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Sasha Lilias

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Posts posted by Sasha Lilias

  1. Dst, you troll...


    Also editing this, so I don't spam another reply when not necessary.


    Chance of the totem breaking - ok. I support this. I would personally scale this with Erolin heat (say... if you want the totem NOT to break, you must store a minimum of X heat inside it when you plan to revert it. For example, when you want to revert the totem to a creature, 10000 heat = 100% chance of success, 9000 = 90% chance of success, etc). 

    But as I said, I don't like random mutation, and even more, I thoroughly disapprove of hard work only providing an "increased chance" of your creature mutating. It just sounds like one of those "freemium" games where if you want the mutation to occur you must pay 10$ or rely on a 5% chance of it happening even AFTER doing all the work.


    But that is surely the point of totemizing a creature? It is an extremely experimental procedure using two very unstable elements.  To be able to have 100% success rate and to be able to force a creature to mutate, how you want it to, you would need to know what you were doing to make both heat and dust stable...which isn't possible.


    Perhaps the stats "Experimentalism" could somehow cover this area and increase chances of not breaking or damaging a totem. However, I feel strongly that people should not be able to control the outcome of such an unstable procedure.

  2. While I'd support all kind of experiments on creatures and totems... I have to express my perplexities on the premise.


    I believe our creatures are not real creatures, they have neither brain nor need for anything.


    From my K-doc:

    <<In MD we are pure spiritual entities, the act of acquiring (or upgrading) a creature, the act of binding it to one's spiritual energy represents to me an expansion of the state of consciousness. From that moment, the owner can 'act' like the acquired creature, being creatures simply different manifestations of the owner's spiritual energy.>>


    In the light of this, totemizing a creature represents to me a reversible crystallization of thoughts.


    Like: I don't want/need to behave like a knator anymore (I won't use the knator as a fighting creature) but I want to pay it a "tribute", immortalizing it in a totem form. It's like having a knator pendant attached to a necklace, the difference being you can turn it back to creature (usable manifestation)


    As much as I think this is a brilliant idea, I can't see this being true. 


    In a recent conversation with Mur he told me "md is a single organism and players in it are its cells" which, if true, would make us as much a part of a creature as they are us. We would have as much a personal bond with the creature as we do heat, and there is no bond between one person an heat! 


    I believe anything shared in the realm is stripped of any kind of personal fingerprint. For example, a knator I bind to myself is not truly mine, for I can then pass it to someone else just as easily. Whereas if it were a single, personal, thought or way of "acting"...how could we pass it on to others so easily? Or even just "remove" that train of thinking from our mind?


    What if we don't use the creatures, they use us?


    Perhaps we don't use the creatures...perhaps they use us for their own needs. To help them become stronger and have rule over others of their kind? What we get from this is just the byproduct or the "stuff they don't need".


    Creature totems that are turned into ash or shards could be used in the process to "fusion" one or more creatures together, to create something completely new. Or even items such as "Sticky goop" could be used to stick creature totems back together, giving them one last attempt at restoring the creature but with higher chances of mutation!


    I would push them even further...

    Why not using totems, creatures ash, or creature shards to create hybrid creatures? Like, half winderwild - half knator?


    Mhm, that's what I mean when I say "fusion".



    Knatorwind. SQUAWK! Or... worse...


    Joke aside, yes, I would like to see this as a feature. I'm personally thinking it would be interesting to have certain ways to "mutate" a creature once it's in a totem. Use specific resources to alter its structure (various types of dust, fenths, Wiiya, etc), Erolin heat, maybe a form of "maturation" in certain locations of power?


    I personally don't like the idea of random mutation in this case, or chance, mostly because I see totems as a crystallisation, a suspension of what a creature is - if not acted upon, it should remain the same as it was before being totemised. In other words, if you want to mutate it, you should have to work for it, gather resources, etc, not hope for chance.


    I do agree that a person should perhaps be able to work towards a mutation but I feel that there still needs to be a risk when returning the creature to reality. Like I said, it's not a light process and it's bound to have an effect on most creatures afterwards! 


    Perhaps by performing certain tasks, or fulfilling certain criteria, you could increase the chances of a certain mutation. For example, the longer you leave a totem untouched, the more likely it will shatter due to ageing and weathering?

  3. Being compressed under intense heat and then trapped in a timeless condition with no food, water or stimulus is never a good thing. And then to be yanked back out into reality again, without warning, at any time?! It's bound to leave anything with a brain in a rather rattled state!


    (If you disagree then I'm quite happy to help you test it on yourself!)


    • Here you can post any "mutation" ideas you may have for totems and also discuss, debate and think about how totemizing may affect a creature in the long terms or what could be done with them, if anything at all.
    • These are purely theoretical mutations to help provide ideas for the real thing. This is not to say that any of the provided ideas will be used.
    • Please only post constructive criticism and real ideas, no "jokes". Anything off topic will be deleted.


