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Everything posted by DarkRaptor

  1. And let us all play MD. Please! darkraptor
  2. Some of my considerations: 1. Hardly a newcomer WILL understand a MD Fight Log.. Hardly he will be tempted to read it! A newcomer just want to see : [b]YOU WIN![/b] [indent=1] possible solutions: a) Redesign the battle dialog to display in graphics (instead of text) the token aplication (maybe one by one with some delay) before the before the battle rounds start [i]( please make it just for the tutorial!! )[/i][/indent] 2. Tokens in the tutorial would require that the new player have some relevant stats, otherwise most of them will have little or no visible effect. [indent=1] possible solutions: a) give temporary (?) stats to the player b) use some kind of mirror stats (although this May add some confusion to a newcomer )[/indent] There is also a issue of "[b]Equity[/b]" IF the tokens are to be added in the tutorial. Up to now All players, like ME, did NOT have the advantage of knowing the effects of the principles BEFORE choose them, a newcomer will have that chance. darkraptor
  3. Quizz still up for anyone who wants see how much can score! remember: use [b]Summer Quizz[/b] in the book at the clash of ages
  4. with pleasure, i will teleport it to the book at the clash of ages with the same keyword.
  5. 1. It endend at 00:00 since was part of the Festival. 2. Yes the countdown was visible 3. No, players only could have one try Score Results: ignnus scored 3.25 in 123 seconds Eagle Eye scored 1.5 in 120 seconds lashtal scored 3 in 129 seconds Nimrodel scored 2 in 155 seconds tankfans scored 1.75 in 135 seconds Valldore Nal scored 1.5 in 124 seconds Sunfire scored 2.75 in 112 seconds AmberRune scored 3.25 in 108 seconds Thank you all participants! note: as stated on the Final Team Results the score will be truncated and summed by team, also the winner (AmberRune) will score an aditional point
  6. Scoring Note : For Team competition Player score will be truncated, just like the player skills
  7. Last day of he festivities so it's Quizz Time!! Someone said to me that there is a magic quizz book on the archives that can be openned using the words: [b]Summer Quizz[/b] Go find it and complete the Quizz! There is a Time limit on every question, so be fast! 16 Random Questions, 10 seconds max to answer each one, 0.25 points score for every correct answer. The player with the highest score in the less amount of Time (Winner!!) will gain a extra Point!
  8. The beacons are lit!!! Stage 3 achieved congrats to all participants! Winners: #1 - Lone Wolf won at stage 1 with a balance around 23042 on the four beacons. #2 - tankfans won at stage 2 with a balance around 76310 on the four beacons. #3 - ignnus won at stage 3 with a balance around 236941 on the four beacons. Checkpoints: #1 - Lone Wolf was the first to reach stage 1 beacon Earth minimum heat with 20236 heat. #2 - ignnus was the first to reach stage 1 beacon Water minimum heat with 23666 heat. #3 - ignnus was the first to reach stage 1 beacon Fire minimum heat with 21503 heat. #4 - Lone Wolf was the first to reach stage 1 beacon Air minimum heat with 23366 heat. #5 - ignnus was the first to reach stage 2 beacon Earth minimum heat with 77720 heat. #6 - ignnus was the first to reach stage 2 beacon Air minimum heat with 76688 heat. #7 - ignnus was the first to reach stage 2 beacon Fire minimum heat with 76481 heat. #8 - ignnus was the first to reach stage 2 beacon Water minimum heat with 78967 heat. #9 - ignnus was the first to reach stage 3 beacon Earth minimum heat with 238768 heat. #10 - ignnus was the first to reach stage 3 beacon Fire minimum heat with 237609 heat. #11 - ignnus was the first to reach stage 3 beacon Air minimum heat with 239259 heat. #12 - ignnus was the first to reach stage 3 beacon Water minimum heat with 237576 heat.
