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Everything posted by Eon

  1. You attacked my morph. Since this competition has started I've gotten about two hours of sleep all together. I've made sure that not even even half of my creatures were dead at one time. I also haven't had anyone else mention me having an Elu on my def. If I ever do have an Elu pop up on my def then it'd be pretty rare. I'm going to get rid of my Elu now just so it doesn't happen again, assuming it ever did in the first place.
  2. I've never used the Elu on my def and I never plan to, therefor there would be no turning around on my part. I put down "extended period of time" because eventually when someone idles his or her creatures are going to be killed and the only thing they'll have left is the Elu. If the person became active they would need to have creatures alive. I consider someone talking and moving as being active. I'm trying to make this fair. This way people with Elu's can compete and everyone can be attacked most of the time. If I was trying to change things in my favor I would be changing a lot more than just this.
  3. Vital energy is included as well. If I remember correctly you can still put a very small amount of personal ve into your ritual though. It's been 6 months so I'm not too sure.
  4. When you give a good enough reason to show the list of players There was only a list available during the Fierce BHC because it was needed for betting.
  5. I'm not 100 percent sure it won't effect the other fighters. Considering skilldamage is a stat, I'd be pretty surprised if it still worked on a competition that nullified your stats. My guess is around 3-5 weeks.
  6. This is the BHC, not the HC. You want to win this competition you'll have to fight the best.
  7. No, you can't turn skilldamage off. If you win you will get the skilldamage. It doesn't matter if you don't want it.
  8. [b][size=5]BHC Statless Edition[/size][/b] Fighters, It's time for another BHC again. Do you often get called a Stat/Token whore? Do people walk around telling others that without your stats you'd be nothing? Would you like to prove those other players wrong? Do you feel your superior to grinders because you have more knowledge of the combat system than they do, and only lose because grinders rely so much on their stats? Would you kill for a more level playing field? If you feel you fit either of those categories than this BHC is definitely for you. In this BHC stats and tokens will be nullified throughout the entire competition. You are allowed to go to any location you feel like during the first stage. When the second stage begins you should be teleported to the heads hill. Any MP level can sign up for this. [b][size=4]Date [/size][/b]: The BHC starts on December 3rd at 16:00:00 server time. [b][size=4]Rules [/size][/b]: 1.Don't use the bug that allows you to take a fighters ball of heads without actually battling them. 2. Don;t use any bugs of any kind. I mentioned attacking with no creatures because it happens so much, but I also don't want to hear of any other bugs. If your going to accuse someone of bugs I want to see some proof from inside the game. [b][size=4]Participation Requirement[/size][/b] : I will be switching every day between a gold coin and 15 sc's. One day there may be another option, but for now it'll be either a gc or 15 sc's. [b][size=4]Reward[/size][/b] : [b]First Place[/b]- 20 gold note, Morph, Tainted, Trophy, BHC medal, and 20 skilldamage. [b]Second place[/b]- 10 gold note and a morph [b]Third place[/b]- 10 gold note and a Tainted [b]Additional Information[/b]: 1.I assume my skilldamage would not effect the fighters who sign up for this BHC, although I'm not 100 percent sure it will. No one would enter the BHC just to avoid my skilldamage for awhile though, would they? 2. Yes, I will tell you how much score it will take to get from stage one to stage two before the BHC starts. 3.The score to reach stage two will be 250,000 4.There will be 6 heads hills in stage two. Each heads hill is set at a gazebo. 5.Stage two will last 48 hours This should take you to the sign up page: [url="http://magicduel.com/sitegizmo/bosscontest_signup.php"]http://magicduel.com...test_signup.php[/url]
  9. "Winners of categories will not be able to win that category again for 5 years" Why give awards to those who don't deserve them? If someone isn't the best quester than they don't deserve an award for being the best. The same goes for Elite Evil Villain, Champion fighter, Best Spell Caster, most influential, and every other possible spot I can't remember right now. I also feel people from the same land should be able to vote for each other if they feel like it.
  10. BHC

    1. Tipu


      And a new rule : Lord tipu is exempted from paying the entrance fee due to his exceptional good behavior:-)

