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Everything posted by Ravenstrider
Not large numbers again! Bloody hell. Twelve of them at that... I give up... I mean, they have a certain characteristic in common, but man...
Happy Birthday Potatoes' Master!
Ravenstrider replied to BFH's topic in Say hello, Goodbye, or something else
Happy birthday, Pipz. -
I'm looking to buy a joker with any or all of the following tokens: [darksky][clawII][clawIII] The payment would be in coins.
I never said this will be easy. I know this will require alot of time and work... And I believe it is keeping it simple... We just add a list of people with the non-dmg def ritual... This might be done on hate pages or in PL of the "staff", though I don't like the word ...And the event (we would see how it works out, if weekly is too often, we change it to 2weeks and the themed turnaments to 6 weeks... or something) Uh, I don't know what you mean by combat related things... The proposed lessons/trying to get more mp3/mp4 into Fight Club? Or the tournaments stuff... If it's the tournament, it would probably be at some appropriate location... The park is too crowded for that kind of stuff. If it's the lessons, we'll try to do this as much as we can... About the event: 2 mp5 leaders of crews and 8 people competing isn't that big of a deal, I think... Besides, it would be like that cake eating club, a list of people... To maybe cause some healthy competition and rivalry... The other event would be monthly. Not too hard to organize, rewards would be harder to obtain, if it's decided they should be any... (I have no social connections what so ever... ) Yeah, about the creature rewards, I think we all agreed that it's a bad idea, I'll strike that out when I edit the post... All in all this is not much of a change really... Just trying to make people work what we already have and adding a detail or two... And thanks for the input. I probably missunderstood it all... (I'm sleep deprived... Go away, leprechauns)
@ Shadowseeker: I wouldn't be changing any of the current rules nor would I add any more rules... We would just expand the communication a bit and work more on it. And no, we won't be starting the project until there is more support and we work out the details. Since the current SG system is dead letters on paper, the letters could be changed if this is what bothers you? If we do what Rhaegar did and change the rules of the SG, we will just get chaos... Can't we use the current SG as a foundation and slowly build up? I would like more input from you in regards why you don't think it's a good idea... And why try to stop it? This is the kind of behavior that I really don't understand. Look, I'm just trying to improve something here, maybe help new players (as I stated above, I count myself in this group), be a little more open and transparent in order to help the fellow man, and you go: With the current support, you'll have to go trough me. Why? If it's because of your personal attachment to the SG, I'm sorry Shadowseeker, but that was left unattended for far too long to be anybodies. (I understand I'll need more people to agree on this in order to add anything and that it needs work, but I'd really like to hear the "why").
I'm just saying that people who set a non-dmg defense could be on the list so the people who do want to train with rituals that give 0% vs 0% can do it, but don't really have to... Besides, balance is not so hard to achieve with the new changes to the combat system. Those who aren't on the non-dmg list or the Fight Club list would set any ritual they want... And no, I don't deserve a WP for this. Really, this is for my benefit as much as the next guy... Oh, on the rewards... They wouldn't be rewarded for being an employee or anything... I probably didn't make myself clear enough in the post... I was thinking of giving rewards for something that would be similar to Burns' quest for new players... To stimulate them to continue being active and learn... Because we all know there are people who aren't satisfied with knowledge alone... We are fighting a battle to keep as many new players as we can... Not everyone realises the potential of MD on the first glance. Who knows how many smart and interesting people have left because of this... But this isn't the topic for that. Just disregard this part.
Not for free... I was just suggesting as a kind of push for them to keep at it, but as a reward for various tasks... I didn't know you already awarded a TS for your quest... As I said in the first post, I am open to every suggestion... And I think you made me blind. Tarq, Neno, Rheggs, Burns, I appreciate the help... I'm too tired currently to think about any of this stuff (long day), and I need to reread all the discussions on previous sparring ground reboots, so I don't repeat mistakes... Neno, would you be kind enough to try and make a flawed ritual for mp3, as Burns does for mp5 and announce it in the park when you have the time/feel like it and see the reactions of the newer players? I'm curious to see if they would take it well... And once again, this isn't really official yet, just my curiosity...
