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Sasha Lilias

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Posts posted by Sasha Lilias

  1. shoeps and simply are one and the same. Yes, I know you know but I don't understand why you act so innocently.

    Peace is still around.

    They are, yes, but they were independent characters with independent successes. At least, that's my opinion.

  2. And so the time has come for me to say good bye to you all, this time for good.I say good bye to you all. The old and the new, those I did know and those I didn't.

    It's been an eventful four years in and out of MD. I look back at those years and I regret nothing. Not the good, nor the bad, for they made me who I am.

    There is a whole list of people that I could mention in this good bye, but if I did...I'd be here for days. So, I'd like to keep this short and sweet.

    [color="#ff0000"]And in the words of Trey Parker: "[/color][color=#ff0000][font=Georgia]Saying goodbye doesn't mean anything. It's the time we spent together that matters, not how we left it"[/font][/color]

    All items and creatures my accounts shall be given away.

    All accounts will hopefully be locked.

    Farewell all, and thank you for the wonderful times and experiences.

    Farewell MD, thank you for being there when I needed something to raise my spirits.


  3. It does amuse me, seeing our "Treasure Keepers", the ones that [b]apparently[/b] are trustworthy, try to pull off a fraudulent sale.
    It seems that with each few months, the trustworthiness of the TK's is slowly diminishing into an abysmal state.

    Perhaps you, Seigheart, are not all as cut out for the job as you once made out you were, and it should be passed onto someone that is. ChildOfTheSoul seems to be the only one that actually has any self-respect and worth left, no matter how inactive he may be.


    [color=#a9a9a9]Edit: Grammar and spelling.[/color]

  4. [quote name='Grido' timestamp='1344352884' post='119573']
    I don't think that there's any need for tokens to be mentioned in tutorial itself, maybe a separate faq/help bit on them, but not in the tutorial - I thought we were trying to reduce what they were reading? Rather than add to it?

    I agree completely.

    Remember that we all have already gone through the tutorial ourselves, therefore we can easily say "information is missing". But that is information we have learnt over time, others can do this also.

    Tokens are not an essential part of the game.(Yes I am well aware the majority of players use them).
    If you are to explain tokens then you might as well go on to explain ALL the principles, stats, etc, rather than just the basic. Doing this would be a good thing! Don't get me wrong, but 1) It'll end up confusing a lot of the new players and 2) bore half of them to death.

    We can't pour every ounce of knowledge we have collected over months and years, into a player over a period of days. It just won't work.

    I say that the tutorial be kept as it is, BUT when getting to new places or doing new things THEN it be explained. For example the first time you meet a tokened creature you are able to open a tutorial window about tokens, or the first time you sacrifice a creature a tutorial window explains about it in more detail?
    This is what I mean by a [i]running tutorial[/i].


  5. Just a quick point:

    You don't want to create a tutorial that is too complicated or long. When explaining a new concept, you can't go through all of it in one go. You need to give the person time to process it all. So perhaps a tutorial that follows your progress in game and tells you information when needed?
    Also, the longer the tutorial or introduction, the quicker the player is likely to become bored.

    Those are all I'd say to look out for..


  6. [quote name='Liberty4life' timestamp='1344298895' post='119477']
    anyways.... exchange system, spell or w/e is fine imo as long as it doesnt do change out of thin air, but is done from some kind of major tresuary deposit in order not to hurt amount of coins out there (if there is no gold for exchange, then one cant exchange his silver for gold, and vice verse)

    [color=#ff0000]Perhaps a spell or bank that can use treasury funding then?[/color][/quote]

  7. [quote name='Nimrodel' timestamp='1344281020' post='119454']
    My point is... no matter how much the game'll change, the majority wll always moan, and 90% of the moaners will be noobs. Accepting change is one part of the game. Miq has accepted it. Reflecting on whether the change was for good or bad is what Miq is attempting to ask. Am I right Miq?

    Hm, I agree with you completely. And if it was just that he is asking, then I understand more now.


  8. It's not that I don't understand, nor agree with some of the points that Miq makes, it's that I choose to accept the change and hold the past as fond memories.

    I remember when people with 400 attack seemed to be the strongest players ever. I remember when wish points were not even around, nor the dojo. I remember a small pub run by Ailith and Windy "The Wind and Rain", far before the DQ pub had even been thought about.
    I could go on and on about what I remember and how it's changed, but the truth is. Everything will change, people will become accustomed to "New MD" and then start expecting even more change, to benefit them (as you pointed out).

    So yes, I totally agree with you in that aspect and that "achievements" have become far more achievable and far from an actual achievement. For example, heads contests used to be a real competition, where one would have to work as hard as they could to keep their heads and gain scores. Nowadays we have people winning by accident due to the fact no one is participating, and when they do they just hide and sit in one place for days.

