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Everything posted by Allyce

  1. hey welcome I'm Allyce too, not with the same letters but sounds the same ) i hope you'll stay this time.. Enjoy !
  2. There once was a boy named Aranna, Who was eating a greenish banana. While to peel it was easy, He became rather queasy, When he was beaten by a Tachibana. (japanese- means wild orange) I must say that i laughed and laughed and laughed, i still laugh...this is funny
  3. Hello Sage...I saw this topic few minutes ago..and i dind't understand first...but now i do understand... But...there is a but all the time...you must be strong and take care of you (which i know you do have care of you) I know that you'll be fine, usually what i want to become true, become true...and now i wish that you be fine and healthy take care !!
  4. Hey congratulations !!!! Usually I check my emails, and I saw that one of them was with this BIG news and I wanna say that this pretty little baby is soooooooooo cute :> Take care of him and when he will grow, you better tell him about MD , i think will be the next Cutler ) ^^
  5. Awiiii Happy happily birthday to you !!
  6. i'm wondering why the sky is blue... :|

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      It's not blue, its purple! Purple I say!!!!!1

    3. lepus


      i agree with amoran!!

    4. Allyce


      wow so many details, well done Grido, and i know that it's purple too, i can see it too :D

  7. Hey Happy BirthDay Akasha !! you're born on the same date as my best friend is, if your birthday is today ,coooolll, best wishes !
  8. Happy B-Day Kyp all your wishes may come true
  9. cookies, sun, sea and friends :>

  10. [quote name='Yoshi' date='10 July 2010 - 03:52 PM' timestamp='1278777178' post='63752'] Personally, the old sparring grounds was perfectly fine... I miss it >.> [/quote] [quote name='apophys' date='11 July 2010 - 06:50 AM' timestamp='1278831029' post='63785'] If several forumgoers (me included) have a hard time grasping the concept, how can you expect more of noobs? The old SG boiled down to this: Don't attack without consent. Attack idlers freely. Unless you can simplify your concept to something this brief, the project is at a large risk of failure. [/quote] I'm agree with them, i mean I support Princ, but i think it'll be better if the rules remain as they were. i'm not very glad that everyone can attack me now whenever they want...
  11. wow, what a fight for muffins or cupcakes... well, i eat candies, sweets, all kind of chocolat often..so for me isn't important if i ate a muffin or a cupcake..i can eat both I <love> candies ! but, i chose cupcake cause i know there where few votes for them (hihihi)
  12. hey today it's a little bit late..but you know how it says: never it's to late or something like that ) well, Handy, Happy Birthday and all you wish come true ! I know that we haven't spoke much, but I know that you've been in the jury of the Poetry Contest, if I'm not wrong. so, Happy B'day again !
  13. Allyce


    hey I saw your photos, i think they're nice :> and i also saw your deviantart page, great pics I have dA too, take a look. http://rozen90.deviantart.com see ya !
  14. hey welcome back
  15. Oh, I see, well thank you..now I know why i couldn't upload some pics, thanks Chewett and dst
  16. Hey, I saw this topic and i thought that here i can ask something....cause i have a little problem and i don't know where or who can i ask... well, my problem is that every time when i want to make an album appears an error and i don't know what should i do? so, what should i do? thank you !
  17. Hello there new player and welcome ! [I'm new too, not so new but new] I hope you enjoy the game and find it interesting. Good luck in your adventure and hope to make a lot of friends here. See ya !
  18. Hey Asator And welcome in our world . I hope you enjoy the game. p.s.: i'm having the same little problem with language, but I'm also working on it. and aonther thing, where are you from?
  19. Hey, hello Curiose And welcome to MD, welcome in this magic world . Enjoy the game. If you have any questions or anything else you can tell me or any of us and we'll try to help you. I saw you in the game but I haven't the chance to talk with you. But who knows, maybe next time. see ya !
  20. Hey thanks a lot VertuHonagan Well, I enjoy this game, it's one of the reasons why I play this game. see ya !
  21. Hey thanks Iepus And dst, well yes I study in Bucharest for the next 3 years...and I'll be glad to take part at your MD beer meetings just let me know where and when will be the next one and If I can I'll come
  22. she's just a child who waits for a miracle. :) sometimes insane.

  23. Hey Pho, where did you get that avatar? it's really nice. I made a draw after that picture. When I saw it I thought that was mine, but mine has just one wing
  24. Hello people ! Well, what can I say..I'm Allyce(the name that I use in game), Alexandra is my real name. I'm from Romania and I'm living near the Black Sea. Some weeks ago, I looked for something like a game or a book, or things like this, about magic. And I found several games and I tried this one. I play MD for almost 3 months. I like it, enjoy it, love it and spend some time with friendly people. It's not easy, what can I say, It's quite dificult. And those who made this game, are really good at this. Keep going and never let down ! Well, about me, I don't know..ask anything you wanna know p.s.: sorry for my english. sometimes is awful.
  25. when do we know the results? :> i think Indyra will win i hope that everybody will win something...
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