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Sasha Lilias

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Posts posted by Sasha Lilias

  1. Just in case you didn't know (I am sure you did though) you [b]won't [/b]be able to cast spells on stones with just 5 remaining spells. It has to be 5+ [b]but at least[/b] 80% ,or more, of the maximum spell casts.


    Casts ------> Min Amount to add spell to stone ------> Amount for personal use before adding spell to stone

    8/8 ------>6.4 casts ------> 1.6

    Though of course decimals of a spell are not possible, so 7/8 casts would be needed [b]at least[/b]. :)

  2. Hm, I am more than happy for it to be removed. I did not see that part of the wish and was excited to see it. I may not be a "noob" but that is the first I have seen of that wish and thought "Ohh..". Then I remembered "Awiiya's Way" and thought it to be fine.

    I ACCEPT what I did was obviously wrong but I did NOT realise names were not allowed to be in the title. Therefore I think jail and wishpoint removal is a bit over the top, but the removal of the tag's are not.

    My Apologies.

  3. Actually I quite like Seig. Also, you shouldn't make assumptions. I am replying to this one because I saw it, I do not remember seeing other people doing the same thing. If you point me towards them I will happily comment. Either way, it doesn't matter, I have replied to this topic and you are sending it offtopic. Let's keep it ON topic.

    Why now? Because I am going through the posts made in the last 24 hours, that's why. I saw this and I commented. So please. Stop trying to point out other peoples flaws before you have looked at your own.
    I'm not talking about this any more, because I don't want to be blamed of taking it off topic again. Message me if you have a problem.

  4. I find this RIDICULOUS. This is the sort of behaviour that will decrease the value of the WP and also Wind Drachorns. I hope you realise this. If you already have the drachorn and have wished it into a Windy, then that's fine. If you are expecting someone to pay you so that they can give you their drachorn and have it turned into a one, then all you are doing is selling the Wishpoint.
    This is no different to someone giving me a wishpoint to upgrade my own drachorn.


  5. That's for sure? How do know that? You can't say it WILL happen when no one has actually shown they are doing it.
    To be honest, I think it should be left alone. As everyone has said, it's three WP's. No harm can be done with three wishes, perhaps 7-8, yes, but 3? Good luck with abusing that.

    Oh..and I just thought. When you say "alts should use stones", WHO is going to provide them and WHO is going to be losing out on spells?

  6. Ok, so...I am going to try and speak from both sides;

    For: I see that if a member plays on more than one account, who is to say which is the main? I use many accounts for different roleplaying. People used to think Mcvitie was the main because she was the "first account" but now I reckon everyone will say that Sasha is the main, that doesn't mean I don't still play on Mcvitie. If I have been active with many accounts, then why shouldn't they get the same rewards?
    What happens if one day someone wants to forget a previous account and start afresh? Then they will have to miss out for having a previous account?

    Against: I can see lot's of reasons against. As you say, alts helping each other, being the main one for me to see problems with. Creating items for alts, has been a problem in the past and could easily become a major problem in the future.
    Another valid point you make is that wishpoints will slowly lose their value in MD, but has that not happened already with this feature?
    Another problem with this is if players create alts just to log on with each day, so that they can get the wishpoint rewards...

    So in my opinion...I'm not too sure if it should, or shouldn't be changed. If I had to say anything..it would probably be stay the same, so long as there is some sort check that could be done to make sure they are not just abusing it. Perhaps a seperate WP shop for alts? Things that can only help that specific account?

    Just an idea :)

    [quote name='BFH' timestamp='1312478503' post='89482']

    I agree with mains receiving those basic spells not alts. If alts want spells then they can use stones.

    So you and others can make profit from alt's wanting spell stones?

  7. In the past, as Burns stated, the Gates were closed from [b]both[/b] sides. This meant that even if you did manage to get through the Labyrinth, you were then stuck inside Golemus until someone helped you get out (usually by telportation). Going back even further in time, their was no Labyrinth(well not open to most). The only way in was if you had somehow got access to the Gates, telportation, or if you could jump to someone that had.
    Basically, the point of all this is to show that we have [b]all[/b] had troubles getting in or/and out at some point. This is no different to when it was for us when we were young. I
    If you find your way in, then congratulations! Well done for either being at an age where Ap is high, or solving the Labyrinth, but don't complain if you cannot exit. You [b]know[/b] that you will not be able to exit easily, so in the end...it's your choice if you enter or not.

    [color=#ff0000]The Gates AP cost [b]won't[/b] change just because the younger ones cannot be bothered to wait until they can enter. We all can enter at a certain time...so just be patient.[/color] :)


  8. If I may point you towards this announcement: [b]Actionpoints bonus for Active Days[/b]
    The number of active days will influence from now on the total action points you can accumulate. The older you are the more Ap you will have. The way the bonus is distributed is not constant but in the first 6mo matches half of the active days count, later on growing slower. . The exact bonus values are posted on the forum.[color=#ff0000] The intention is to keep newer players in more central areas, while older players will feel more comfortable to adventure in deeper areas of the map.[/color]

  9. Seeing as my response to Chewett seems to have "miraculously" disappeared..I will re-write it.

    I [b]know[/b] that story made is to allow a deeper creation of the character, but to some it still is a puzzle to be solved.

    I know lot's of people that have created alternative accounts just to see what lies beyond the other options, "Where does this lead to?", "What happens if I do this instead?" etc.

    I think everyone sees it differently. The first time I did story, I saw it exactly as you said Chewy, now when ever I do it again I think to myself what I wrote above. To me the Beserkers puzzle is the opposite, the first time it was a puzzle...now [b]to me[/b] it's just another thing to do to get further in the game. With story mode there are so many paths to take ( as with the labyrinth ), whereas the Beserkers Puzzle? Same thing over and over again. That's the only reason I say that story mode is a puzzle.

    [b]Edit-[/b] [i]To make reading clearer(paragraphs)[/i]

  10. [quote name='dst' timestamp='1311953716' post='89114']
    Labirinth is accessible to everyone (no! not the player).Certain Marind Bell locations (and others as well) are accessible only through story or wish shop. You do the math now.
    The Labyrinth is a puzzle, the rewards for the first person to solve it (Pigeater) were huge. Land Affiliation with the Labyrinth (the only person to have that, ever, I believe), +10k max ve, $20 worth of credits and a puzzle medal. Now, story mode is also a puzzle, if "solved" correctly you can gain access to places that others cannot, if you don't then..oh well, you'll have to try and get a WP to unlock places- ANOTHER puzzle you have to solve to get access to an area within a land that others may not have.

    As I see it, if you solve the labyrinth puzzle, and get to GG, then you are very lucky(/skilled), as with gaining access to other lands "secret" areas.

    Both are rewards for hard work.
    [quote name='dst' timestamp='1311955444' post='89118']
    Gg is not off-limits since you can enter and exit it via the Laby.
    The Gates of Ages are also open from inside I think.

    [u]For Chewett:[/u]

    [b]Re-Edited: [i]For Grammar[/i][/b]

  11. Ok so...I had a little free time so I thought I would do a drawing. In real life..it looks ok! But when I upload it...it becomes..uhh...cut,enlarged and more...transparent. Anyway...



    The second has been edited with Gimp to show what it looks like, I can make it darker by re-drawing if needed....will probably do another anyway :)

  12. I have to agree with Chewett and Udgard.. I think that it would be better for this to stay neutral, and therefore not become a guild within any land.
    Seeing as certain tools will only be able to be used when in the correct citizenship, then surely it would make sense for a few tools to stay outside any land, so that they may be used by whomever wishes to?

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