    All I am trying to say is that no matter what we do, change will happen, and sometimes we just have to learn to accept it, no matter how much we dislike it. It I had my way I'd happily go back to when wishpoints were extremely rare, certain creatures didn't exist and certain features weren't even thought of. But, unfortunately, if that were to happen then the current players would probably do as we have done in the past. Moan about unfairness or lack of equal chances.

    It's hard to make my thoughts on this subject make sense at the moment as I'm very tired, but I'm more than happy to have a discussion about it in game sometime. A good reminisce never hurt anyone...


  9. [quote name='Miq' timestamp='1344271897' post='119447']
    Please do not take small pits of what i said. I was not here in the time of RPC's and GM don't blame me for not wanting a change.

    Firstly they are not small "pits" at what you said. I am giving you answers to your statements.Secondly, if you were not here at the time RPC's and the GM were around, how could you possibly know if it was a good or bad idea to have them and whether they should be reimplemented or not? Hm?

    [quote name='Miq' timestamp='1344271897' post='119447']
    i have atleast 10 ideas that i'd love to have implemented but i keep my mouth shut because in the end they are just restrictions upon restrictions.

    Don't we all? You are always free to share your ideas, as am I and the rest of the MD population, but just because one person shouts, doesn't mean everyone agrees with it.
    Show us your ideas and push them forward if you believe in them. If you aren't willing to share them due to "restrictions upon restrictions", then you obviously aren't willing to fight for them. Which in turn makes it your own fault that your ideas aren't heard.


  10. Once again people seem to have a dislike for change...

    [quote][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I have 957 active days now and i also did my first shop reset today so now i'm thinking why did i spent all that money. In the sense of future what is the point of that.[/quote][/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]When I buy credits, I do not just think about the impact it will have on myself, but also the game. Yes, I know that once I leave the game my credits will no longer be any use for myself, but they will have allowed me to enjoyed the game more when I played and will have helped the game keep running.[/font][/color]

    [quote][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] Same goes with the RPC's surely they were not all that bad (i don't think even 30% of them were particularly awful).[/quote][/font][/color]

    RPC role was only really implemented to allow a certain, dedicated few, to create quests and fulfil their role slightly better. I believe it was Mur that said "[color=#000000][font=Georgia,][background=rgb(249, 240, 213)]Oh, and i almost forgot, for those that want RPC, please note that you get nothing more than your nice dots in the playername and some unimportant abilities to help you create quests for others, nothing more."- [/background][/font][/color][color=#ff0000][font=Georgia,][background=rgb(249, 240, 213)]Ann. 699 - [2009-03-01 00:08:09 - Alpha 8][/background][/font][/color]

    As the system progressed the need for RPC's was no longer there.

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][quote]I mean i came here after the time of RPC's the GM and so on. And every time someone talks of something like a GM they get their head bashed in with the ever so horrible Shoebs (probably wrote that wrong).[/quote][/font][/color]

    The "Bashing your head in" about the GM post is not as it seems. There are a few that may still be rather angry and annoyed with Shoeps, but most will be trying to fill you in on the little information they know.

    [quote][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]We lost kings, mur, gifts for less than very active, GGG, dojo, drachs, angiens, wp's.[/quote][/font][/color]

    [font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"]The kings and queens will return when they do, mur is still very much the leading figure in MD(although he has deligated some of his power and decisions with the council), the GGG is gone because [b]the people[/b] wanted it to be gone, the dojo is still there(merely with another name and ethos), Drachorns are also still around, yes a little rarer to obtain but still there(likewise with Angiens) and WP's are gone? I don't know where you are looking but I see an influx of them, rather than a lack of.[/color][/font]

    [b]Once again. [color=#ff0000]Change happens.[/color] People arrive and people leave. One tool is broken, another is created.[/b]


  11. [quote name='The Warrior' timestamp='1344204313' post='119360']
    I see instantly that this leaves little possibility of changes in exchange rate many people regard 1GC = 15SC as the best exchange rate, but for me, and I'm sure there must be someone else who thinks alike, I prefer a different exchange rate when selling things. My personal exchange rate is 1GC = 13SC and any notes value I see as 1 less than printed (e.g. 10 Gold Note, to me is worth 9GC).

    [b][color=#ff0000]I was thinking about how there could be an exchange rate increase and decrease dependent on the amount of silver/gold coins in MD, although I didn't quite know how it would work out. (I'm terrible with coding!!)[/color][/b]

    [/quote][quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1344209442' post='119361']
    TKs are capable of exchanging gold for silver, or vice versa.

    [color=#0000cd][b]Yes, but not quite as efficiently as people would hope. People don't like waiting weeks or months to exchange coins for a bid they made weeks before.[/b][/color][/quote]

    As a general note: This is only a very simple idea, as I said. It would be nice to have a more [b]efficient[/b] way of trading coins.

