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Sasha Lilias

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Posts posted by Sasha Lilias

  1. If I were asked to describe before stage 12 in one word? Dying.


    Stage 12 is the hugely needed change in looks and game play that MD has so desperately needed. We all had grown accustomed to and learned to love the old MD, because of this we seemed to take our time in noticing that less and less new players were joining and that perhaps...perhaps things had grown outdated?


    MD has always been unique and, I personally feel, it takes pride in the fact.. But with that uniqueness comes a lower fan base - browser mmorpgs are slowly becoming less used and loved due to the more common games like Warhammer, League of Legends, Runescape; games in which everything is already laid out before you (non-unique weapons, armor, generic quests/story lines...). In my mind, most people are more focused on how they can reach level 99 and have the god armor rather than actually getting involved in the community, or the deeper levels of the game they play.


    But that's what MD is all about!


    Rather than telling you to go to "x" to obtain "y" and then to go to "z" before being rewarded with something awesome, MD challenges the way you think. When I say "MD" I don't just mean the game itself, I also mean the community...the other players. In fact...the amazing thing about MD is it's the players that make the game what it is, not just the set up of the game itself. We hold huge ceremonies where nearly the whole community gather (without making the screen lag like hell!), we run quests that challenge how we think or look at MD... All this though comes over time and, sadly, not many people have the patience for that sort of thing nowadays.


    Now though MD is slowly coming back to life! What with the A25 being integrated and a whole new way of playing MD being introduced (RP items specifically) it'll hopefully meet the needs for both old players and new players that haven't yet worked out the "deeper meaning" of MD and it's community.

    As you've (kind of) said yourself, it should keep the older players that are "comfortable" with how MD was happy and interested, whilst luring in and capturing the interest of newer players by helping them get deeper into MD quicker!


    That to me is the biggest change from 11 to 12; the new life and balance that has been breathed into MD. Stage 13 I picture as a seemingly brand new MD that stays true to it's roots yet both old and new faces wander around happily.


    I look forward to seeing everything when it's all fully implemented! (Though I'll probably still find something to complain about! :P)


    Keep up the good work guys :)


    (P.s. Sorry if this doesn't make sense...tis late. Shall probably return to edit this tomorrow! :P )

  2. I've been gaining VP instead of losing it when recruiting creatures from the aramory. Haven't tested other areas but I'd assume it would be a generic bug.


    Has anyone else been experiencing this?


    (Wasn't 100% sure if this was a bug or is meant to happen, though I'd assume it isn't?)


    Will add some screenshots when I've taken some.

  3. I would like to be put down for totems, types, uses, what's needed, bugs, why they're in MD, etc. I've already began documenting such things but have only just seen this topic.


    I scanned through and don't think I saw anyone else for this (as I see this separate to creatures). Please correct me if I'm wrong.

  4. The basic bugs currently (that I have experienced) are:

    1. Totemizer will create a totem with any amount of heat so long as it's over 6k.
    2. If you leave the "preparing" page to get a creature ID then you'll be asked to provide the full 10k heat on return (provided you've loaded over 6k already).


    The second isn't technically a bug as you're meant to provide 10k heat anyway, it's the fact it only requires the amount should you leave and return to the page.

  5. I am currently selling creature totems that I have created. From now on most creature sales I will be coducting shall be of totemised creatures.
    For those that may be unsure what these are:


    Ann. 2572 - [2013-05-10 01:59:49 - Stage 11] - Permalink - Posted By Muratus del Mur
    Creature Totems
    A feature was implemented to be able to withdraw creatures from current reality and store their identity into Totems. Creature totems will be just like any other item in your item inventory. Under certain circumstances and using to-be-released features/items, you will be able to bring the creature back into your inventory... maybe slightly mutated or who knows :) .. There is a purpose to have creatures stored in such form and it will be revealed on the way. Once in item form, creatures become subject to any other feature/use involving items and resources. The first implementation of this feature will be probably on a public item once the art is ready for it (scene modification contest participants challenge!), or during an official quest. Tests are still in progress.
    -- Mur


    Please also read:







    With those mentioned, the sales are as follows:


    Joker totem x 1


    Creature totem x 5 - Sold 5sc, Rophs


    Aramor totem x 1


    Water Being totem x 1


    Grasan totem x 1


    Plant totem x 2


    Bird totem x 2


    Any totems coloured red are for sale at 2sc each and blue for 1sc each.


    Grasan, Joker and Aramor totems are all premium creatures.


    First come first serve.


    Note to buyers: Once the system of extracting is fully operational I would ask that you answered a few questions (if you extract the creature.) This is not a demand but more just a friendly request.

