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Everything posted by Ravenstrider

  1. You can have an avatar in your vault before unlocking the feature, but sadly you can't use it. In order to use an avatar, you need to unlock the feature in the Extra Features branch of the MD shop...
  2. I was meaning to upload some of the avatars I draw with an alt to get some credits on it. I just wanted to check if it was ok. I checked the announcements and the only one that addresses this issue says that artists should upload avatars because of copy issues and the like and transferring avatars between alts being restricted. Thank you in advance.
  3. As someone who's lived trough a NATO bombardment that was ironically called Merciful Angel and that resulted in deaths of thousands of civilians, my thoughts are with people of Libya. And yes, I'm taking the side of civilians. Peace.
  4. GG drachorn (age 89) with antifreeze, and 9gc. Two aged BPs with some exp. Soulweaver age 82. UP age 340 with 19 mil xp. P.S. Auction ending on April the First isn't really promising.
  5. I have 3 birds, around 200 age (214 I think)...
  6. There is still two in stock.
  7. As someone above me mentioned, the whole MD economy is based on the MD shop. Every coin trade is in fact a credits trade. The person who bought the coins bought them with credits. I can't really afford to give any RL money to MD, so I sell things for credits, draw avatars, vote, try to get people to register via my referral link and stick around until they become mp5 (hasn't happened yet -.-),... I "support" the game in any way I can... You can't impose a rule like this on a game in which the economy is based on RL money... Sure, I'll stop trying to trade my creatures for credits, but give me a way to "farm virtual currency" and buy all the creatures/tokens from the MD shop with it and just leave cosmetics and trivial items in the shop... (as other games do)
  8. Two new avatars and a tree avy I drew earlier: [attachment=2657:wanderer.jpg] [attachment=2658:wizard.jpg] [attachment=2660:tree.png] And new ones: [attachment=2669:crowning.png] [attachment=2670:jack.png] An image for an item maybe... [attachment=2672:Book.png] WP for days design: [attachment=2673:wpfordays.png] Scene-ish drawing... Corner. [attachment=2674:corner.png]
  9. -Auction Cancelled- I've decided to cancel this auction, because of a successful tokening spree that left Jeff with some nice tokens. My apologies to the bidders.
  10. *panics!*
  11. You buy them, you get 4m creature xp, but not personal xp. Anyway, contact me if you want them.
  12. The more I think about this change, the more I wish that freeze was implemented on mp5 as well. It could create a permanent stage with no drach/angien battles. (At least not as they were before) Maybe when mp6/7 is changed, but I doubt it... I could finally make a ritual that fits my character and use it in combat... (I can do that now, but it's just not competitive)
  13. Ravenstrider