  12. [quote name='Kiley' timestamp='1344212626' post='119366']
    Rule Number 1: Never feed it after midnight:))

    I am so happy for you:P

    Unfortunately, I think I'll have no choice in the matter! But let's hope my little Gizmo doesn't turn into a Gremlin hey. ;D

    [quote name='Fire Starter' timestamp='1344241856' post='119396']
    Well done, dear :D Congratulations and may the new member of your family listen to you, like you'll listen to it.

    (And make sure to double check - recently a friend of mine got pregnant too, and now they are expecting triplets, yeah! :cool: )

    Congratulations to her too, and good luck! I think it'll be bad enough with one, let alone three! The poor lady! :D

  13. Ah, so you worry about the lack of MP3s? That the realm is "drying up" slowly?

    This is merely the drought before the monsoon. There are periods when things seem to dry up, and hope looks lost, but then, without warning, in comes the rain, wetting the earth again, allowing things to grow once more.

    People will begin joining the MP3 ranks again soon, just give it time.


  14. Since the silver and gold coins came out, there has always been a small problem of being able to change one into another. For example changing a gold coin into fifteen silver coins.

    It can sometimes be hard to break down a gold coin or trade in silver for gold. What with coins being able to be used for item creation or to pay for items, creatures or other goods, this can become rather annoying.

    So, I have two very basic ideas, that could be reworked or edited, depending on what others think.

    [u][b]Idea 1[/b][/u]

    My first idea would be to have a "bank" or "trade" station. This would be most suited in a shop, such as willows, and could be activated by talking to the man at the desk.
    This bank would allow for the option to trade in [b]x gold[/b] for [b]x silver. [/b]

    [indent=1][b]Example 1:[/b] [color=#0066cc][size=4][i]Sasha Lilias traded 10 gold for 150 silver.[/i][/size][/color][/indent]
    [indent=1][b]Example 2: [/b][color=#0066cc][i]Sasha Lilias traded 15 silver for 1 gold.[/i][/color][/indent]

    This would allow for an easy exchange and shouldn't have too big an impact on the gold:silver ratio as it could be converted at any time.

    [u][b]Idea 2[/b][/u]

    A transmutation spell could be implemented into the game. One for gold to silver and one for silver to gold.
    These could be placed into the WP Shop and, when used, turned the a certain amount of gold into silver and vice versa.

    [indent=1][b]Example 1: [/b]Gold:Silver - 1:15 per one cast[/indent]
    [indent=1][b]Example 2:[/b] Silver:Gold - 15:1 per one cast[/indent]

    This would allow for "simpler" conversions when needed rather than expecting others to convert for you or waiting for the TK's to do likewise.

    Comments on possible issues, changes, etc are more than welcome.


  15. [quote name='The MoM' timestamp='1344196157' post='119344']
    you don't like reading so I'll keep this brief.

    where was the place you trained in when you were MP3? I mean, most of the time

    the subtitle of the scene, for crying out loud, is 'the sparring grounds' why would no sparring be taking place?

    plus, the GoE was full... but only one MP3 was there... me... *shrugs* I dunno, just doesn't seem right

    It's not that I don't like reading, it's that I want to keep to the point.

    When I trained as a MP3 (and as for many of the Vets) there were no sparring grounds or GGG. There was the Dojo, but that came quite a bit later.
    As for the title, it was named that when it was taken over by the people, such as ShadowSeeker. If people choose not to train there then perhaps it should have the tag a) removed or b) changed.

    [b]Change happens. Nothing stays the same indefinitely.[/b]

    I think you have taken this quite a bit too strongly, and need to realise that although it is empty now, it will fill up once more when people choose for it to do so.


  16. This seems to have gone on quite a large tangent from a specific area of concern to a wide range of different ones.

    Sticking to your first post, as I don't have the time nor need to read all the other posts (as I am replying to what you said directly), 90% of MD has less than one person in a scene at one time. Yes, the MDP may be a beginning area for a player, but then again so is entrance to the MDP. The player is not stuck to one location.
    The tutorial teaches how to move and, briefly, describes about LHO's and live chat. They are more than capable of finding other players in other locations.

    What with it being the heads contest and summer holidays, it is likely people will not be in the normal areas nor on as often.

    I am sure that because one scene is empty, the player won't up their bags and leave.


  17. I will, even though we did not talk all that much nor agree on certain points, miss you Awi. I remember you from as far back as I can, the brilliant fighter you were and the LHO of which no words could described.

    It is fair to say that no matter how long you will be away from MD, you will never be forgotten and people will only ever hope to become as you are. You are an [u][color=#ff0000]inspiration[/color][/u] to many, and a [u][color=#ff0000]friend to all[/color].[/u]

    Farewell, and I wish you the best.


  18. [quote name='De Mimsy Porpington' timestamp='1344186669' post='119331']
    Liquid Dust isn't available in bulk, and the only bit of it that exists in resource form won't be traded.

    When I say in "bulk" I do not mean from one person specifically. These are what I am looking to get as much of as I can. There are a few who have it.


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