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Everything posted by DarkRaptor

  1. playername: darkraptor I can't cook, but i can eat; I can't clean but i can trash the place... i will be a slave at your service
  2. I'm selling a 25M heat Water Daimon (30 days age) reserve value : 14 sc This auction will close on 3 days.
  3. It seens when the BHC contest endend all Head Hills Tag are gone. This affects the current running HC. Any chance of correcting the tags? ( in this case the tag is missing at GoE ) Thank you
  4. darkraptor No Homeland 267 [attachment=3362:dream sigil.JPG]
  5. #66 A former fair queen in a fair land Hail Handy Pockets and her wand Former King Firsanthalas we should hail so the florest will prevail Former ruler of Golemus owner of the ring Hail Yrthilian, hail the former King! Always willing for a GG egg there goes master combo xrieg With skilldamage on his flag Eon attacks but never brag With victories as his feast Eon is The warrior beast! Mighty God Mur i can't forget for that i'm sure i would regret MagicDuel goes beyond a game it's an impossible beast to tame!
  6. [b]1 silver for : 9 Mineral Water [/b]+ [b]Sand [/b]+ [b]Syntropic Dust [/b]
  7. 5 Silver for the Fenths
  8. First i want to say that if Eon have a unverified email on his main account or if there is a bug that makes her main account display such a message, I'm very sorry to bring this up, my sincere appologies. Second i'm one of the (probably few) that respects,understands and belives that Eon's role is a good asset to MD. Do you like it or not i think there's little doubt about how very well the Eon role is being played. Yes, i don't like skilldamage but since that MD is diferent..but still there are santuarys and we all are free to scatter across the realm evading Eon, trainning, siteseeing, making Eon a tea addict and mad because his unable to reach you! It's very doable, its very easy and with nice friends is quite fun! about the Reward.. Usually there is little or none advantage to the main account to use a alt to check the records, mostly is all about curiosity anyway. But looks like this information have been used to claim a reward and by that benefict the main account... to me it's wrong and an abuse. The funniest would be Eon next clain a bounty for having herself done this abuse! (in my opinion ofc) Now.. What really matter is : fix the Server problems that haut us and let's play and enjoy MD!
  9. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1321547848' post='96039'] It was Eon. Its in the announcements. [/quote] .. Well... the rewarded player should be Eno.. or i misunderstand something?
  10. May i ask what MD player was rewarded with the bounty? Was it Eno or Eon ?
  11. Not really a bug but a server problem. Since yesterday MD server started to respond Very slowly and with many connection timeouts, making the MD experience almost completely unplayable. Although this morning the server looked like was performing in a almost regular way, for the last hours the performance have deteriorated again. I've checked with other players and all reported the same issues. 1. connection timeout pages 2. scenes locked with "receiving vars..." msg 3. empty players list 4. empty / lag / ignored text on chat
  12. If is to be implemented.. To me the link makes little sense in terms of RP.. what's a "link" anyway? Since the proposed feature is a spell why should it not work like one? and maybe have limited casts.. If it would be a feature intended to everybody then everybody got one.. (free or not) I know that there can be a heat problem at some mp levels when it cames to cast but i'm sure the problem could be solved.
  13. I like to think MD is all about exploring and take some risks.. so i don't like much the idea. Anyway, would like to sugest that the link could only appear when a player is stalled at some location without way to leave. This meaning current move cost > max player ap + 20 (free credits)
  14. Name: darkraptor Mp: 5 Age: 345 Main principle: Darkness Reason for applying: Being an alliance so close to the Darkness i think The Caretakers is the way my character should take in this realm. I would like to learn enough to help and protect the Tribunal lands and honor the alliance principles and leaders. Being at this realm for some time, now i think is time to try to contribute to an alliance so close to my character.
  15. Problem returned.. when attacking xrieg..and more players are having the same problem.
  16. It seems the problem is solved by now
  17. atm i'm able to attack Tal again.. no chance to test with xrieg
  18. When trying to attack some players interface keeps displaying : link expired, retry later please I tried all refresh, and ask around.. same problem for other players Currently it happens for example attacking Tal or xrieg
  19. Grasan Tomato Soup First, and for every good soup, sneak into the Demon's inventory and lend the Cauldron. Pour some water and boil the Grasan's toes, take care not to overcook them otherwise the nail will drop and ruin a good soup. Add 10 tomatoes and one omnion. And serve!
  20. Trick or Treat? Plenty candy i want Trick or Treat? Until i grow to a Elephant!
  21. "run.. run.. run.. run to give me fun!!" [url="http://storenow.net/my/?f=3365"]http://storenow.net/my/?f=3365[/url]
  22. DarkRaptor


    I will give a fresh aromatic Tea Cup for 2 Pimps
  23. Grasan - 1 (one) Aromatic Tea Cup i'm poor .. have no coins.. :-P
  24. Really great Festival, Will be posted any information regarding participants, winners or prizes?
  25. i give 1 sc for each
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