  9. [b]Stage 3 almost done!![/b] Keep them up.. and try get to Stage 4! :-D due to late start the beacons will be open for heat until today 11ST
  10. The beacons have reach Stage 1!! [b]Congratz![/b] [b]Let the Heat flow, go for Stage 2!! Go go go[/b]
  11. I think a ceremony should be necessary to sucessfully revival someone. The ceremony could consist in at least 4 stages 1.Supply the Tree of Revival with enough resources to grow the fruit The resources could be delivered by all interested players and the numbers could be something like: 1k water 250 fenths 2.Enchant the fruit with revival energy and identity Once the fruit is grown (step 1), the resources and heat could be delivered by all interested players and the numbers could be something like: 5M Heat 250 Wiiya 3.Gathering the fruit This action would only be possible if there were (for example) 30 people at the scene and used the grab action of the Tree of Revival ( something like the grab fugitive action..) Important: the fruit would be gathered by the player that had supply the largest number of Resources ( not Heat ) 4.Finally, use the fruit to deliver one drop of Juice of Life into the corpse. note: a) I've left out all the items because i feel this should be a community effort and should not be restricted to the presence of someone holding a special item or tool. But in terms of RP would be very interesting to include such items and persons. b) i think the needed time to gather all the resources is itself a good indicator Will from the community darkraptor
  12. [quote name='Liberty4life' timestamp='1339018452' post='113787'] similar as chew said above items cant split becoz they are actually one, when ya have 50 water in inventory ya actually have 1 water that can be used 50 times as for coins and such, its also designed cuz mur wanted ya folks to have a feelin how much ya give away by transfering them individually but... about log records i agree they are flooded [/quote] Liberty i did not mean resources.. i mean items.. like Silver Coins.. gold.. etc
  13. Add a "quantity" field to the transfer item option. This quantity should also be accounted in the chat to avoid spam AND on the logs to avoid log spam. (Nowadays the use of cauldrons ruin the availability of the log even when you have 300 records...)
  14. 1Gold 5Silver for 12-[b][color=#0000ff]BloodPact Archer[/color][/b]
  15. All rewards seem to be delivered, thanks again to all participants! (i believe this topic can be closed/moved) darkraptor
  16. I've received the 5Credits code package from the TK.
  17. Quest Results: I would like thank to all that participated. The solution is: [attachment=3796:QuestPortrait_1_solved.PNG] The results of the top participants are: 1. Sephirah 2. Esmaralda 3. Ignnus [attachment=3797:QuestPortrait_1_winners.PNG] ( I will start deliver the prizes as soon as i'm on mainland.. i'm currently at dominion.. ) Feel free to give some feedback, sugestions, critics.. all welcome :-) darkraptor
  18. Limit time for submission have just expired. Thank you to all participants, i will soon post the results :-)
  19. i would save this cool contest for major events :-)
  20. Thank you to all that organized this event, i'm sure it was needed great effort and dedication, again, Thank you all! Only frustrating thing was the guardians schedule.. for working people at timezones around GMT-0 it was a nightmare.. for 2 days i spent 14 hours online waiting for some of the first guardians... by the time i reached the last guardian i had very little time to think on the riddles because the competition ended. Anyway it was a very nice journey and i enjoyed it, i hope there will be another chance to visit the throne room :-) darkraptor
  21. Quest still on.. not all the scenes have been discovered yet!!
  22. Use your skill to identify all the MD scenes in the mixed portraits and win this contest! [attachment=3772:QuestPortrait.jpg] Your task is to point and identify in the picture, by name or coordinate, all parts of the MD scenes you can discover. Submit your participation to me using forum PM, please note: Only your first submission will be accepted. The Winner participation will be the one that finds more scenes on the image, fastest submission time will used in case of draw. As rewards we will have: ( not much.. i know but the council will also support the 3 first places.. :-D ) 1. A Aged and Heated Angien 2. Imperial Aramor + Joker 3. Imperial Aramor ( i may need a bit to recruit the imps because of the honor.. ) Submission limit for the quest will be April 24 23:59 Server Time. As usual, no alts, no cheating, no laziness.. etc.. Have fun! darkraptor [EDIT]: Submission limit extended
  23. 1. Best I'm one of the Best because my team was the BEST, we managed to work together, after all this was a team contest 2. - 3. "Highest Score of TC" I believe i got a good score if not the top 4. "Highest single score attempt" I think i got a high one [attachment=3770:TC_score.PNG] RED team winning or not... Congratz!!! darkraptor
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