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Everything posted by Invie

  1. I like this idea, there are some interesting items among the list. I agree that GG would make a good location, as many of these items match it's lore. Some of these items do seem overpowered or making other mechanics obsolete. The 'Memory Brew' for example, would make buying spells in the wishshop pointless as you can just get spellstones and turn those into spells. The 'Lucid Candle' would make illusions and invisibility useless and is easy enough to make that the majority of the playerbase could have one. Maybe the creation of these items could be matched to the different roles that are planned to be implemented, so it's harder to obtain and they are less common.
  2. When will you be speaking to the Archives Elf as I would like to be there?
  3. The Invisible Voice has spoken! Willow is to be interrogated for his involvement with the missing presents. All those wishing to participate in uncovering the answers we seek can contact me. It is clear that considering the presents were found inside Willow's Shop, Willow must have seen or heard something. Or he may even be involved in the plot of obscuring the presents. We will first question him for answers, so prepare questions you may have for Willow. If Willow does not provide us with answers willingly, then less friendly measures will be taken to extract information from him. We could strap him to the Eternal Toiler or something similar. If it does not inconvenience Willow too much, the event is planned for sunday 14 january 21:00 ST.
  4. Looking at the transcript posted by Chewett, it would seem the elf was unable to open the presents and did not know why there was a spell on the presents. Therefore, I don't think we should be looking at the elf to solve this issue, but to the facts we know of. We know the presents went missing and the elf was looking for them. The elf found them in 'Willow's Shop Locked Storage' and discovered they were protected by a spell. Ledah then killed the elf. Which leaves us with several questions. What were the presents doing in 'Willow's Shop Locked Storage'? Who put the spell on the presents? Why did Ledah kill the elf? Considering 'Willow's Shop Locked Storage' is locked and the shop is owned by Willow, it implicates Willow. Willow could have taken the presents and put a spell on them or had Ledah do it. This also explains the murder of the elf by Ledah, it was to prevent the elf from taking the presents back. We should bring Willow in for questioning and, if necessary, torture him until we have our answers. (And Ledah as well)
  5. I got an error on the blue gift with white dots (last present), but it did give a gift.
  6. Player name: Invie Player ID: 45868 Browser: Chrome Operating System: Windows 11 Importance: Low importance Description - What happens when the bug occurs: Christmas cookie from the shop does not give vital energy as indicated, but sets vital energy to indicated number. How to reproduce the bug: Buy cookie that gives following buff: Watch vital energy be set to number indicated in buff: (I had more vital energy when purchasing cookie) What you expect to happen: Gain vital energy.
  7. Nice quest with a unique reward, I want even more of the reward.
  8. 2 x 30 Gold Note (60 gold total).
  9. A lump of coal.
  10. I get this message when trying to log in. Upon refresh I get sent back to the login screen with an "invalid security letters" error.
  11. Unfortunately it's not there either.
  12. Player name: Invie Player ID: 45868 Browser: Chrome Operating System: Windows 11 Importance: Low importance Description: The Skeleton Combiner did not give out a Headless Skeleton. After collecting a Headless Skeleton from the combiner a message appeared in chat saying I made a Headless Skeleton with ashes as byproduct. I received the ashes, but not the skeleton. The log in Willow's Shop also shows ashes were created, but no skeleton. How to reproduce the bug: I am unable to reproduce this bug due to a lack of bones. What you expect to happen: I exected a Headless Skeleton to appear in my inventory.
  13. You can teleport to Deathmarrow by offering 50 head to the dreamcatcher while under the effect of ironboots.
  14. I think it just unlocks level 8 clues. I used a WP for the level 7 clues and it did not unlock any of the lower level ones.
  15. 11gc for the BP Archer.
  16. 10 gold coins for the BP Archer (ID 281496).
  17. I have the same issue. Apparently clicking on "Go To Normal Player Page" changes "member.php?p=" into "players/" in the link. You can still get to the correct page by adding "&override=true" to the link instead of clicking on "Go To Normal Player Page". This would be the correct link: https://magicduel.com/member.php?p=fyrd%20argentus&override=true
  18. I will take a Spotted Easter Hunt Egg.
  19. I will take the Loreroot Marksman.
  20. It's the fully leveled Worry of Wanderers.
  21. I want them all. Max level preferred, but I also accept lower levels.
  22. ---30--- ---97--- 100
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