Level 2[/b][/i]
    [*][i][b]Guardian Army[/b][/i]
    [*][i][b]Silver Tounge[/b][/i]
    [*][b][i]Attack Lock[/i][/b]
    [left][left] [/left][/left]

    [left][left] [/left][/left]
    [left][left][i][u]Spells will be crossed out when unavailable[/u][/i]

    [center][center] [/center][/center]

    [center][center] [/center][/center]
    [center][center][b][i][u]Name : Spell : Casts : Next Spell Request[/u][/i][/b]

    [center][center] [/center][/center]

    [center][center] [/center][/center]
    [center][center][i][u]Last Spell Refresh:[/u] ~~~[/i]

    [center][center] [/center][/center]
    [center][center][i][u]Next Spell Refresh:[/u] ~~~[/i]

    [left][left] [/left][/left]

    [left][left] [/left][/left]

    [left][left] [/left][/left]
    [left][left][i][size=1]Edit: Edited for grammar.[/size][/i]

  6. Dst, you are fine example of what not to become.

    You act as if you may do as you wish because you are some sort of demi-god, well NEWSFLASH!! Your not. You are just as touchable as all of us. There are no special rules that apply to you!

    Have you realised that each time you try and get someone into trouble because you don't like them, or just for pleasure, you get another percentage of people that dislike you! Yes you have your little followers that think your amazing, but that's because you use a façade in front of them of which they are too blind to see through.

    You may say that you don't care what other people think of you, and that you only care for what you think of others, but that is why eventually very few will care for you. Tonight you have shown your true colours as a malicious, sly, vindictive and obnoxious woman, though many of us knew this anyway.

    My last comment to add:

    If I hear of you using you "powers" to root out others for no reason but to get them into trouble for pure pleasure, then I will seriously think of speaking to the council in regards to your spells, and no...this is not a threat it's what I will do.

    I hope you enjoy rotting in your pit of hatred, for we will all enjoy watching you do so.


  7. I am very well aware that is against the rules anywhere other than the Sunny Bedroom. This does not mean that everyone else does though, and no, this does not make it right, but would you send every criminal to jail for a crime as minor as this one? Or would you give them a warning?

    [quote name='Shemhazaj' timestamp='1314731152' post='91080']

    [i][color=#808080]as for the part "I find it disgusting that you seem to always be looking out for other peoples mistakes when you have so many of your own. "[/color][/i]
    [i][color=#808080]do you mean you'd treat the issue differently if someone else discovered it?[/color][/i]

    If they had dealt with it in the saw way as Dst has, then yes. But of course the wording would be different for they may not always be searching for everyone else's flaws. I was merely stating my feelings towards what Dst does in [b][i]general.[/i][/b]

    [b]The rule is only in the announcements (as far as I know), and should be pinned somewhere more visible.[/b]

  8. Dst. I post here because yours seems to be locked, probably because you know what others would say to you.

    Firstly I have to say that I find it disgusting that you seem to always be looking out for other peoples mistakes when you have so many of your own. Hypocritical of me? Maybe, but still applies to yourself.
    Secondly, I assume they would be in a very remote location, meaning high viscosity, to do such a thing. This would mean that:
    1) Noobs wouldn't be able to access the area easily,
    2) No one usually passes through.
    3) That they knew what they were doing wasn't really "allowed" in the public, hence why they went for privacy.

    [u][b]I am not defending their actions. I am criticising [i]yours.[/i][/b][/u]

    You know that there are other ways of dealing with this than posting in public their names and what they were doing, especially in a topic that is locked for your own, nasty, needs, meaning they cannot defend themselves. Rather sly and despicable behaviour, no?

    A while back you accused Fenrir of [u][b]Harrasment[/b][/u] and [u][b]Slander.[/b][/u] Hypocritical? Seeing as you do this regularly to nearly everyone.

    As a final point I would like to add:

    [u][i]Not everyone knows about the [b]Sunny Bedroom [/b]perhaps next time tell them the rules and about the fore-mentioned place.[/i][/u]


    [b][i][u]Link to Dst's Post- [/u][/i][/b][url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10470-cyber-sex-strikes-again/"]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10470-cyber-sex-strikes-again/[/url]

  9. I do get what you mean but the amount of spell casting you gained from using memory stones, could be extremely low. Though, as you said, there could be abuse with alts, although I thought items could not be transferred between alts any more. Meaning less alts enchanting memory stones for the main, making it harder to abuse? I could be wrong, but this whole idea is just that, an idea.

  10. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1310427767' post='87666']
    If you have 1000 identical books, all you need is to read one to know whats inside all.

    Then surely once you have learnt how to cast a spell from one stone, you should be able to keep some of that knowledge and not have to replenish it with more stones?
    Perhaps for each stone used you could get a new skill, such as "Spell Casting"? It would be like Woodcutting but at a certain amount of points you can remember a certain amount of each spell permanently.


    Spell Casting: 0.3 <--- You remember 1/10 of this amount of each spell cast (0.03). >1 means that the spell is still too dangerous to cast without a stone.

    Spell Casting: 20 <--- You remember 1/10 of this amount as a permant spell cast (2.00). You remember how to cast this spell twice without the need of a stone.

    Of course the values could be changed to make it harder to get 1 full, regenerating, cast.

    Just an idea I had, though probably won't work for a few reasons.


  11. So, about time I did this:

    Mcvitie- At the time I was making this account and it said "Username" I was like "Umm.." and as I looked around for inspiratioI realised my fat, ginger cat was beside me. His name being McVitie, named after the biscuits(because he loved to lick the chocolate of the digestives for some reason :D), I decided that would be a good enough name. It only took a little while for some of the English players to start calling me "Biscuits" :/

    Sasha Lilias- My sisters first account. Her real-life name is sasha, hence the first part. The second part, "Lilias" is a variant of "Lillian", which means Lily. Lilies being her favourite plant she decided to add this as a her account surname.

    Assiralc- Well, as many have worked out, spelt backwards it says "Clarissa", which is my real name. :)

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