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Sasha Lilias

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Posts posted by Sasha Lilias

  1. [quote name='baiano' date='15 August 2010 - 05:57 PM' timestamp='1281895077' post='66229']
    -1 gold +3 silvers
    -1 imperial aramor
    -1 BP maxed with [claw1] ,[claw2]
    -pimped grasan age435 tokened with [blooddrop1,[kellethafire],[emeraldglare],[claw2],[claw1]

    FOr the rusty
    You have already posted this offer and I will obviously not accept it over $50. I wouldn't accept it for my Drach anyway .

  2. Bloodpact with:[spoiler][blooddrop3]
    [blooddrop1][/spoiler]+1GC ;)
    (I know it only has 13tokens but I am willing to raise my coins also.

  3. [quote name='CrazyMike' date='12 August 2010 - 09:28 PM' timestamp='1281648524' post='65978']
    50 Credits.

    But I'm expecting more coz its a rusty and it has tons of tokens.

    Rusty's are worth less than GG's, just incase you didn't realise that. Also the tokens will hardly change the amount of credits that people pay for it unless they help the player in a major way.

    GG's are worth around $50-$60 so I would expect a rusty to sell for $40 :/

    Edit: Added worths

  4. [quote name='Chewett' date='11 August 2010 - 06:44 PM' timestamp='1281552273' post='65815']
    If you are creating guilds that are supposedly neutral then you should at least not pick someone who has strong affiliation with other lands.

    If you are referring to me, I do not have any strong affliations with any land. Mcvitie does though, to GG, though I have already said none of my alts are influenced by one another, apart from one which is due to role. Also I think I have already made it clear it is not me that plays Lunar Priestess. :unsure:

    [quote name='Firsanthalas' date='11 August 2010 - 06:47 PM' timestamp='1281552432' post='65816']
    Late note: I would also like to point out that at least one person wanted to change who was in the guild (by that I mean their alts). To me this instantly screams of having no regard to keeping alts separate and distinct. You may disagree, but that is how I see it.
    Just saw this.
    The reason I said I was willing to drop out from GG was not because of gettign roles mixed but wanting my sister to have an enjoyable time in the guild. If you have brothers or sisters you will know what I am on about. I do not want people saying nasty comments to her, or myself, because an "alt" is in a different land.

    [color=purple]Posts merged - Grido[/color]

  5. This is where I post my points.
    Firstly Lunar is not me, it is my sister, which is why I say "speaking on behalf of lunar priestess". Secondly Sasha lilias has left the woodcutters due to these complaints and thirdly Mcvitie has always been a Citizen of GG but if it is going to cause such an uproar then fine, I shall drop from being a citizen of that land.

    I do not let roles cross, look at mcvitie and sasha, there is a big difference between them.Sasha is neutral and always will be.
    I hope this helps a little, even if chewett does have a personal problem with me.

    I think I will let you know of all my alts actually, to get this behind us.

    Me(Clarissa)-Sasha lilias,Lady Eve,Guess Who, Elementum Era and Mcvitie

    Mcvities shadow(Chris)-Mcvities shadow, Celestial ice king

    Lunar priestess(Sasha)- Lunar Priestess.

  6. (Speaking on behalf of Lunar Priestess)

    [size="4"][color="#00FF00"]If you want it to be that way, but I don't think we would be at eachothers throats at all, you should give us time to get things established properly.
    Edit: As Mortis has placed across we do not like these rules, but shall comply.[/color][/size]

  7. (Speaking on behalf of Lunar Priestess)

    [color="#00FF00"][size="4"] As a general notice I would like to say that the woodcutters are not many but we are one.
    One person does not make or destroy the rules, we all do. This is same as when someone wishes to speak to us, we should ALL be informed.