  6. Aromatic herbs, Unidentified plants, Toxic plants, Flowers, Tea leaves and Bushies - Botanist

    Branches, Lumber, Tree bark, Resin, Sawdust - Arborist

    Water, Rainwater - [b]Hydrologist/b]

    Memory Stone, Sand, Skull, Bones - Archaeologist

    Toxic Gas, Wiiya - Aerostaticist

    Solid stench, Skin, Sticky Goop, Fat- Biochemist

    Timeless dust, Syntropic Dust, Liquid Dust, Fenths - Physicist

    Cup of Cold Tea, Raw Glass, Gift Wrap, Colored Paper - Trader

    All very to do with science, I know, but these are the sort of real names people would have for each section. (Roughly) Just to give and idea to the sort of people they'd be...

  7. I wasn't asking to be let back in. I was apologising. -_- [spoiler]




    Honestly no need for votes. I made a mistake and will accept the consequences! Had worse than this before! :P


    But thank you!


    MD only exists by credit payments. 20 credits seems like a good compromise.


    Anyone comparing the cost of any single WP wish is foolish since there are a lot of wishpoints that are only worth 1$ See locate, movelock, etc...


    Was literally about to say this myself.


    It is not that I don't want more money or smth, but I also consider other things. I always consider my greed's impact on MD.

    And for MD's sake I would want that WP .


    And I love to see this sort of comment.


    As Chewett has pointed out, MD's server costs are helped through the costs of items bought within the MD shop. Giving away an in game reward for high amounts of credits would create a massive financial loss in the long term.

    In my opinion I would have said $15-$20 was very generous. For one person, that may not seem a lot but, if you put MD first, it really is.


    Let's say $20 was the conversion price. Five people convert their wishpoints in one month, that's $100 just "given away" for free. That's more than what any one subscriber pays in a month (just through subscription). Now take into account the amount of people that will be using this wish, especially once a25 has been implemented and new players start coming in, compared to the amount of people subscribed or paying.


    For every 5 Wishpoints converted you need at least 5 people paying $20 just to break even...that seems a bit ridiculous to me.


    I personally think that the price should be $10 and two grants of the wish available, each one at different depths of the shop.




    If this is essentially for getting the new roleplay items, why not allow people to exchange the wishpoint for random bundles of common items? Say a 20 item bundle for 1 WP. Then MD doesn't lose out on money and people have multiple ways of getting the items still?


    My own views of this whole announcement though is, I don't like the idea of money being given away for free for in game rewards, when it could be put towards supporting the actual development and sustainability of the game.(no accusations or comments meant there, if it seems it.)

  9. My nominations didn't count? Yes, I nominated a lot of people. Would you rather me try to condense them into one person? That's impossible.



    This. Though No one might not have meant it that way, it is true. Most MD players have been kind in some way. And yes, actually taking the time to listen and talk to someone is an act of kindness, especially in MD where often some people (newbies especially) are ignored. When I go past mp3s, or see them arrive in a scene, I admit that often I just don't feel that into talking to them. Though if they talk, I do tend to say something.


    But yes, voting for multiple people is a must.


    You gave an indefinite list of players. Am I meant to add every single one? As No one points out (for a different reason) I may as well add every player I can think of?


    Every three months I shall hold a "Reward" ceremony for those that have shone in an area of kindness. This area could be by being an outstanding LHO, even simply by giving items, creatures or time and effort away for free. This will be the community's voice to vote for the one they believe to be a true beacon of kindness and selflessness.


    Listening to someone talk isn't necessarily a "shining example"  of kindness. It's general manners. Perhaps expand on this next time like, how many times did they listen to you, the help they gave you, the time they spent doing so...etc, rather than just creating a random list of names that have listened to you and had a hand in helping you.


    Next add a definite list of players and then I will add them. Then the public can decide if they vote for them or not.


    I can't dictate how you use your revive item since it is indeed yours. However... I must say that you are definitely not the only one freely reviving people... there are others.


    As to my general opinion about this: I don't disagree, but I believe such an item has potential for a lot more than to fulfill revival tokens. This is not the best example of role-playing with this item, that one could come up with.


    I will continue to role play with the item. Tokens are merely a way for others to request a revival. As I stated, role playing will still be a big part of how quickly and if I revive someone. ^_^

  11. This is a shameless "garage" sale. It belongs in the market section.




    Anyway. The items have been given to be used for free. Thanks to a certain change ... we came to this ...


    Simply shameless.


    As my previous post was hidden, I will rephrase it here as: I laughed my ass off when I've seen this topic.


    Are you honestly thinking before you reply today?


    They are not for sale. They will be rewarded.


    You say the item has been given to be used for free?


    Ann. 3303 - [2015-01-16 07:18:51 - Stage 12] - Permalink - Posted By Muratus del Mur
    Kill and Revive items changes
    From now on (most) revive and kill items will require gold to function. They can use any item that contains gold, probably most common for this use will be gold coins. Also, these actions will be posted in the global chat notifications, so that the entire realm will know when someone is murdered or revived.


