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Sasha Lilias

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Posts posted by Sasha Lilias

  1. [quote name='SageWoman' date='06 April 2010 - 01:53 PM' timestamp='1270561988' post='57719']
    Sasha, seek out Amoran. I gave her a Flute.

    Thankyou but this is a quest of a sort ^^
    If the person wants the drachorn they must gain those items.Lets say each item is worth 15 silver.That would be 90 silver, which I see fair for a tokened drachorn ^^

  2. [quote name='dst' date='13 March 2010 - 10:02 PM' timestamp='1268517767' post='56362']
    Here is the list of the WP awarding that I find at least weird. I will not comment on them so you'll not say I am mean. I will just post them (details included):

    Receiver Giver WpId Details Date/Time

    Death Ray Mya Celestia 576 Quest 01/03/10 06:24:11
    Nimrodel Mya Celestia 571 Guardian quest 26/02/10 19:02:35
    Firsanthalas Mya Celestia 570 Mentorship 26/02/10 18:53:38
    Sharazhad Mya Celestia 569 Quality Mentoring 26/02/10 18:49:13
    CrazyMike Mya Celestia 568 Completed the guardian only quest 26/02/10 18:46:43
    Kouras sasha lilias 533 Helped to plan out a new story for me, helped lost puppy make a personal wix and completed the set tasks 29/01/10 13:13:00
    mcvitie phantasm 473 Secret Reindrach drawing that Aelis did.A gift given for a very special time of year. With happy holidays for all 24/12/09 16:23:29
    Kamisha *Sagewoman* 395 For having the guts and ball to apply and campaign for Kingship and to gracefully withdrawn knowing the odds were against him 22/10/09 16:58:46

    I would just like to say that Mya has given out 6 WP's in the last month or so.5 of these were given to Lorootian members.

  3. I have been looking to buy/create new musical items. I cannot seem to buy them nor the items required, so I have an offer.
    Who ever can gain me* [s]five musical items[/s] shall be awarded with a tokened drachorn. Only ONE person can win this prize so if you want it I would hurry!!
    This offer will only be up for a while, if no one is interested or comes to me with the items then I shall stop this "quest"

    If you have the items then please pm me via forum or game.


    ~Sasha Lilias~

    P.s If two people have five musical items then I will decides which ones I prefer. The person who owns the most I like will gain the drachorn.

    P.p.s I know that there may not be five musical items in MD, so whoever finds me the most will gain the drachorn.

    [size="1"]"Challenge of Dispair®" Disclaimer: "Challange of Dispair"® is a registered trademark of Wookie and Light inc."[/size] ^_^


    I am changing the requirements to *2 musical items and 4 stones/gems.There must be at least two different types of gems/stones.[/s]

    Thankyou :cool:


    2 musical items and 2 stones.

  4. I myself believe that the GGG is a good place for the lower mind power levels, mainly mind power 3. It allows people to regain balance and gain easy experiance.
    As for the higher mind powers I feel that they should not require "Dojos/Sparring grounds". They should have learnt how to either be attacked and not get a lost battle counted and/or how to set a regenerating ritual. They should also have enough knowledge about fighting to recognise who they can gain a win from and how.

    These are just my own opinions but I see them as valid arguments. :D

  5. [quote name='pamplemousse' date='28 February 2010 - 12:48 AM' timestamp='1267318125' post='55442']
    Both the Dimensional Shifters and the Legend Speakers are aligned with The MDA lands. While MDA has no sovereign ruler, that doesn't mean it isn't a land.
    Very true but to alot of people the MDA lands are seen to be neutral

  6. [font="Palatino Linotype"][center]The dimensional shifters are now recruiting new members.[/center]
    I shall be using the idea that Phantasm used in his recruitment flyer,seeing as it was a a very good way of sorting things out.
    Please write your player name, age, mindpower and why you think you should be a member of the Dimensional Shifters.
    Please note that the DS alliance is not affiliated with any land, it is neutral, like the Soldiers of the Inner Sun or the Legend Speakers.If you wish to be affiliated with a land then please do not apply.
    [Update] To make this fair, if you are already affiliated with a land then please pm me personally with the required information, the only difference shall be that you will need to think up a better reason for why you should be a member.

    Thankyou all
    ~Sasha Lilias~[/font]
    Name - Sasha Lilias
    Age - 218
    Mindpower - 5
    Reason for application - I believe I can bring new ideas to the alliance to help it grow and become stronger.

  7. Alot of us have gained items through hard work or roleplay. Some people think that it is a MUST.
    I agree that the hoarding of items in rude and annoying but surely if they bought them they should be able to decide wether they sell them or not.
    Perhaps the raw materials can be made to be more common, perhaps through quests of some description?(When I say be more common I mean more of them created)

  8. [quote name='(Zl-eye-f)-nea' date='22 January 2010 - 10:34 PM' timestamp='1264199691' post='53264']
    Ok i'm starting to get somewhat aggravated now...14 posts other than mine and only one of them is a relevant submission.
    I was wondering if mine is counted or not?
    If not then I will delete it and place something else.

  9. Well here are two pictures. One about 5pm the other around 6pm. I choose these two because the first shows my lovely little hamlet that I live in, it is a beautiful place with alot of history behind it. The second I chose because loved the way the dying sunlight made the hills burst into a deep crimson colour. They are not brilliant pictures but I always think nature should be seen and enjoyed.

    (You will want to change the screen size to 50% sorry :D)

  10. I was thinking today about the Winderwilds we have in Marinds Bell lands and thought "Oh. Perhaps we can have a different type of winderwild for each mainland" for example in necrovian we could have something like (only an idea)an "Undead Winderwild".
    Each winderwild would have a different ability, stats and creature boost depending from which mainland they come from.

    Here is a small list of possible abilities;

    Necrovian Winderwild- Ability; Random damage, Targets; Weak creatures,
    Strong creatures, Dying.
    Special Influences; Attack Boost: Raises attack of all ally creatures by 50% .
    Initiative Boost: Raises initiative of all ally creatures by 25%

    Golemus Winderwild- Ability; Steal life. Targets; Multi
    Special influences; Power Boost - Raises power of all ally creatures by 50%

    Lorerootian Winderwild- Abiltiy; Heal, Regenerate. Targets; All
    Special influences; Defence Boost - Raises defence of all ally creatures by 25%
    Creature Boost - Increases all influences of ally creatures by 50%

    Of course these are just beginning ideas...something to work with if you like :P
    Before we/I go any further with this idea I would just like to know if it is a good or bad one.
    I hope most of you will find it interesting at least and soemthing to ponder about.

    Sasha Lilias.

    Edit: For those that don't know where you would get them from, you would get them from their mainlands.

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