    Thankyou :P[/size][/color]

  8. [size="5"][b][u]Single Buys[/u][/b][/size]

    Elemental-565 Price=3sc

    Heretic Archer-565 Price=4sc

    Heretic Archer-565 Price=4sc

    Grasan-322 Price=3sc

    Grasan-131 Price=2sc

    Water Being-113 Price=2sc

    Barren Soul-279 Price=3sc

    [b][u][size="5"]Combo Buys:[/size][/u][/b]

    [b][u]Healers combo[/u][/b]
    [spoiler]Barren Soul-601x2[/spoiler] Price=5sc

    [u][b]Warriors Combo[/b][/u]
    [spoiler]Aramorx2-199+Aramorx2-279[/spoiler] Price=6sc

    [u][b]Archers Combo[/b][/u]
    [spoiler]Heretic Archer-602+Heretic Archerx2-565[/spoiler] Price=6sc

    [b][u]Beginners Combo[/u][/b]
    [spoiler]Aramorx2+Barren Soul+Grasan-604[/spoiler] Price=7sc

    [b][u]Elemental Combo[/u][/b]
    [spoiler]Elemental-602+Elemental-228+Elemental-199[/spoiler] Price=5sc

    [b][u]The SUPER Combo[/u][/b]
    [spoiler]Aramor-696+Heretic Archerx2-695+Elemental-695+Elemental-630+Angien Egg-321+Tormented Soul-228[/spoiler] Price=12sc

    [size="5"]Note:[/size][size="4"]All creatures are UN-tokened and will be sold on a "first come, first serve" notice. Prices ARE negotiable on the single buy creatures.[/size]

    [size="5"]Yet another note:[/size][size="4"]Half of the profit shall be given to the LHO's (Grido) to be used as seen fit.The rest shall be used for future quests.[/size]

  9. Firstly lets get the little things out of the way :)

    Name - Sasha Lilias

    Age - 355 Acticve Days

    Now for my reason:

    Introduction: I am interested in joining this guild for both in game and out I enjoy woodcrafts.
    In game: Sasha Lilias enjoys being around nature alot, though she has never actually cut down a tree, she has often crafted little things from branches and sticks. In her younger days her mother was an experianced woods crafts lady, and created the Golden harp that Sasha has to this very day. Her mother taught her alot of what knows, including woods craft, but she does not usually have the means to practice it. Being in a Woodcutters guild would give her the chance to acquire the wood in a more practical way than just foraging for the already cut or fallen.

    Out of game: I used to, and still do, enjoy looking at trees, planting them and learning about there different properties and ways to work out what tree is what. Also I used to be a keen outdoors girl and taught my siblings about the trees we had around us, this would often mean the three of us camping out for a few nights (for fun ^_^). We would often cut down smaller (usually dead) trees to use for fire wood. It was great fun :)

    Conclusion: All in all I would find that joining this guild wood allow me to place some of my unused knowledge into the game and that it would help establish a solid role for Sasha. :)

    Thankyou for reading this.

    ~Sasha Lilias~

  10. [quote name='Chewett' date='05 August 2010 - 06:36 PM' timestamp='1281033393' post='65169']
    In such a small community such as ours there is no such thing as an unbiased jury.

    Perhaps I should rephrase.

    A "jury" made from a group of people that can act unbiased, such as Mur or Grido. I know that both would be able to make unbiased for it is in their roles/jobs. I am pretty sure that you could make unbiased decisions also. ;)

  11. Suggestion: How about we have an award ceremony every year, at a set date. When I say award ceremony I mean like the medals giving out, the people present could put their names up for a wishpoint, if they meet the age limit, and if people vote that the player has been active, and not just logging in for the days(refer to Dst's post on page 1), then they could be awarded one. This way it would be easier to keep an eye on those that only log in for the days, to the ones that come on for the game.

    Dowfall: People could be biased towards(or against) the player so perhaps create an unbiased jury of some sort?

    Edited: Corrected spelling errors and grammar

  12. [color="#FF0000"][color="#0000FF"][size="4"]I would like say that I am completely against this accusation.

    I have never(and never will) had a male account. I have CREATED accounts for friends such as Mcvities Shadow. Apart from that they are their own account.
    I WILL NOT be held responsible for what they do, so I see this punishment highly unneeded and unwanted.

    If you wish to contact me(mur) then my email address is on my profile page, otherwise I shall be contacting you shortly.

    ~Sasha Lilias~[/size][/color][/color]

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