@yrth: Uh, the topic title is misleading... I'm rubbish at naming things. This was mainly what I had in mind... Discussions about ideas and personal viewpoints on things... Maybe Free Thought Movement would be more appropriate as a name... Not giving knowledge as in: "Here, this is what I know", but more: Here is my viewpoint on this, here is an idea about a direction concerning that, etc. Something that would maybe cause people to step back and reexamine their own personal research... One man can only do so much without someone to discuss things with... And yes, I know this would be very hard to maintain, and organize... This is why I opened the topic, to see how people would react to it and would they be willing to participate... And once again, I wasn't thinking about talking about sensitive information like land weapons... But something like: Why don't some people need food to survive in MD and why do some do? (I'm quite tired atm, so I can't think of anything better) And no, the discussions wouldn't be limited to MD, they could go in various directions...
Yes, I was thinking that the theme tournaments would be announced one month prior to the tournament itself... So, we would have a tournament and then announce the theme for the next one... Or maybe we would announce all the possible themes, then pull out one from the hat a month before...
One of the reasons I proposed this is the lack of basic knowledge on some things people seem to suffer from. I was thinking that it could be limited to general things and people who are willing discussing them. Principles, general nature of the lands and the direction they should develop, maybe some parts of the AL... Something that would help spread the thirst for knowledge more than give it away freely... Do you think this is too much of a spoiler as well? Maybe have a discussion on The Light Principle for one of these sessions... Another reason is my eagerness to see how other people see some of the things in the realm I've thought about and built a somewhat blurry and intuitive image of.
Since we all know knowledge of the realm obtained in one way or the other is generally jealously kept, I suggest a weekly discussion event on various topics, where those who have researched can share their conclusions and discuss various mysteries of the realm. The reward for this would be expanding the boundaries of ourselves and learning more, because even the ignorant can teach you something from time to time. I was thinking that this event should have 5 different locations depending on the topic discussed, to add to the feel of it. Your opinions and suggestions, please. I was thinking that it would be good if the logs of these conversations could be made public on the forums. For those too lazy to read the whole thing, a clarification: Uh, the topic title is misleading... I'm rubbish at naming things. This was mainly what I had in mind... Discussions about ideas and personal viewpoints on things... Maybe Free Thought Movement would be more appropriate as a name... Not giving knowledge as in: "Here, this is what I know", but more: Here is my viewpoint on this, here is an idea about a direction concerning that, etc. Something that would maybe cause people to step back and reexamine their own personal research... One man can only do so much without someone to discuss things with... And yes, I know this would be very hard to maintain, and organize... This is why I opened the topic, to see how people would react to it and would they be willing to participate... And once again, I wasn't thinking about talking about sensitive information like land weapons... But something like: Why don't some people need food to survive in MD and why do some do? (I'm quite tired atm, so I can't think of anything better) And no, the discussions wouldn't be limited to MD, they could go in various directions...
Well, I've heard peoples concerns about GGG, so I propose an organization of new training grounds. There won't be any rules, but there will be guidelines and a list of people who “follow them”. There would be a list of those who have a non-damage ritual in their defense, but people who come won't be required to follow them if they don't want to. Also, since another valid concern is people not learning to fight while training at this kind of training grounds, I was thinking of having people with Fight Club style rituals of different difficulty to help in this regard, as well as a comprehensive guide on the fighting system and it's basics, for those lazy to find it in game. A few small spoilers would be included. (I would need help on this part from people who are willing). The location, in my opinion, should be the MDP. Since Fight Club is already there, people already train there, and the signpost is there for the reading... Basically, we would just be adding the small combat guide (the one Lifeline has on his papers, I think would be good enough, with some additions) and a list of people who have non-damage rituals, and trying to get more members for the FC. If Burns agrees, of course. Also, it would be good that people who have regeneration rituals on their def add their names to the list. There would be a staff doing something LHOs should be doing in the MDP, but they fail to do sometimes. Addressing concerns and answering questions that new players, but will be given a distinct line on what is a spoiler and what is not. We would talk this over and determine that line. (only with those who are reasonable and don't start flaming and saying that everything is a spoiler and that we will be creating a generation of dumb players... newsflash: look at the new generation, they are mostly clueless and leave because they find it hard to adapt... If a small amount of help would mean that one in every twenty of those players stays, good.) To organize such a thing in the Marble Dale Park, I would need consent from the lands king, so I hereby officially ask it, though I will be contacting him in-game as well. All of those who are willing to be the staff, please add a comment here stating that. I would much like the