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Fyrd Argentus

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Everything posted by Fyrd Argentus

  1. I've made it so that you only have to click that obelisk one more time, and it vanishes. If people want it to NOT disappear for them (or for anybody at all), I can turn off the key-giving part and leave it invisible for BSR. If people have other precious places they wish it to disappear, let me know.
  2. p.s. Would you be happy if I just moved it up and to the right, in this case, so it doesn't block the view? I need coords - don't recognize the spot. Nope, won't work. I found it and checked. Would have to shrink the image (losing resolution).
  3. If they were all single-use, it would be easy to make them disappear after use. I don't think they're supposed to reset when you go up a level - that was a bug once. Would be BIG problem. Unfortunately, all of the RP donor things have several uses before they are used up and A25 does not currently have access to the count. So... the carto obelisks, easy. The RP item ones, not. Is this a one-by one project, where it's most important, or do you advocate doing them all? I'd do one for you without discussion, but not all of them (assuming I could even find all of them...).
  4. I don't understand this. You mean stoning a spell only learned from a stone? Perhaps a warning...?
  5. Currently, this can be accomplished with a tab in your notebook papers, and cut-and-paste..... I use that for stock phrases on GWI.
  6. I'm with you, but then neither of us is born in the southern USA.
  7. Let me add.... a good story needs a "hook" at the beginning to keep them reading. So too do we need "hooks" to draw new players into the game. I'll give an example, but you'll get people reading your entire article if you give them that hook or motivation at the beginning. Why do these things? My example is the suggestions I made to improve the 6 entry screens for new characters entering GWI. Those screens read like a boasting synopsis of the game, rather than a personalized hook -- what could THEY do here? Look back at my suggestions for adding hooks on each screen, given in the link below (starting 4th through 9th post in the thread) https://forum.magicduel.com/topic/19669-gwi-project-planning/
  8. A good overview of considerations. This is a great reference for refining your MD character - or better yet creating a collection of deep characters if you're writing a novel. To be really useful for a particular group, you need to decide who you are writing for. For an experienced role-player from other worlds, you might bring out specifically what you can and can't do in MD. For a newbie with no prior role-play experience, they might benefit from simpler, more concrete recipes such as model after a character they have seen elsewhere and ask "what would ____ do"? Once a player has followed their nose in MD for awhile, thinking about this stuff could be very valuable for establishing a higher degree of consistency in their developing character's persona.
  9. Adepts are needed, worshippers are optional. Worshippers are supposedly permanent (but refresh when adept count goes low and the MP6 drops, which happens all too often these days). The idea was worshippers send their heat to fuel the MP6 spells (especially if they don't fight). Again, we're bickering over incredibly useless spells (these days, anyway). I think an MP6 can take whatever political position they want (or need to for support of adepts), which also depends of course on their citizenship & alliances. Outside the scope of this question, though...
  10. Removing a feature is just as much work as adding or improving one. Let's add, not go back. Why else block them saving spells? I use them as prizes in contests, sometimes. That would be great!
  11. You said "put the system to rest". I thought you meant stop allowing MP6's. My position on the spell stones is - why punish MP6 this way, when all other spells can be saved? Once no longer MP6, that's all there are. And while MP6, as I said, the perks are few enough as is. Another point - with adept count low and fluctuating, MP6 can pop up and down constantly, so spell stones help maintain the abilities during those low-adept times.
  12. I would rather see the coding effort put into fixing MP6 rather than suppressing it. In a sense, the system is 'at rest' by itself.
  13. Anyway, the MP6 spells are geared to an environment where there are hordes of newbies. When there are just 1-2 of them, the spells are almost useless. Regular heal spells are more powerful. So, the whole thing is moot. I gave up MP6 because the disadvantages outweigh the advantages at this time. {I am still committed to helping newbies, just not in this way.}
  14. 7_unsypg_4 Hit the shovel, then alternate hitting the flowers. Watch for unexpected resets.
  15. What I am trying to do with A25 tools is set up quests where you move from clickie to clickie within a scene, doing something at each station that changes the status and/or visibility of all the clickies, especially turning OFF a clickie just used. Normally you would expect this to be via a key reset. However, using npctalk dialogs, the refresh (to show new key status) is delayed after exiting the first clickie by up to 20 seconds, and if you enter the next clickie/npctalk the refresh will interrupt the second npctalk at a random place -- not good. This is easily demonstrated at bug gardens, where improving one plot and moving too quickly to the next plot causes interruption of the second plot's npctalk. I explained this away as "heat stroke from working too hard" and encouraged players to slow down, but.... When the last box of an npctalk ends with a reset w/refresh command, the text on that final box vanishes quickly, before a long text could be read. This is annoying, but can be worked around. However, refreshes seem to occur for other reasons than triggering by npctalk. Some scenes seem to have an extra refresh built in (possibly the case at Deathmarrow?), possibly due to other stuff going on there. In NC in particular, each step gives a dialog box about ap being lost, then later a delayed refresh. BSR seems to be running a system/browser/interface (?) that gets more refreshes than what I'm running (mac/os High Sierra/Chrome). To test this sort of thing, you'd need someone with access to multiple portals to the realm. I'm not sure where to start. {Edit: Death Ray running a Chromebook with Google Chrome does not have this issue either.} My suggestion is to simply make refreshes BLOCKED (or perhaps held off) while an npctalk is running, then run all the saved up ones IMMEDIATELY after exiting npctalk.
  16. Okay, in the above conversation my brain read "Aarmor" Fenths because that's what I was familiar with from GWI. Once you can recruit Aramors directly, burning reality shards in it seems a waste. I have never ever come across info on an "Angien" Fenths, but my slice of world view is narrow.
  17. I've spread the fix to ALL the clickies in the Recurrent Nightmare quest, not just Deathmarrow. Let me know of any further trouble.
  18. Okay, I've done a fix of sorts for BSR's problem. The previous code was proof against any reset caused internally by the code. External (to the clickie) system resets are another matter, and seem to depend on deeper code/machine/OS/browser/whatever - and are outside my control. It works for most, but apparently not all. Now, if an external reset comes, you can just re-enter the clickie and try again. However there is a slim chance you'll see the clue and then the reset comes before the next text box sets the keys for the next quest step. Be alert for this situation, and repeat the sequence to get both the clue and the quest key resets to move on. BSR, contact me or lashtal directly for which clues you need to hear.
  19. Should we consider YOU an auditor? Chief Auditor? Overseer's assistant?
  20. Anyone who asks nicely can get a Wiiya Bubble from me...
  21. Had nothing to do with the quest. I've testing repeatedly and never had this occur.
  22. The very final box is just for flavor, not a clue. Stuff like "The mundane world awaits". Sounds like you did a SS of the actual clue. The clue box specifically is set to NOREFRESH so it is not the source of your reset problem. The second box is just there so you can wait on the actual refresh.
  23. Forum or PM? The forum platform changed while you were away.
  24. This is a nuisance with Bug Gardens. It's a big problem with A Recurrent Nightmare. Various things can cause a refresh to occur up to 20 seconds after the trigger. This totally interrupts any npctalk dialog and makes a chaotic mess of things. I'm thinking either all refreshes need to be cleared and resolved before the npctalk is entered, or delayed until after. npctalks must not be interrupted this way, or all is chaos.
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