    Obviously this is a false announcement then, yes?


    It is my tome to use as I see fit (with my role). I think providing opportunities to obtain both Free revives and Revival tokens is perfectly reasonable.


    The fact is, I am one of the only people (if not the only) that is openly offering to revive others and actually set quests so they may obtain "tokens" to use when they wish.


    I am not gaining from this. I am offering others the use of my revival tool should they provide the coin required. Sue me for allowing others a chance.


    Take your negativity elsewhere.

  12. Now let me get into the list a bit:

     - EE ... is / wants to be an MP6, it is his role to do acts of kindness

     - *Grido* & *Sunfire* (sorry), are LHOs, they have the kindness as a requirement for their job

    These 3, you want to make votes, should be in different cathegories.


    Then .. if you included the above ... then why did you skipped Mur, Chewett, HC, OC, old RPCs, new RPCs ... about almost all of MD players?



    And as special addition : why did you skipped Fang (lol, I do PR for Fang).


    Perhaps before you get into the list you should read this?




    Which, may I point out, I have already linked in the first post.


    I have given people three weeks to nominate. If you didn't nominate someone then that's because you were too slow or didn't even look at the first topic (the latter being my guess...)


    As for your comments on MP6 and and LHO needing to be kind:


    1. Perhaps a very basic form of being kind but nowhere in the LHO or MP6 rules does it say anything like "You must give away your items and creatures for free."


    2. They were not nominated for being LHO. In fact my post clearly states




    I was.


    This should not be considered anything to do with the fact he is an *LHO*, that is a separately awarded subject, this is purely due to his selflessness. Therefore I nominate him for: Selflessness beyond compare




    Every three months I shall hold a "Reward" ceremony for those that have shone in an area of kindness. This area could be by being an outstanding LHO, even simply by giving items, creatures or time and effort away for free. This will be the community's voice to vote for the one they believe to be a true beacon of kindness and selflessness. 


    If people wish to vote for him then they may. I have never said, though, that LHO's or MP6 are unable to be nominated. If people choose to nominate and then vote for them, that is their decision.


    Finally, this is a vote for one winner, not several. Voting for one only forces you to decide based upon what you have seen or you can choose to abstain from the vote entirely if you feel the need to.


    You should remember that this is going to happen every three months. Not from treasury funds, or sponsors...but my from my own pocket. I do not have to do this but I choose to. If I wanted to I could just do as I wish and and give to whoever I please. Instead doing that, however, I'm giving people a chance to air their own opinions and give me direction.


    Next time, read the topic and perhaps place a vote.

  13. What are they?


    • Revival Token - These will allow the receiver to request one revival, either for themselves or another. The receiver will need to provide a gold piece as an offering, however.


    This could be used to promote active fundraising and donations to help revive a player, should the receiver not have the coin themselves.


    • Free Revival Token - As the name suggests, this will be very much the same as the normal revival token, but the gold coin shall be provided.


    This could be particularly useful for personal use and for a quick revive.


    How can I get one?


    Revival tokens will be available through my quests, lottery prizes, awards and as random "gifts".


    How can I use them?


    • To use a token simply message me with your request.
    • If a coin is required then you must first transfer that item to me before I will revive anyone.
    • You may ask for a revival of yourself or one other.

    Rules regarding tokens?


    • Tokens are non-transferable.
    • Tokens will expire within three months if not used. (This is to help prevent mass requests and disappointments due to cool down times.)
    • Gold coins, for "Revival tokens" must be provided by the holder of the token, even if reviving someone else.
    • No silver will be accepted nor exchanged for gold on my part. You should find a way of getting a gold coin yourself.
    • Only one token per player, per three months.




    I will take requests to sponsor quests with revival tokens should I see the reward fitting.



    ~Sasha Lilias, Ghost of Fortune



    The small print!


    I shall reserve the right to deny a revival should I be unable to provide at the time. I also reserve the right to withdraw or deny any existing tokens but shall award compensation to the holder.

    Revivals may not be instant. The token holder should allow for up to, but not exceeding, one week for the revival to happen. Should the promised revival not happen within one week, compensation shall be awarded to the holder.

    All revival tokens should be used in conjunction with either strong role play or a community effort. Doing so shall speed up my process.

    "Revival tokens" shall take priority over "Free Revival tokens".[/spoiler]

  14. Please read here for the nominations.


    When voting you do not have to go by the nomination entries. If you feel that one of the nominees has shown kindness and compassion to you, or to others, in anyway, then feel free to vote for that person.


    Voting will end one week from today.



    Good luck and fortune to the nominees.


    ~Sasha Lilias, Ghost of Fortune


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