veterans to be involved in this. Also, mp6 are welcome to be the medical staff, healing newbies. I was also thinking about rewarding all the mp3s who finish Burns' newbie quest with a set of creatures that includes a UHP and a remains. Also, I was thinking about an incensive that would give a non-aged angien egg to those who defeat the Loreroot guards... I had an idea to divide the training possie into crews, whose champions would compete once a week for the title of Trainee of the Week, which would be rewarded with a Tormented Soul.... To avoid domination of one person, the people who win can't represent their crew in the following 5 weeks. There would be four different brackets: mp3, mp4, new mp5 and advanced mp5. I think the rewards should be tweaked to adjust to this. I will be doing an artwork for this which people could add to their papers. Once a month we would have a special tournament event which would have a theme (no tokens, Loreroot creatures, Necrovion creatures, No Man's land, Black and White, Colorfull, etc) which would give the winner a title based on different event he won. Paint it Black, Ranger, Conservative... I would take suggestions on the names. This is not something that is surely going to be organized. It's an idea, I present it to all the players. There won't be changes to any of the current rules of the SG for mp3 and mp4, just an addition... Please refrain yourselves from insults and offtopic posts... If you want to give a reason against, please state it clearly... I don't agree because this and that... I don't want this to turn into a flame war, like many other topics do... Also, this will not be ran or "enforced" or whatever by me... It would be a community project... I am just suggesting the idea... If we set aside our differences and talk about this in a normal way, and reach some kind of an agreement, I will then make a topic with all the things we agree upon which would be a declaration of this "movement" or whatever you want to call it. I did this in quite of a rush and it's basically just a bunch of ideas put together, I will edit the post later on to add some order, and to add peoples suggestions.
It's quite different... If you want GGG type rituals out of the game, go to Mur or Rendril... I believe the 0% vs 0% outcome can be easily changed not to give wins for creatures. I explained the reason for it not being public... You insulted us. I didn't take a screenshot... ( Unfortunately my internet went out shortly after) I'll make sure that I do that in the future. @Indyra: I don't know your definition of private, but yes, that seemed as good a location as any. I don't see why that is an issue... (I can see the Drach cave being an issue, the balcony- not so much)
If it's in a public place, we just come back to mp3s and mp4s using it again, and we face the same issue the old GGG had. Running in circles... Besides, it isn't the "New GGG". It was a private training group that used GGG-type rituals.
The thing is, we didn't have a problem with dst braking our rits, we did have a problem with her calling us rats and what not. And you know, I don't come to MD just for my character to be insulted without reason. (other than trying to do something that wouldn't be bad for the community...) Now, as most of you know, I have a decent collection of creatures, with some tokens and I can make a decent ritual. The reason why I was training was to get some VE/stats, so I don't have to rely on tokens as much... And because I can't train normaly because I have a terible connection which makes heat really hard to keep (that and the fact my briskness is 100 or so...), so I can't really loose xp that fast (without heat and beeing in an ally, which I don't want to leave every 2-3 days)... Just wanted to make this clear... Because part of dst's insulting was based on us "being too stupid and weak to train the normal way". I won't take that kind of talk from anyone. About the Drach cave: I logged in today and I was there... I was like: What the hell? I don't really like the idea of the training grounds being there just because of dst. Or anyone else for that matter...
Besides, the biggest issue with GGG was mp3 and mp4 not learning to fight, not advancing and sprouting beasts like February... I really can't see the problem here. Feeling left out? As Esmeralda stated, we aren't braking any rules... I was mp3 or mp4 when GGG was disbanded, so I didn't read the topic, I don't know what arguments you presented there...
I feel the need to put something on paper, to leave a mark and to clarify Ravenstrider, not just for others, but for myself as well. I am not a writer, so my words will be simple and uncompelling, my auto-portrait blurry and incomplete, but I hope at least, that this imperfect image painted by words will complement my actions and show myself to you. I am who I am... Human, flawed... Simple and complicated at the same time. What drives me? What is my place in this realm? Can I dare say for certain? During my short stay here, I have been called a fool numerous times. I can not deny, I can act in such a way, seeking to amuse myself, to drive away dullness of this existence. Thus I chose it, to be my title, to stand with my name. Besides, the sound of it is not unpleasant to my ears. My sanity is frail and I fear it has been broken already, by this world, or the previous one, I can not tell, for I can not recall much of my previous life. Thus, I started anew, drawn to Necrovion. I became a Necrovion Sentinel. You can now find me at the Howling Gates, crouching on the signpost that stands there, if you can bear the voices... Their screams, their pleas, their curses, their whispers...their horrible whispers. Come, and let's play... For now, I exist. That is all... Maybe my story will receive more chapters, maybe it ends here. Maybe it ended before I even stepped on the dirty roads of this world. I do not know. It might be that I will never find out. And with this small definition of Ravenstrider, I trapped myself. I've given something that was once free rough boundaries. Should I regret it? Probably.
