I agree with Eon's and neno' s post.
Most people leave MD cause almost nobody talks, or new players almost never get to level up to the next mp. When these new players finally do make it to mp4 it makes most mp3s stuck with little people to fight and the new mp4 is almost all by him/herself to figure out who they can fight right now.
There are more mp3s than mp4s. To be honest I've only seen maybe 3 or 4 mp4s in the past year alone. And I feel that's a generous number.
This may be out of context to say this , but MD is dying because MD does not evolve with the ever changing gaming technologies. Almost nobody plays computer games anymore, and most people that do play computer games are able to play it on their phones or tablets.
MD is currently not compatible with a phone. It is slightly but it's very limited. This is just a suggestion/theroy, what if MD had its own app that allows you to play like you would normally on a computer. Approx 85% of people who play games are apps on their phones. So why not MD take a chance and make its own app for the game? I honestly feel this may be the only thing that brings life back to md. Not everybody has a computer but 90% of people have a phone yes?
Just my thoughts on this. MD needs to evolve like all other games have. I've found several mmorpg's that have both an app, and a regular computer website. And these games are thriving. Don't believe me you can find many examples in Google play .
Again just my thoughts/opinion
@ungod you do make some valid points but I still agree with Eon and neno.