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Everything posted by DarkRaptor

  1. angien #1 : 8 silver
  2. Selling Locate Stone for 5 silver. Please contact me by ingame or forum pm. darkraptor
  3. angien #3 : 5 silver
  4. 8GC 5 silver
  5. [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]#4. 42sc[/font][/size]
  6. [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]#4. 40sc[/font][/size]
  7. [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][color=#282828]memory stones: 35 silver[/color][/font][/size]
  8. #4. - 1gc 10sc
  9. #4. - 1gc 8sc
  10. You will be missed SageWoman, you are immortal in MD so may your path cross this realm again. Good luck
  11. Creature Sold. Please close
  12. Thank you for the clarification :-). I didn't have though of it as a "proportion" concept... that's why i'm a noob :-P (..now i just have to understand why can several proportions surpass 100%... since the benefict is not percentage based..)
  13. side question (again): would it not be more correct if you only could benefict from that land loyalty [b]if[/b] you are still loyal? i can understand the loyality benefict as some kind of reward the land gives you.. but if a conflict arise and you are against a land that you were once loyal to, should it be correct if the that land keeps rewarding you even against herself?
  14. side question: how can one character be [b]loyal[/b] to several lands at the same time? imagine there is a conflict between two lands that you are loyal to.. should you choose? can you still be loyal to both? ( maybe the question is just about the term: loyal )
  15. [b]Selling a Unholy Pope - 28M HEAT - Age 227[/b] Get the oportunity to lower your Heat to Zero! reserve price : 13 sc immediate buy : 1 gc + 2 sc offer duration: undefined + 12 hours over the last acceptable bid. Notes: 1. no bid retraction is accepted.
  16. 80 silver for the [b]Rustgold Drachorn: [/b]576548
  17. I would like to participate darkraptor
  18. 4 Gc 15 sc for the Older one
  19. 61 silver
  20. I'm quite suprised with the amount of people who somehow seem "affected" by this medals/announcement content... come on MD it's a game! .. can you imagine.. maybe the medals attribution was a reaction test by itself!
  21. 25 Credits for the tools
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