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Everything posted by Ravenstrider

  1. [quote name='backlash ro' timestamp='1306921544' post='85533'] ok. But I don t understand it really...where do you wan t me to post it exactly? [/quote] You just tweet it. The @MagicDuel mention enables me to see the tweet.
  2. Please do it on Twitter. It's a Twitter contest after all.
  3. [quote name='Jester' timestamp='1306870262' post='85482'] Dream Mutation. Should be obvious. [/quote] Stole my creature! -.- Then I'll be The Master of Puppets. Basically a higher level of you... Ha!
  4. [url="http://www.twitter.com/magicduel"][color="#8b0000"][u][size="4"][b]Ravenstrider's Trial Period Twitter Quest[/b][/size] [/u] [/color][/url] [size="3"] Write a tweet in one of the next 3 categories.[/size] [b]a)[/b][b] [u][color="#ffa500"]MD twitter page description.[/color][/u][/b] [b]b)[/b] [b][u][color="#ffa500"]Funniest MD related tweet.[/color][/u][/b] [b]c)[/b] [b][u][color="#ffa500"]Most creative MD tweet that includes a popular topic in it.[/color][/u][/b] [color="#ffa500"](i.e. #death, #roses, #kittens or the Twitter trend of the day) [/color] The winner of the first two categories will be decided by the twitter page team, while the third will be rated in a completely different manner, which will not be revealed until the contest ends. [size="3"]The rewards are:[/size] [color="#8b0000"]a)[b] SW and a chance that your tweet will be the new MD page description.[/b] b) [b]10 credits[/b] c) [b]15 credits[/b][/color] [b][u]Entries in [color="#8b0000"]all of the categories[/color] must have [color="#ffa500"][url="http://www.twitter.com/magicduel"]@magicduel[/url][/color] in them.[/u][/b] [b][u]Entries in category [color="#8b0000"]b)[/color] and [color="#8b0000"]c)[/color] must have [color="#ffa500"][url="http://www.twitter.com/#%21/search?q=%23magicduel"]#magicduel[/url][/color] in them.[/u][/b] [s] The contest will run until June 5th 23:59 server time.[/s] It will now run until June 15 23:59 Server Time. ~BFH [color="#8b0000"][b][size="3"]Here is the [url="http://www.twitter.com/magicduel"]MagicDuel Twitter Page[/url][/size][/b][/color]
  5. "Role-playing refers to the changing of one's behaviour to assume a role, either unconsciously to fill a social role, or consciously to act out an adopted role." So, rping is not just blue text being flung about, but it's creating a character and acting as that character would. RP is being in character all the time... Having an RP group in a RPing game is just silly. As I said, that's trivial RP. And seeing that characters and their roles in MD are tightly bound to lands in 90% of cases, I'd say that lands are more than loosely connected to RP.
  6. Hard to find good RP-ers? I'm almost always in character. It seems to me what you want to find is trivial RPers. Good RP requires a lot of knowledge about the nature of the MD realm, which almost everybody who replied in this thread lacks. Create RP-ing groups? Hello! We kind of already have those... Much better ones than those you suggest. They are called lands... Classes? So, you want MD to become yet another DnD clone? Windy leading a school for RPing would result in new players creating things from thin air and flinging fireballs all about... You'd just get a lot of mp3 demi-gods. And don't we already have enough of those here? Suggestion: Read the story mode, read the AL, read the realms RP requirements. Find out what the MD realm really is and then talk about RPing in MD terms. You're just making yourselves look silly this way.
  7. [quote name='Burns' timestamp='1306086664' post='84883'] Ad Ravenstrider: I don't support idling anyways. I doubt that the real activity would be any lower when people with an actually bad balance can roam freely again, without people beating on them. [/quote] With priests implemented, there are rarely any more people with bad balance. Most training comes from idlers... I don't have time to be on MD the whole day... I come at strange times, and most of the time the only people I can fight are idlers... [quote name='Burns' timestamp='1306086664' post='84883'] Getting so far out of balance that you can prey on really weak, and then back in to lose heat, wouldn't be half as attractive as staying in balance, i bet.[/quote] I agree, but bursts are easy to get... Eon can loose around 10m heat in one hit with a burst. (just an example) [quote name='Burns' timestamp='1306086664' post='84883'] Losing heat is an issue of mass grinders, not the casual newbies. And newbies don't have any VE to use combo as heat losing method, ever. If they have that, they definitely go as vet in my definition.[/quote] It's not an issue of grinders, since they can get along fine without combos. The middle category (50k-100k VE) can't. As far as I know, combos are more effective for heat loss then any other method... No mather how much VE you have... I used them when I had 30k VE... Lost more than on regeneration rituals (which don't work now). Current xp loss rituals require high VE. Vets can get high VE without combos. Newbies can't. [quote name='Burns' timestamp='1306086664' post='84883'] And bursts are a whole lot harder to get when you can't attack everything you find, relying on those for heat loss won't get you too far. [/quote] If you are out of balance, you can attack anything you find... You get honor for it, even. Grinders are going grind everything to dust... They have superior stats/creatures anyway... You'll just be making newbie life harder. You push, they pull... You'll start seeing honor alts all over the place if this happens. And no, only rare rituals rely on combo... High VE is dangerous... A couple of maxed priests and it backfires on you.
