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Sasha Lilias

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Posts posted by Sasha Lilias

  1. What astounds me is that, within the four days of this complaint being filed, you have had little time to get the codes needed, but have had enough time to respond with arguments and reasoning, as poor as they may be, to your actions.

    Perhaps you should focus less on arguing about what you have or haven't done, and spend that time trying to right the wrong?


    Edit: Spelling corrections

  2. [color=#ff0000]I am primarily looking to buy creatures with high heat content (well into the milions). [/color]

    I'm also willing to buy creatures with a high amount of tokens and age.(Pimps, Rusties, etc)

    Also I'm looking to buy the following resources:


    [color=#000000]Precious stones[/color]

    [color=#ff0000]Timeless Dust[/color]

    [color=#ff0000]Liquid Dust[/color]

    (Red represents those that I wish to buy in bulk)

    [b]Please post offers here or send me a message in game.[/b]

  3. As the title says I am selling my morph.

    Creatures, coins and items are accepted.


    Stored Heat: 19886244

    [color=#ff0000]30 gold instant sale.[/color]


    [color=#008000]Highest offer: Sold - 18gc[/color]

    [color=#0000CD]Bids ended @ 00:00 ST Day 195 Year 7[/color]

  4. [quote name='Udgard' timestamp='1338028681' post='112907']
    So by your logic Spartiatis's ghost's home is where this who-knows-who's body is? -_-a
    [quote name='Sasha Lilias' timestamp='1338028150' post='112906']
    I believe I said "Home is where the body lies" and then sent him "home". I did not say who's body, [b]nor who's home[/b]. Did I?

  5. The silencing I show is just a a small part of what he does. He does this to MANY people. As for the harassment, he continues to annoy, make fun of and disrupt others.

    Why should this be allowed to continue?

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][quote][/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]As for the spamming, you already have a black list. What more do you want? Shish.. [/font][/color][/quote]

    Action. That is what I want, and I'm sure others do also.

    Edit: Also, feel free to move this to relevant section.

  6. Slight abuse of the silence spell no? For "revenge".

    I do believe Grido has a few rules on this?



    As a side note he silenced me twice, so I silenced him in response and then moved away, as he had said that he would have continued it.

    I also received multiple messages with simply the message being "." I am regarding this as spam.


  7. I am looking to buy creatures with over 2mil experience.

    Please post the creature and your price, here.


    Edit: Please, no popes. I'm looking for creatures I can train quickly.

  8. Name: Sasha's Protector
    Age: 101
    Stored Heat:57840
    Tokens: 8 - [b][onyxfangs][/b][b][blacktear][/b][b][darksky][/b][b][stardust][/b][b][blooddrop1][/b][b][blackdiamonds][/b][b][goldtear][/b][b][goldbelt][/b]

    Immeadiate buy = [b]17gc [/b]

    [b]Bidding open for 42 hours. [/b]

  9. [quote name='Liberty4life' timestamp='1333036290' post='107763']
    no dst, nobody wants real challenge, especially when they know wut they are against, everyone wants first place in hc and dunt want second,[/quote]

    Of course people want to come first, not second, that is why they take part for the competition and the others take part for the fun.


  10. Hmm. You all have very valid points, but can't you see that I am trying to revive an alliance that was destroyed through personal fights? Both in and out of character?

    For now I would like this topic locked so that I may have a think about this.

    I'd like to thank you Awiiya, Chewett, Kiley and Rhaegar, for making me have to think much harder than I did before.


  11. Perhaps I phrased it wrong. We should look at what he was able to do, not what he did. He was able to use his powers to go to places that perhaps others couldn't through magic and dimensional manipulation.
    All that we should seek to do is to [u]try[/u] and respect the creator and main figure of the alliance by trying to understand some of what he did.

    I cannot talk for what he did or who he was. I can, however, try and talk for what he was able to do. [b]That[/b] is what it all comes down to. Not trying to understand him, but the powers he was using.

    On a more on topic note, this topic should be deleted in two days.

    Thank you,


  12. [quote name='awiiya' timestamp='1331931039' post='106752']
    A question: in the announcement Mur mentioned that you do not have any of the spells or technical abilities of SimplyZero. So what... exactly... do you mean when you say "Dimensional shifting and the use of magic." What magic precisely?

    Just because I do not have the powers, does not mean we cannot try to study and understand what he did through his role, and perhaps come up with others. He didn't just get his powers by saying "I can do this so I need this spell" He got them by working for them.

    Not everything must be done through game mechanics, this has been shown many times by various people. An example would be when the kings and queens died. People didn't just say "They died because this spell or object was used upon them and all have to do to get them back is to ask someone with the revive spell to use it on them." they actually added their own meanings and theories to the deaths and held their own investigations to try and understand it better.

    When I say "Follow the teachings of Simplyzero" I do not mean what the game mechanics allowed him to do, I mean by what his role and role-playing actually allowed him to do.

    The actual ability to travel to places by using spells is indeed a great help, but it is not a necessity.


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