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Status Updates posted by Curiose

  1. Yay! Mom got the job! hopefully we can have internet here soon.

  2. really hate being internetless. Dear work hours, please pick up so I can pay for the bill.

  3. caught the flu... feel like crap.

    1. nadrolski
    2. purplebunny


      awww, get better soon xx

  4. My brain kind of feels like its swimming through mud as of late.

    1. Chewett


      that was when i bought a hovercraft.

  5. So I've got this massive ball of resentment. And its becoming a suffocating miasma. Hurray for somewhat okay self control.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Curiose


      My equestrian team in real life. Think I will be smart this round and take a break.

    3. Pipstickz


      Oh. I thought you meant the one you have in MD. Woops.

    4. Curiose


      Nope! I'm currently resentless of md. Just a bit bitter towards certain individuals I know in person.

  6. That need for independence so as not to be dragged down by others? yeah. feeling that to the max right now.

    1. Change


      I'm with you on that (ironically)

  7. Snow... I love you, you're pretty and all, but, please stop coming down. I'd like to not fall into a snowy ditch tonight.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Curiose


      Lucky! We got a foot of snow over the night. Ick!

    3. Pipstickz


      Pff. I'm pretty much made of snow.

    4. Curiose


      Are you frosty the snow man, pips?

  8. Haters just hatin cuz they jealous, and cuz they coulsnt do their previous job right so they lash out at others. : )

  9. I am so sore... my hips feel like a car rammed into them four times, and my thighs scream when I try to sit lady like. Oh horse riding, why must you torture me so?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. purplebunny


      horses are pretty but I would never get on one again.

    3. Curiose


      Its not the horse, it's me being out of shape! ><

    4. purplebunny


      lol fair enough. am trying to get into shape myself. this time of year out comes the wii again.

  10. who has a job? I have a job! new power cord, laptop and awesome horsey stuff await!

  11. who has a job? I have a job! new power cord, laptop and awesome horsey stuff await!

    1. Pipstickz


      Oh, I have one, why'd you want to know?

  12. Tell me, wise community, why is it when i am in a good mood it only deepens the hole im in?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. purplebunny


      Curiose you need a ladder my dear so you can get out of that hole!

    3. Curiose


      I do! and at first I thought you were talking about my height because I'm tiny...

    4. Ackshan Bemunah

      Ackshan Bemunah

      It's funny because "happy=true" is an assignment, not a test.

  13. Pssst. PSSSSSST. I SAYS PSSSSSST. Hi. I refuse to let the destructive negaticity rule my life. Wont you do the same?

    1. Mallos
    2. Ackshan Bemunah

      Ackshan Bemunah

      Not much of a life, the fraction it rules despite will...

    3. Pipstickz


      One of us...one of us...one of us...

  14. Curi needs some zen to add to her spice.

  15. Back home. no internet cept on my phone, car is in the shop and mechanic is taking forever. Working on employment and will hopefully return to get some stuff rolling.

  16. I like to think I am the perfect troll.

    1. Magistra


      I don't know. Can you place a picture?

    2. Seigheart
  17. I can has interview for second job, yes? Make my life more moneyful, yes?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Seigheart


      Try not to talk like that when in your interview...

    3. Magistra


      If you can handle it.

    4. Curiose


      Oh, I can handle it. >D I can handle anything.

  18. I has job! I has job!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Curiose


      Thanks, Magistra!

    3. Curiose


      Silly Seigheart, thinking I live in MD.

    4. VertuHonagan


      Congrats on your job! Hope its a good one.

  19. I clearly don't want a party, because clearly a party is useless and not enjoyable. But then again, I'll totally go to a party if someone makes it for me, and has it all about me.

  20. No Internet, limited access via phone. Message for yim if needed

  21. Let's all act with false pretentiousness because after all, everyone's a star!

    1. Maebius


      *makes a wish upon those falling stars*

  22. Come on Loreroot, stop pussy footing around and get your alliance back. That means ALL of Loreroot, not just CotE.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Curiose


      I don't really care what either of you think. Loreroot's just vindictive and as lazy as ever, I suppose.

    3. J-D


      I find it interesting that you pretend to know exactly what is happening in a group you're not affiliated with, Curiose.

    4. Nimrodel


      Meh... You get boring by the day shroom lady

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