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Posts posted by JadenDew

  1. ID: 186134


    White Flower Wreath - A handwoven wreath of white flowers and leaves.

    Crystal Tear - A tear shaped crystal that feels cold to touch.

    Sticky Rubber Roach - A most "adorable" thing to stick onto someone when they are not looking.

    Sword Shard - A shard of a sword of a once-powerful warrior, or so it is believed, now just a piece of metal...

    Mini Sun Mosaic - A palm-sized circular mosaic art piece of the sun.

    Mosaic Skull - A creepy-looking skull made from a great many ceramic pieces.

    Reverse Pocket Watch - A clockwork pocket watch which hands turn anti-clockwise.

    Snow Globe - A globe containing a little snow-covered house and some trees. Give it a good shake to "make" it snow.

    Sweet Heart - An extremely sweet piece of heart-shaped candy. It might not be to your taste...

    Pet Food Bowl - For feeding your beloved pets, or a hungry stray.

    Patchwork Blanket - A colourful blanket to snuggle in.

    Cheesecake - A slice of cake with brown crust but white, soft and slightly sweet center.




    remember blue are not to be included, but i want them for somethign else

  2. (Editted to add player ID)

    ID: 186134


    Ace of Spade - A black and white playing card, one wonders which deck is missing it.

    Glass Rose - A rose of everlasting beauty.. yet so very fragile.

    Lunchbox - For storing of yummies for later, and not necessarily lunch.

    Silent Music Box - A small wooden music box that produces no sound when wound, or at least none that you can hear.

    Ragged Wedding Dress - Once a beautiful and expensive garment, now stained and moth-eaten due to neglect.

    Chinese boxes - A set of boxes, each placed within the next largest box and each decorated differently. The smallest of the lot is about the size of your thumb.




    all look good


    jadenDew - you will be documenting scene activateable items. these are the necro gate, pillars of all sorts, wodin ancient corpse, knaty corpse, and any item that appears on the scene based on triggers. This is about ancient stuf, so i will reply questions slow, The new scene activateble items replace that functionality, but not all of it. Some will remain as it is (like quest artifacts, thats how the number capsule near the gazebo is called in my code)


    @Mur: I am not exactly clear about this scope.. Is the number capsule you refer to the sphere puzzle in Berserker's way? Are activatable items strictly the sort that appears only when a trigger appear? What about those that appear/changes based on other conditions (e.g. The bull blocking the way in Bob's scene appears only for those who haven't finished tutorial.)

  4. Would Growable Bushies, GoE and Pillars of Harmony be considered as isolated concept? Or would they be considered as subset of clickable features?


    Asking because I am interested in those, but not exactly sure if they are falling under the category of "a part of md that can be isolated in concept".

  5. Add Tags:

    MDShop - For announcements related to the shop (eg. new release/removal of MDShop Item or changes to the shop)

    Creature - For announcements related to creatures such as releasing of new ones (eg. Toxicodendrite, Elucubration)


    Thinking about the rarer sort of announcements in my memory, I was wondering what would you tag the announcements about "Master the Void" with..? (tag as Mur? :)) ) What about those nice messages like Ann. 3018?

  6. General Profile (Stats)
    1. Filtering (18x18 pixels)
    2. Waterhandling (18x18 pixels)

    Shared Items Without Images
    1. Box of rainbow candies (id: 18836, 18838)
    2. Necrovion Pass Papers (id: 20484, 20485, 20486, 20499)
    3. Sand Melter (id: 15196, 15197, 15198, 15199)
    4. NC Land Cleanser (id: 17498, 17500)
    5. Large Bucket (id: 9445, 13604)
    6. Pair of 12-sided Dice (id: 16516)
    7. Pair of 20-sided Dice (id: 16517)
    8. Twenty sided Dice (id: 16519)
    9. 12-sided Dice (id: 16522)
    10. MB Land Cleanser (id: 17486, 17491, 17503)


    I'm not sure about the image sizes for items. There are more items ids then those above but these are the ids I have found so far. I will add more after I rid the papers from my inventory page so that I can access the shared item page in Necro. Am I right to assume that the numbers under "CODE" in the shared item locations are their IDs? I've picked up the items to test.. it seems so but can anyone confirm it, just in case?


    Edit: Added more items. Hope I haven't made an error somewhere.


    Edit2: Wait.. by Item Code, you mean the full string of words and numbers under CODE in the shared item locations not just the id? :unsure: If I am mistaken I will rectify the list.... :( Sorry! I can be stupid...

  7. I apologise for digging back up this old thread, but I do notice something strange about my adept count.


    I currently have no adepts. I used to have one but I had him adept someone else. (I can't recall who, it's been too long, I apologise I did not make this report earlier.)
    However, despite having no adepts, the bar on the right still says "1 adepts" and there are two praying people at the heat orb (presumably one for me and the other for the long-gone adept)

    Below is a screenshot of my adept page. It has no adept list at all and says "you do not have any adepts yet" despite the adept count:




  8. Name: JadenDew
    ID: 186134
    Duration of enslavement: 3 months
    Reason for you being a good slave: 
    Being "good" would depend on my future master.
    1) My future master will not be able to dictate how I distribute my items and creature, with the exception of those given to me by my future master during my period of enslavement.
    2) Requests against my morals would most likely be denied
    Special Wish:
    I would prefer a master worthy of my servitude
    Percentage you want to donate to TK.: 25%
    Minimum Bid: 5 Silver
    Edit: Will attend the main event.
  9. My favourite principle is Imagination. I love how it is behind the creation of many wonderful things and how it can also be used to influence perception and by extension, emotions and actions.


    On another note, my land affiliation is Necrovion and my favourite element is wind.

  10. Things I would like to buy:


    (Existing Items/Spell)
    Independent Candybox

    LockInChaos Spell (regenerable)

    Revival Item (permanent use)

    Independent Memory Stone Detector

    Curse Spell (regenerable)


    (Yet-To-Exist, but I believe the functionality exists)

    An item that can temporary raise briskness stat by 1k for 10mins, cooldown 40mins, permanent use. (not quite sure if the numbers are "balanced". Suggesting this because I would like something to help with heat gathering.)

  11. I have went through quite a few quests where the questmaker had scripted various interesting riddles or puzzles that we had to solve before proceeding to the next stage of the quest.

    I am wondering if it is possible, upon completion of such riddles/puzzles, to able to automatically "unlock" pickable clickies that was originally inaccessible or invisible?

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