  11. I have no idea how many people used the weaken cause against me and got included into the needle, but these are my current stats after 6 uses from Amorans' needle. I was asked to put this on the forum. Server time: Nov 18 00:19:12 ~ Day: 321 Year: 6 ~ [i] 38 days remaining[/i] [i] [/i] [i] Only 1 person managed to beat my creatures (although luck and a decent amount of spells played a role in that), but at least you got my skilldamage stat down a bit. [/i] [img]http://magicduel.com/img/interface/stats/mini-char_regeneration.gif[/img] Regeneration: [b]2202[/b] [left]([color="#000000"]5194.23[/color] + [color="#ff9900"]-2992[/color])[/left] [img]http://magicduel.com/img/interface/stats/mini-char_energeticimmun.gif[/img] Energetic immunity: [b]3117[/b] [left]([color="#000000"]7236.98[/color] + [color="#3355ff"]50[/color] + [color="#ff9900"]-4169[/color])[/left] [img]http://magicduel.com/img/interface/stats/mini-char_tradesense.gif[/img] Trade sense: [b]1886[/b] [left]([color="#000000"]4449.23[/color] + [color="#ff9900"]-2563[/color])[/left] [img]http://magicduel.com/img/interface/stats/mini-char_briskness.gif[/img] Briskness: [b]2275[/b] [left]([color="#000000"]5093.11[/color] + [color="#99cc00"]16[/color] + [color="#ff9900"]-2834[/color])[/left] [img]http://magicduel.com/img/interface/stats/mini-char_initiative.gif[/img] Initiative: [b]1502[/b] [left]([color="#000000"]3544.82[/color] + [color="#ff9900"]-2042[/color])[/left] [img]http://magicduel.com/img/interface/stats/mini-char_defence.gif[/img] Defence: [b]17970[/b] [left]([color="#000000"]42288.57[/color] + [color="#99cc00"]40[/color] + [color="#ff9900"]-24358[/color])[/left] [img]http://magicduel.com/img/interface/stats/mini-char_attack.gif[/img] Attack: [b]163684[/b] [left]([color="#000000"]385716.26[/color] + [color="#3355ff"]100[/color] + [color="#99cc00"]40[/color] + [color="#ff9900"]-222172[/color])[/left] [img]http://magicduel.com/img/interface/stats/mini-char_power.gif[/img] Power: [b]588[/b] [left]([color="#000000"]1269.9[/color] + [color="#3355ff"]50[/color] + [color="#ff9900"]-731[/color])[/left] [img]http://magicduel.com/img/interface/stats/mini-char_luck.gif[/img] Luck: [b]515[/b] [left]([color="#000000"]1167.39[/color] + [color="#3355ff"]20[/color] + [color="#ff9900"]-672[/color])[/left] [img]http://magicduel.com/img/interface/stats/mini-char_skilldamage.gif[/img] *skilldamage: [b]31[/b] [left]([color="#000000"]74[/color] + [color="#ff9900"]-43[/color])[/left] [img]http://magicduel.com/img/interface/stats/mini-char_experimentalism.gif[/img] Experimentalism: [b]10[/b] [left]([color="#000000"]24.16[/color] + [color="#ff9900"]-14[/color])[/left] [img]http://magicduel.com/img/interface/stats/mini-char_herbalism.gif[/img] *herbalism: [b]11[/b] [left]([color="#000000"]26.7[/color] + [color="#ff9900"]-15[/color])[/left] [img]http://magicduel.com/img/interface/stats/mini-char_waterhandling.gif[/img] Waterhandling: [b]13[/b] [left]([color="#000000"]30.31[/color] + [color="#ff9900"]-17[/color])[/left] [img]http://magicduel.com/img/interface/stats/mini-char_filtering.gif[/img] *filtering: [b]0[/b] [left]([color="#000000"]0.4[/color])[/left]
  12. Eon

    Eon's help

    [attachment=3319:nadrolski Hoarding... yet again.png] [attachment=3320:nadrolski giving para tools.png] [attachment=3321:mp 2.png] [attachment=3322:nadrolski3.png] [attachment=3323:nadrolski and paracelsus.png]
  13. Kyphis, any recent examples you can think of? Tranquil Plains, Meeting of the Roads, the location not too deep in the new area of the East. All of those have remained sanctuaries. I have a feeling Awiiya's location will remain one as well. I can only think of one that was turned back and that was outside KC's home. [size=1]Edit: Corrected Awiiya's name.[/size]
  14. The Tainted will be sold to Lone Wolf. Please close this thread.
  15. Never mind, I found my own way out.
  16. Stored Heat: 7,801,531 Age: 198 Tokens: 0 You may bid here, message me in game, or message me on the forum. In game pm's will be unblocked until the auction is over. I won't be taking anyone off my forum ignore list. I'm mainly interested in coins, but I'd also take credits along with a decent amount of coins. This will go on for 5 day's Highest offer: 21 gold coins - [url="../../user/5614-lone-wolf-pup/"]lone wolf[/url]
  17. I am Eon

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Pipstickz


      Hi, my name is Pip and...I'm an alcoholic.

    3. nadrolski


      I am nadrolski, The Tipu's #1 die-hard fan

    4. Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      I am...naked. Nice to meet you.

  18. Eon

    WTS coins

    Sold Please close
  19. Eon

    WTS coins

    I would like to sell 10 gold worth in coins for 30 credits. It would be 6 gold coins and 65 silver coins. My pm's in game will be unblocked until I sell them.
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