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Everything posted by Ravenstrider

  1. I've thought about this... The basic problem is: new players get pounded by veterans, they get out of balance, they get stat loss, hence they spend most of the time in sanctuaries, and almost never go idle, thus creating an illusion of not having enough mp5s to train with... Hell, even people to talk with... I'd suggest a few possible solutions (if someone already suggested these things, I'm sorry): a) Get rid of the stat loss, instead implement a stat cap, or a monthly stat decay if you don't fight. (maybe combined with the forced advance after a certain ammount of stats are gained) b) A transit level between mp4 and mp5, where lowering exp is possible, but much less then on mp5 (like 5-10%), or maybe implement this on mp4... This wouldn't get more people to mp5, but would make those who make it to mp5 strong enough to stand up to the vets without the need of dipping into the WP shop to reset their exp... Would lower the ammount of strong mp3s as well, but would be a problem since there would be a lot of strong mp4s going around... But I think it could be tweaked so that it works better than the current system. Could be done by implementing a forced advance after a certain ammount of stats are gained. c) Since there is already the 15 credits when your "recruit" reaches mp5, there could also be a 10-15 credits when you reach mp5... Even better, once you reach mp5, you get the avatar feature enabled without the need to buy it in the shop. Lower the gold-avatar quality bar, put the gold avatars lower in the shop, make the best avatars into red-gold avatars... or different colors depending on the theme of the avy, and put that in the place where the gold avys are now. Also, could be good if there was a creature somewhere in there to assure more shop action in that branch... d) Something similar to something already suggested: Pick your inner magic doc when you reach mp5... (since there is no distributing of them at the moment afaik) Choice between 4-5 lvl one docs would be appropriate. Yes, this would eliminate the special feel and rarity of them, but still... In a community this small nothing is that rare any more... And besides, with most vets having 4 to 5 inner docs to their name, they still stay "special", especially the higher level ones. e) A combination of the above.
  2. To be honnest, it was confusing for me as well, the first couple of days... Mostly because of new concepts... Berserker challenge was easy for me, as well as Loreroot guards, when I finally bothered to see what creatures they actually have and what they do... I still consider myself a newbie... I have a basic grasp of the combat mechanics, I have given some thought to some of the concepts underlaying the realm of MD, but that's about as far as I got... The thing is: Loreroot guards aren't really that important, it's a milestone in learning how to create decent rituals... I had creatures from Loreroot before I defeated the guards... You don't have to go to China to have a silk handkerchief, but it can be useful to know a merchant. Some people just don't understand what the game is about and approach it in a wrong way. They don't find a place for themselves. There is a lot more to MD then just fighting. For example, I invited a friend to MD and gave him no spoilers... I helped by giving one or two creatures, but that's it... And he is doing very well for now, because I told him what I wrote here... Don't focus on combat, keep your mind open for new things, be patient, don't give up easily... and most importantly: Find a place for yourself. Join the Guardians of Bob, join the Enemies of Bob... Find out more about the lands and their nature... See where you could fit best, develop your role... These are very basic advices any player would give you... The thing is, people don't tend to listen to advice and are frustrated because you don't want to tell them how to defeat the guards... Edit: What upset me? Hm... The fact that some people demand respect from me even though I don't really know them... Go figure... ^.^
  3. 65sc and a Sharptear [jewelshards]. Could add a BP, with some age and claw I and III, and a few more tokens, if that's more appealing to you.
  4. 8sc for n[sup]o[/sup] 7.
  5. Sold to Chewett. Please close the thread.
  6. No tokens, fresh from the shop. Will take coins or trade for a Soul Weaver or Tokened Angien...
  7. Ubuntu won't connect to the unprotected wifi network in my new building... Probably no internet for me in the next couple of days...-.-

  8. Angien 2- 6sc.
  9. This will last for 2 or 3 more days, then I am just going to sell them to the shop. Oh, and bump.
  10. I realized most of my presumptions were incorrect. It does not have anything to do with (direct) balance or history between the Shades and The Angien. Angiens have their own balance, as many of you mentioned, but still they are a part of the realm, and as such connected to shades. Balance should not be seen as two sides to a coin, but a part of a dynamic system that seeks balance by reacting with it's parts... The system itself is balanced and doesn't change, yet it's parts are in a state of chaos, constantly moving. The Angien itself might have to do with Necrovions role in the realm. ->Would insert a bunch of information others were kind enough to share with me, but that wouldn't be fair, so I'll leave you to draw conclusions for yourselves.<-
  11. Yes... I quite like that, Mr.Gorilla... Do it...

  12. Mr. Crusher, Unit Rhaegar is no longer in command. Stay where you are. Disregard the order.

    Mr. Gorilla, please escort Mr, Rhaegar to the air locks.

  13. Unit Rhaegar, you are hereby officially relieved of Grand Master duty. Leave the bridge!

  14. Unit Rhaegar is now the secundary unit. Unit Raven rules supreme!

  15. What? What are you talking about? I'm not an alt! -.-

  16. Oh, I am going to enjoy this one. Be prepared for animal fetish jokes! ^.^ And yes, I can turn everything into an animal fetish joke... Well, any kid of fetish joke... But animals are my favorite. Anyway, I'll see you there.
  17. How have you been, my naughty bunnies?! :)

  18. So, you fought the both Lr guards, after a burst, without releasing heat... I'd say there is a pretty obvious explanation for this. You gave the experience to yourself. I am sorry, but that is the only truth. And you are not the first nor the last player to do it. I do believe Mr Mystery did the same thing... (MM, if it wasn't you, sorry, my memory is failing me lately) And I did something similar, but I didn't get a burst beforehand and I released some heat before fighting (not all of it) both the first and the second guard, and got around 750-800k exp... Note that I had around 300-400 heat, when fighting them, while you had at least 1k... I believe that the personal exp indicator lagged (or maybe it was showing cashed values or something) and didn't show the exp gain right away, but only after you reloged. And believe me, there are no players who know how to "gift" exp who would do it without a big, fat reason. I do not believe you could have communicated with them enough to annoy them that much. And even if you did, most of them have ways to deal with you which are much more creative then experience gain.
  19. Waiting for my avatars to be approved. *whistles a jolly tune to seem inconspicuous.*

  20. And another one. [i] Edit: SOLD[/i]
  21. Another one, same conditions. [i] Edit: SOLD [/i] @Chewett: I wasn't aware it was forbidden. Uploaded the avy and edited the post, so it should be ok now.
  22. Ok, so, here it goes: [url="http://magicduel.com/userfiles/194753/1217.gif"][img]http://magicduel.com/userfiles/194753/1217.gif[/img] [/url] The avatar is in the system, but hasn't been approved yet. So, I'll leave the biding open for about a week or so. The minimal price is 3s. Post your bids or PM them, it's all the same to me. Will accept creatures, if they are "interesting" to me.
  23. Saw someone using an avatar I drew, a friend finaly out of story mode and I'm walking around Necrovion. Today was a good day... Now if my avatars were to be approved, it would be perfect.

    1. Mr Mystery

      Mr Mystery

      Its taking ages!. lol.

  24. Happy birthday Grido!
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