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Everything posted by Ravenstrider

  1. Piece of advice: Learn about altars before you post a creature connected to them. And another: A short description doesn't make a creature. Abilites/auras, targets, stats, level requirements... this creature doesn't have those?
  2. I'm willing to sell two (maybe three) Anniversary Aramors. Bid away. [b][color="#FF0000"]Current bid: 8gc 70sc for two A-Aramors.[/color][/b]
  3. "Get back, I've got a chainsaw! Brrrrm brm brm brm brm."
  4. I'm buying a Reindrach (preferably aged). Paying with coins.
  5. Happy birthday Tarzan!
  6. Grassan 2gc 5sc
  7. Bird 18sc.
  8. I got the one for: -New Section of Tribunal [First], as did everybody else, I think. That was the only contest Mur handed out Aramors for besides the topic one, as far as I know. Edit: About the Fossil Quote thing... [2011-04-17 01:00:50 - Stage 10] "The winners of the first round of "Embarrass your favorite Fossil" contest , round 1, are: UPDATED - For any other score issues with this list contact MRHoly One 1. Princ Rheagan 4.79 2. Lightsage 4.27 3. DST4.05 4. Awiiya 3.59 5. Ravenstrider 3.53 6. Junior 3.53 7. Nimrode 3.31 8. The Warrior 3.25 9. BFH 3.17 10. Raven 3.14 11. Rendril 2.97 12. Pip 2.93 The first half (numbers 1 to 6) gets one Anniversary Aramor."
  9. 1gc 10sc for the grassan.
  10. 1gc for the grassan. 1gc for the bird.
  11. Didn't really want to apply for the job, because now it's going to seem people are doing it for a shiny tag... But,... I'm a BMFH... I was a global moderator on a few forums...Two of them were bigger than the MD one... If you want me, you have me. I'll take virgins as payment.
  12. [quote name='Yoshi' timestamp='1303405058' post='83151'] Yeah, I could possibly be willing to give you my previous avatar for free, if you'd want it. I don't have a picture of it at the moment due to me on my phone, at work, 2 hours away from my computer xD If someone has a pic of it they could post it, or I'll just take a screenshot when I get home in about 5 hours. [/quote] I want to buy that one If it's the skinny looking dude with funky hair... (I don't remember it specifically, though I remember I liked it) Edit: Uh, nevermind, changed my mind... I think I might have idealized the avy a bit...
  13. 11sc #1
  14. [attachment=2925:mor2.png]
  15. [attachment=2900:level4(1).png] Here's my attempt at LVL 4.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyFyAqLtHq8&feature=related or... a a better fitting suggestion: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ef-4Bv5Ng0w&feature=related Somehow, I associate the piano with Chopin. Blame popular culture. x.x
  17. Try to login with your email instead of your username.
  18. Sign me up as well.
  19. Ravenstrider, 242 AD. And you should choose me because I haven't done a good quest in a while and I thirst for a challenge.
  20. I would be able to do it, I'd just like a few questions answered. 1) Deadline 2) Form/style of the list. Should it be just a short recap or should it include details of every change? Like [Date] Loreroot Archer ability changed to Piercing. or [Date] Loreroot Archer ability changed to Piercing + further explanations from the announcements. 3) Will the person who gets the job receive more guidance about specifics of the job than what we have in the announcement which seems very vague? I'm guessing this is done either for promotional reasons or something for the b-day party.
  21. [quote name='Darigan' timestamp='1302244226' post='82132'] You do realize your leaving right before the Birthday right? [/quote] Epic comment. And seconded! As I understand it it's the most fun couple of days in MD.
  22. And my last entry... I promise. This is how I think the Anniversary Aramor should look like: [b][i]Birthday Cake Aramor[/i][/b] [attachment=2787:BirthdayAramor.png] [size="1"][i]Took less than an hour. [/i][/size] Spoiler for a rude, inappropriate comment- open at your own risk. [spoiler] Would be cool if we got the worse MD offender (probably me after this post) to get this as an avy, then come to Mur at the B-day party and say: "Blow me." [/spoiler]
  23. [quote name='Sharazhad' timestamp='1302172299' post='82077'] [color="#2e8b57"][i] Story mode also depicts that we are projected into MD as a human male. Does this mean that everyone in MD realm are human males?!? Seriously!!! [/i] [/color] [/quote] Again, look at it from a technical perspective: Drawing two sets of story mode images, then creating a gender prompt during the registration... [quote name='Sharazhad' timestamp='1302172299' post='82077'] Again, I refuse to believe (unless you have undoubtable proof) that creatures that were born from the imagination of another human being can be an aspect of my personality. No- one in this game knows me well enough to make such a statement. [/quote] Oh, that's because every human being is so complex that you can't find a common denominator with another. Have you ever felt hunger? Have you ever been angry? Wow, I must know you pretty good, if I'm able to guess that you have.
  24. And yet another drawing. x.x [attachment=2761:AramorDrawing2.png] Edit- Colored- I went a bit wild when I finished it, and decided to include the strange shapes I got... Now it looks like a shadow-mage strange chess piece Aramor. (If you look closely enough, you can see a tormented face in each of those shadowy forms... Well, that's all of you going: Will he ever stop? We can't stand these awful things any more x) ) [attachment=2786:AramorDrawing2Colored.png] And since Mur is sponsoring the funniest entry as well: [attachment=2763:cake.png]
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