    My ideas

    1. Chance of creature mutation - Creatures would have x/y chance of being mutated into another form. For example: 1/2000 chance that a GG mutates into a windy or 1/100 chances that an aramor mutates into a dream joker. Note: I personally like the idea of an aramor mutating this way rather than via a WP, as they're considered rather worthless now and aren't worth the use of one wish.
    2. Chance for original stat mutation - Creatures would have a small chance of gaining or losing a % of their original stats. Note: This would only apply once for each creature.
    3. Chance for gained stat mutation - Creatures would have a small chance of gaining or losing a % of their gained stats; heat, age or won battles. Note: This could apply more than once for each creature.
    4. Chance for new resource 1 - Creatures failed to be brought back into reality and the totem burns up, forming "Creature Ash"
    5. Chance for new resource 2 - The ritual to bring the creature back to reality fails and the totem shatters, creating "Creature shards".
    6. Creature Ageing - Creature has a slight chance to either be reset to first stage or (if possible for creature) raised one stage.
    7. Creature unaffected - Creature returns to reality as it was before placed into the totem

    Creature totems that are turned into ash or shards could be used in the process to "fusion" one or more creatures together, to create something completely new. Or even items such as "Sticky goop" could be used to stick creature totems back together, giving them one last attempt at restoring the creature but with higher chances of mutation!


    Remember that this is something completely new! Ideas don't necessarily have to be ones that are already implemented elsewhere in the game!





    • Fake White Beard
    • Feather boa
    • First Rosette
    • Glass of Spoiled Milk
    • Grain grinder
    • Grease ball
    • Haletosis rag
    • Iron chain link
    • Knitted tree jacket
    • Lime scaled piping 
    • One Sock
    • Piece of frosted glass
    • Pinkish muffler
    • Plant fibers
    • Quarter Staff
    • Right sign
    • Rug tassel
    • Spoonless
    • Sticky Rubber Roach
    • Tassels

    And 30sc for the GG

  4. As I stated in the last one;


    I believe that the totem system should be worked on until it's at a point where it is fully operational with interesting outcomes.


    One of the reasons I have gotten so deeply involved in creature totems is because of it's potential and the fact that encompasses so much of MD. This a step towards a completely different side of MD, a place between role play and combat. 


    Here's a quick list of everything I feel creature totems encompass:

    • Heat - Heat is required to make the totems, which then forces us to think of how we can gather enough? Through stones? Briskness? Fighting? Which way is most efficient?
    • Items - Totems require items to create them, thus making us think about what we need, where we can get them from and how we're going to get the item(s).
    • Resources - This has been the biggest challenge for me, trying to get enough timeless dust. Now that it has a value people are expecting large sums of silver or aren't selling at all. Those that are selling, only sell the smallest amounts. I've finally found a way that suits me and I see efficient...but it still causes you to think.
    • Creatures - The core of a totem. Yet no one, probably not even Mur, know's what will happen to them when totemized and then brought back into reality. For me this raises many questions and has caused me to search for creatures to "test" on when it is ready. But for good tests you need varying creatures, levels, stats...everything.
    • Community - For me, this is the best part. You can work by yourself to achieve goals or you can talk to others for help, make friends and work together. I've found that making totems has caused me to talk to lots of people; some I perhaps wouldn't have spoken to before or haven't spoken to in a long time...you chat, get to know them or reminisce with them and then help one another... Like true friends.


    In my experience totems have brought together nearly every huge aspect of MD, with one simple item. But that one item could have so much potential...if only it were finished.


    So (to Mur) should you read this, I'd like you to think about setting totems as a priority for one of the bigger features. I feel it could interest a lot...the possibilities are endless.


    So yes...totems please.

  5. I have currently confirmed 17 types of creature totems.


    Please feel free to add any other types of creature totems but they must have been created to count as "confirmed".


    • Angien
    • Aramor
    • Archer
    • Barren Soul
    • Bird
    • Creature
    • Drachorn
    • Elemental
    • Grasan
    • Joker
    • Knator
    • Mechanical
    • Plant
    • Shade
    • Snowman
    • Tormented Soul
    • Water Being
  6. They're just a number that goes up after a couple hundred announcements.


    Saying "the next stage" would insinuate that an objective or criteria, that had been set, has been met. I don't see any of the major changes to the game fully completed or functioning from the stage before. In fact, if you look back at all the stages in the past, there's always been some outstanding work needed to finish something off in the previous Stage.


    So no... I don't think "Stages" (in the way it's being used now) is appropriate or meaningful as there is still outstanding work.


    Though that's my opinion.


    I think Mur sees stages as a mark of when he feels the game as progressed to a new level i.e new ways of role playing and item creation.

  7. The totems are based on the ID of a specific creature. As a creature ID is unique one would highly doubt it would change the creature drastically. (That ID would most likely be set to and "Imperial aramor coding ", though I don't know enough about coding to say this is accurate.)


    I will state that they have gone in as Imps, Pimps and hoes jokers. They could come out the same, worse or better. Therefore the prices shall be kept to the lowest value. (A possible sharptear for 2sc? Can't complain at that...)


    But this is what tests are for. As stated in the announcement, who knows how they'll come out? All we can do is test and record, test and record.


    Edit: Also, might I point out (for those that have not noticed) when setting a ritual every creature has a specific type group. As far as I have gathered these types are the same classing for totems.


    Should you wish for a list I currently have 16 totem types compiled with a list of the creatures I've currently tested to make them. Please feel free to ask for it to be shared.

  8. I personally think that having "bundles" of 10-20 RP items available for a WP is the way to go.


    Wish points and credits are two entirely different things, gained in different ways by supporting the game in different ways. They should stay separate.


    It has always been said that WP's can't be bought...so why should they be allowed to be sold?


    It's just makes me sigh...

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