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Posts posted by Manda

  1. mmmm That is a lie Eon your Angiens hit my tree when i was idle at the park thas why i get a ton of XP

    so at our training spot was the same.. you come and use angiens againts tree we only ask you to use non damage please... dont care if your not set you do that before (use non damage) why the change?? :blink:

  2. Hi all

    The current problem is not the win or lose if just all ask Eon please dont attack us when he will be able to fight ?¿?¿
    is the insane ammount of xp that he give in each fight using angiens and in a place where no one need to do damage or are training regen to lose some xp

    all know the problem with the regen..... need more dedication and friends with regen and not much mp5 have both

    well for curiose

    The pm that you send to me was a rude and what i said something wrong? = no so please try to be more nice here.

    You told me that i was an idiot just for grind i say well i have a tree in df use it ( i can teach you how to get vics from trees or some good rits if you want or ask Asterdai too *wink*)

    Eon is a good guy and he support the game that we love i try to contact him but no answer i wish he can tell us whats in his mind

  3. want to sell some creats

    [s]2 Pimped gassan youngs no tokens ---------------------------- 3 silvers each

    Both in 5 silvers[/s]

    [s]1 color less joker with dark shield age 285 ----------------- 3 GC 10 silvers[/s]

    close and thk for all
    Like always Massive HUG

  4. This is temporal untill the staff catch credit alts

    and players need to learn how to vote right

    with this all can see JUST CLICK IS WRONG

    we play and love MD so if we can help with those links why not
    (the job was a joke :P)
    the players that do bad things will get punished maybe not now but they will

    lets promote the right use of the free credits Links

    much palyers will say is not fair or something like that
    we only need to wait, the good changes takes time
    and remember this game give to us a great lesson " The patience is a virtue"

  5. This is a good desition because if players want to abuse of credits they need at least do it right no just click and close

    i vote with my account in 10-15 min and can enter and vote no just click the link (thats why i have too much days ^_^)

    BTW in some links i dont know how to vote i enter but dont see anything just vote

    Some topic with that info? I ask arround an players say " a you can only click the link and enter no need more (vets)"


  6. in mp5 players with only armors thats is strange even to me
    so much things are esthetic (forum new view, making rituals (well is easyer too) is better do the same always the same thing ?
    and if they cant beat those guards how they will survive at mp5 ??
    santuary - hidding - logo out

    well this is only a suggestion if you only want 2 imps 2 armors and no pims or gassys ok if you want the same ok
    (old proverb... vicente where are going?? to where people go)
    pa donde va vicente para donde va la gente

  7. well Mp5 is the ultimate fighting system and you are one of those that say Strategy

    so players will need to learn how to fight at mp4, to become mp5
    (In mp4 much palyers have at least one of each (non rare) creature at max,if they cant that will force tho they to ask more for wins and clues also read the logs more carefully)

  8. Thats why colored creatures only at mp5 because is something like challenge
    beat 4 armors with much (some) Ve at mp5 is not a big deal..

    (if players want to add color to the pages can suggest it but mm better no) (i only see colors red, orange, blue, yellow)

    the other creats no protect the land only the creatures of the land
    if new players cant beat it (mp3) well at mp4 is more fair

    and the land guardian mm i see something in one old topic (Rumors)


    i hope more players want small changes :D

  9. The ideas is, basically put the guards of the willow shop in colour!!!
    Same with loreroot guards
    (I think its bored, fight againts the same thing 3 times in story mode)

    But only at level 4-5 if all are agree :D

    No more Aramor now will be Imperial Armour.
    and (maybe) to be a bit dificult put 2 pimped

    First Guard

    4 Imperials LV 2, (maybe 2 Pimped Gassan LV 2 )
    Targets can be discussed.

    Second Guard

    4 Max Imperials 2 Pinped Gassan at max (well 2 imps 2 armor at max lol)

    (This change to mp3 and 4 too i mean now add to 1 shop guard 2 gassan lv1 and guard 2 gassan lv2)

    In loreroot

    only add color to Master lorerootian archer ( Master Sharptear)

    well as i wrote

    maybe can be implemented one ritual that protects the MB creatures Necro creatures and GG too (well = no one can get those :D)

    set one image like Karnator commander
    (but with the respective creatures or some nice desing)

    the idea is in mp4-5 (maybe mp3)
    click that image and fight agaisnt it
    im MB basic creats of MB
    Scourt + Heretic Archer + Elemental I (Mp3)
    winderwild (maybe full grow winder) Dar archer II(x2-3) elemental III Mp4

    BPCA 2 CA Majestic Winderwild (1-2) MAX Elemental (or elemental IV 1-2) (Mp5)

    at angien shrine
    one pic (like KC but with angien) and fight against angiens
    3 lv 1 angiens 500 VE each (mp3)
    3 lv 3 angiens 1500 VE each (mp4)
    3 Max angiens (2 normal 1 tainted maybe) double VE


    Unholy + TS (Mp3)
    2 unholy lv2 + 3 TS lv 3 (Mp4)
    2 Unholy popes + 1Soulweaber + 2 Revoltedskill vampire

    3 Babies GG (Mp3)
    1 GG drach LV 2 +2 GG drach Lv 3(Mp4)
    1GG drach max + 2 Rust gold max (or 1Rust 1 Rein at MAX LV)

    (create one more medal or log for not need to fight agains the same every time that you need creats)

    Now what you think

  10. i think i saw one very old post of Grido (but dont remember right if i find something i will edit this :P )

    Hhehheheheh well Udgard won 3 RP points nice

    but here is the original

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