  8. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1306095583' post='84893'] i turned them into cows..i love cows, in fact i plan to chnge all creature sorts in md into cows,unless ofc you manage to terminate my horrible dictatorship till i ruin some more things. [/quote] You awful, awful man... How could you do that to the donkeys?! Turn them back... Turn them back, I say... *sobs* Well... Not all of them... Keep a couple of cows as well... I fancy cows...
  9. He hid all the donkeys away, and he won't share them with anybody! Where are the donkeys, Mur... Where?!
  10. This is a rather bad idea... Concept looks nice on paper, but here's a challenge for you: Try to keep balance out of an ally. I only know a couple of people who managed it and it takes a lot of work... and you can't idle, because it requires quite a bit of micro-managment... So, you'd be cutting the amount of people in the park, which is already on it's low side. The result of your plan would be: You can only train when you're in an ally and if you have a hell of a lot of VE... Balance gives +100% heat gain when you win, but doesn't give it when you loose... making a high VE a must when you're balanced. Everybody will have to be balanced in order to do anything... And what stops somebody to get out of ally, get a lot of losses, attack everything on sight, get a bunch of +bonus honor, get balanced... (due to tokens this is fairly easy) and then drop XP back to 0 in a few attacks, rince and repeat. You'd just be cripling new players with this and the only people who would gain something would be the balanced, high VE ally people that aren't too active... Wait... You have rather high VE, you're an ally leader and you're in perpetual balance, and you don't grind too much... Interesting. In order to catch up with the vets, new people have to train... And in order for them to do that, they have to drop heat. And if they are weak, they won't be able to keep balance, so they won't be able to train, which would just make it more impossible for them to get anywhere close to vets. And this is coming from a person who would actually benefit from this change... I'm having problems with getting losses anyway. And another thing: Who needs combos when your burst drops 9m heat in one hit? Or 5m... or whatever... The only people who actually need combos are younger people who don't have over 500k VE. Also: This will lead new people to cling to GGG type training again... And we really don't want that, do we now?
  11. 1gc 8sc on Eon.
  12. 1. Player Name [b]Ravenstrider [/b] 2. ID [b]194753[/b] 3. Your previous experience with Twitter. [b]I tweeted a bit... I like the format... Besides... It's a social network... You don't really need experience to do it.[/b] 4. Why are you interested? [b]I'd like to have someone to read my tweets for a change.[/b] 5. Why should I chose you? [b]Because you'd get clever and well written tweets, and you'll get someone who'll be active every day, RT-ing things, replying to questions and other tweets, also perhaps discussing other topics in order to get MD noticed.[/b]
  13. Is something wrong with power stat gain? Or is it just my imagination?

  14. 13gc for the tokened rust.
  15. I'll give you an anniversary aramor and 6gc for the tokened rustgold.
  16. Withdrawn.
  17. Anniversary aramor +3gc for the rusty. 2gc 10sc for the SW.
  18. Rusty(The one with 22+ tokens) -9gc 10sc (I might be willing to go over this, PM me when you get the chance, so we can work something out.) GG Drach - 8gc
  19. 2 Anniversary Aramors. BP, age 224 [clawI] 5gc. To start the bidding... ^.^
  20. Auction closed. Mighty Pirate, contact me at the MDP for the ctcs if you see this before I find you ingame. Mods, please close this thread. Thank you.
  21. [quote name='Kyphis the Bard' timestamp='1304330605' post='83714'] I withdraw my bid. [/quote] Mighty Pirate already outbid you, so... And a note: Bidding ends in 24 hours... maybe a bit less.
  22. Before you start trying to change MD, first think about what it is. Soil? Geology? Seriously?! Research the symbolism and significance of the Meeting of the Roads and not trivial things. And one more thing: A garden at one of the most symbolic spots in MD... Gah... Why not plant one at Deathmarrow while we're at it?! It sounds cool, and the place is so barren anyway... And, if you haven't noticed, the previous statement was sarcasm. Your role should fit MD, you shouldn't try and make MD fit your role.
  23. Of course you can bid individualy. Its just that offers so far have all been for both aramors.
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