    New ideas

    [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/9210-disable-token-display-option/"]Interface: Disabling Token Display Option[/url]
  14. Well, the topic sums it up: Implementing an option that enables or disables the loading of token art during fights, in ritual creation and on the creatures page. Pro's: Would make it easier on us with lousy connections/ PCs Con's: Time to code it...
  15. Ok, here is a couple of things that have bothered me in our advertising and a couple of ideas I had: 1) Colored creature as a logo on Fb and sites doesn't give the MD feel. It just gives an impression of another bb game. If I saw that logo instead of the parchment/charcoal style thing, I'd probably never even click the MD add that brought me here. Also, I don't like the font that says Magic Duel in those adds for some reason. But those just might be personal preferences. Also, maybe creating more than one registration page... The one with the SW is nice, but I'd like to see one with a Drachorn, one with a Sharptear and one with an Angien maybe... With different color patterns... 2) A fb group is nice, but I had an idea of making a fb app that would maybe have a part of the story mode (the part that Mur wants to use as a filter for example) or The Broken Pattern Gazebo, and when people finish it, it could link to MD, with a flashy animation that writes out Continue Your Adventure in golden letters or something like that. And if it was the BP gazebo, there could be a special referal activated when they do click to register, which would automatically give them a WP or something like that. (This could also be a creature simulation, with a random pool of creatures... With a fight your friends type of option and an invitation system) Now, I have no idea how hard it is to make a FB app or if they charge it, or if you link everything from your own server... So those things could all work against the idea. 3) Creation of banners. I was thinking of creating a couple of MD themed signatures/banners, and having a page somewhere that allows players to just copy an embed code for forums or their site of the banner or signature they have chosen. And that picture would have the referral registration link embedded in it. 4)Making MD videos with different music genres... Jazz, Blues, etc, including the song in the description, to get more views, thus gaining a higher place in the search... Also, using music from different countries... And making a lot of shorter videos instead of less longer videos. 5)Including people in advertisement even though they are not a part of the guild and rewarding them with credits/creatures. For creation of videos, banners, writing objective reviews, etc. Nothing too fancy... Just a symbolic reward. 6) To be continued... I know I've angered some of you with this post, but I had the best intentions in mind.
  16. And would be fairly easy to abuse the free credits. This way the abusers have to click each of them, which should be a pain for them. Also, the button would have to change positions because it would be easy to make a voting script.
  17. Three types actually. 1) Those whose character is mostly their own personality. Two categories- those who RP and those who see MD as a game. The second ones are mostly considered delusional by roleplayers. 2) Those who's character is a creation but abides to the game principles. (I.e. You play a dumb, strong character in MD, even though you are fairly intelligent, but not really all that fit IRL) 3) Those who create a character that isn't human, or has a background in a fantasy world. And who are considered delusional.
  18. [quote name='Sharazhad' timestamp='1299336020' post='80131'] [color="#2e8b57"][i]I love this annoucement - I feel its been a long time coming. I hope that MD ,now, will no longer be one congolmerate grinding mass in MDP and that players will actually move around and fight people. - Thank you Mur As we say in Malawi - Pepani! (Tough shyte!) to all the poor mp3's , mp4's and mp5's who can now no longer gain ridiculous amounts of stats and who will have to learn to battle as the game was intended. You guys did kinda bring this on yourself - you found a loophole and exploited it...well here are the consequences.... [/i][/color] [/quote] The new xp-dynamic changes are just going to make stat grinding easier, if the system for stat gain doesn't change. And mp4s will still be able to get ridiculous amounts of stats... Even more so because they will be able to drop more experience by saccing... and even more because they will have the possibility to get crits with exp and sacc them. The stat gain will be a bit smaller because of the level the creature is sacrificed on, but it's not drastic. Anyway, we should wait for the xp system change and then see... But I think everything is going to stay the same... People will still opt to stay on lower mp levels... less on mp3, more on mp4... They just won't have high level creatures.
  19. Creatures needing an mp level for an upgrade would be good, if it was an old feature. Now you'll have older players in all mp levels that have creatures on levels that are now unattainable for new players. Along with stats and knowledge of older players, and all the nifty things like tokens, this will lead to an even bigger gap between old players and new players. Solution for this would be to scale down all upgraded creatures to 0 level and let people upgrade them all over again. (Leaving wins and xp how they are) And mp5 is no longer the fighting level, it seems. Mp6 is? Is this an attempt to shift the overpowered players to mp6 and leave mp5 for newer players and as another growth level, and then reintroduce mp7? If you are going to make changes like these, finish restructuring everything and then change... Don't do it on the go... Knowing how development has went earlier, I wouldn't be surprised that this issue of unattainable levels is addressed two years from now, if ever. This change seems random and not thought out well enough. I wouldn't be surprised if it just causes more players to quit because of frustration...
  20. No, but loosing 3/4 of the mp4 cap and getting a bunch of principles with it is...
  21. Current stock: Heretic Archer -[b]1mil XP[/b]- 1sc [2 in stock] [b]Special offer: Elemental, [b][color="#FF0000"]55m xp[/color][/b] -- Auction-- 3gc starting price--[/b] (auction will conclude a week from the starting bid or when I'm satisfied with the bid.) [color="#00BFFF"]Special offer 2: Angien -----Age:313---- XP: 3mil - [color="#FF8C00"]Current bid 10sc [Phear Wolf][/color] Tokens: [spoiler]blackdiamonds, jewelshards, firedrop, osirisbelt, kellethafire, emeraldglare, blooddrop2, claw1 [/spoiler][/color] [i]Will take credits as well... 2sc=1credit exchange rate.[/i]
  22. Judging how others train while you yourself not participating in the training is hypocritical. It's like a billionaire who doesn't give anything to charity condemning those that give too little or those who do it for a tax reduction. Seriously, stop being such a busybody and let people enjoy the game.
  23. No... But the rules about consensual attacks still protect them. I'm a supporter of the RDFA... It's a nice way to train and its members all know a great deal about the combat mechanics already. Also, since you don't really participate in battles and don't know much about combat yourself, it's a bit hypocritical of you to bring up this issue.
  24. So the Beatles could write this wonderful song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6tV11acSRk
  25. [attachment=2611:Demonavatar.png] [attachment=2612:Crone.png] [color="#8B0000"][SOLD][/color]
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