Well, I wasted some credits tonight and I found a couple of interesting avatars. I would be willing to sell this one for coins, if anyone is interested... (Will accept credits, but I wouldn't sell it for less than 10 of those, because that's what the avatar cost me more or less... and that's a bit too much, you must admit ^.^) [attachment=2158:maskedknight.jpg] The reserve price is 1gc, I doubt I'll sell it for less than that. Auction ends on Dec 12th or when I get an offer I'm satisfied with. Edit: Here is a picture where you can see the avy a little better... http://www.dodaj.rs/f/2i/9k/z9bkrxA/screenshot-4.png
[quote name='Malaikat Maut' timestamp='1289397619' post='71828'] The actions of a king or a leader should never be, and are never, observed at face value. The fact that Pample may or may not have been plotting treason is absolutely important. However, the related facts aren't open for discussion and neither will they be determined within this thread. What we can glean from it, however, is a sense of Jester's capacity for diplomacy and his abilities to lead and to unify a nation of people. So, let's look into that shall we?[/quote] For one, i don't see why would you have any concern of how Jester leads his people. You are not a part of Necrovion any more, if I recall correctly. Besides, Necrovion isn't a "nation", it's a heterogeneous group of people, and a small one at that... I would rather call it a court then a nation. [quote name='Malaikat Maut' timestamp='1289397619' post='71828']Right out of the gates something as important as the appointment and inauguration of a king's equal is likened to a rash and hastily conducted experiment. At least he apologizes for it... [/quote] Everything in MD is an experiment. It's the nature of the game. One must try new things in order to try and escape this rut the realm has gotten into. And who are you to say this experiment was rash and hastily conducted? Just because it went south does not mean it was hastily done. [quote name='Malaikat Maut' timestamp='1289397619' post='71828']Well, which is it then? The king's fault for making such a poor decision or Pample's fault for taking advantage? What began as an appropriate admission of failure quickly became a platform for cowardly ad hominem attacks. [/quote] If you try to deduce blame in a situation like this, good luck. Besides, one has to be bitter when someone close to you betrays you. Friendship and all that... You do know what that is? Besides, stating an opinion is just that... I don't believe it was a major attack on Pample's persona. [quote name='Malaikat Maut' timestamp='1289397619' post='71828']Once again, this seems like an excellent opportunity to admit wrong and prove to Necrovion that you've learned from the mistake. Why weren't you controlling your own queen? If you couldn't or weren't willing to lead such a powerful and prominent figure, why should anyone assume you could govern a kingdom? [/quote] Again, why would you need to control your queen if you consider her your friend and close associate? If you are controlling everyone and everything, you become nothing but a sad puppet master, alone, tugging the strings. [quote name='Malaikat Maut' timestamp='1289397619' post='71828']And it concludes with more slander and ad hominem. Nothing of the future. Nothing of repairing damage done or the glory that is yet to belong to such a deserving people. Only embarrassment.[/quote] Actually, this was all a statement about the excommunication. The words were bitter and full of resentment, yes, but easily understood if you put yourself in his shoes. I don't believe Jester has an obligation to state his plans for the future here. I don't see why he should. Again, Necrovion isn't a people, it's small group. It would be different if it was a nation... I'm actually pretty amused by your replies. And by this I mean all of you... It is nice to see your true nature... Nothing but scavengers, waiting for a wrong move. It's pitiful.
[quote name='dst' timestamp='1289339705' post='71785'] Too many big egoes are involved and it seems MD is not big for all of them (well...MD is never big enough for big egoes ) [/quote] One has to wonder how the current amount of people even fits in MD, with the girth of their egos being as it is.
It was before the artisan disbandment, since the artist tag says Magic Duel... Only way to know for sure is to go trough all the avatars one by one and look for similar style...
If that is not copied work, I don't know what is... If five or six different details are just going to mark it "influenced", then I should start copying positions from the internet and just adding my details. The forum post I found was from December the 3d 2009. But I'm guessing the artwork itself is older than that. I'm searching for the original as I'm typing this. Edit: Artwork was originaly done in 2005 by an artist called Jason Chan, as a part of his Sorceres and Unicorn "series". http://www.jasonchanart.com/gallery/2005/unicorn/swordsman_02.jpg
You can be manipulated and still work for your own benefit... These things don't oppose each other, last I checked. Besides, what's done is done. I don't see the point in chewing over it now, almost a week after... not here at least.