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Everything posted by DarkRaptor

  1. Finally the quiz clickie is up! Time for the quest winners to battle for a WP! To answer the Trivia go to the GoE hidden orb and speak the word : [b]HelpXmas[/b] You will be asked to choose a number that will give you a corresponding prize on [url="http://storenow.net/my/?f=5791"]this[/url] list (pass will be disclosed later). The list consists of (19 prizes of my stock): 1 Dream Mutation 2 Sharptears 4 Mirrorritual Stones 5 Locate Stones 4 Silvertongue Stones 2 Movelock Stones 1 Colored Paper (15 units) Then the clickie will make [b]20 questions[/b] with a limited response time of [b]1 minute[/b]. The [b]TOP 5 to score more points in the least amount of time[/b] will be selected to a final trivia that will be played on chat and will have the following awards: 1st place = WP + ( 1st prize sponsorship of the xmas festival[b]*[/b] ) 2nd place = ( 2nd prize sponsorship of the xmas festival* ) 1rd place = ( 3rd prize sponsorship of the xmas festival[b]*[/b] ) [b]*[/b] Please note that i still don't know what this prize will be.. seems it depends on your opinnion given [url="http://magicduel.com/bfh/participants.php"]here[/url]. After all winners answer the trivia i will open it to all quest participants so all can test it and see how much can they score! Notes on the Triva questions: 1. You have 1 minute to answer, you can even leave the clickie for that period to check any answer. 2. Information needed to answer the trivia is available to ALL through: AL, Announcements, Search and Realm Good Luck to all! dark ps: please don't cheat.. you risk to be disqualified.
  2. Family Xmas [attachment=4366:house01.jpg] [b]I wish you all a Happy New Year![/b] dark
  3. [b]Thank you ALL For participating! I hope you had some fun [/b] Quest ended some minutes ago and here is the Winner List: AmberRune *Nimrodel* dst Eara Meraia Esmaralda Seeker white Valldore Nal ignnus Plix Plox Sunfire VorniC Max Mortlock lashtal Ivorak *Clock Master* Pipstickz DARK DEMON tankfans stavaroiu [b]Yes... 19 Winners and 49 Participants [/b] Since there was a good amount of winners it will be nearly impossible to gather everybody at a certain time for the announced quiz battle for the wishpoint. So, [b]in the next days i will prepare a clickie with 20 (or more) questions and then the top 5 will compete on a final chat quiz.[/b] I will also use the clickie to ask you a number that will be used to distribute the prize list (much like the halloween quest). Sorry for this extra step, but i would like to have a fair contest and make sure everybody have a chance, even those with a busy real life schedule. [b]Please take bit of time and give your feedback/rating [url="http://magicduel.com/bfh/participants.php"]here[/url] .[/b] Also, any suggestions or comments are welcome in this thread so i can improve upcoming quests [b]Thank you[/b] [b]Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!![/b] dark ps: Quest clickies will be up until the end of the year, those who did not meet yet the Elf, the Granny.. or BFH's Cow.. can still do! :-P
  4. [b]45 participants and 18 of them have already finnished![/b] 24 more hours to play.. and ... remember every winner will get a reward and is selected for a big quizz battle for the Wishpoint! Current reward list: ( to be distributed between all winners ) 1 Dream Mutation 2 Sharptears 3 Festival Sponsored prizes (or Silver..) 4 Locate Stones 3 Silvertongue Stones 2 Movelock Stones 2 Mirrorritual Stones 1 Colored Paper (15 units) [b]Please give your feedback [url="http://magicduel.com/bfh/participants.php"]here[/url][/b] Thank you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! dark
  5. Tom, the timer was introduced with the purpose of preventing brute force attacks. I have to agree it can be a little annoying (because it also bothered me when i was testing) but i think 1 sec per rune is a fair trade to maintain the quest equal to all.
  6. [b]42 participants and 16 of them have already finnished![/b] Still much time to play until Xmas day.. and ... remember every winner will get a reward and is selected for a big quizz battle for the Wishpoint! [b]Please Have Fun!!! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!![/b] dark
  7. [b]Thank you all for the feedback [/b] I'm glad some of you enjoyed the quest and i hope at some point you got a laugh at it, i sure did The artwork is original.. and as you can guess by the poor quality.. was made by me I'm also very glad that at this point there is 30 participants and 10 of them have already finnished! What a big quizz battle for the Wishpoint we are going to have! :-D [b]Please Have Fun!!! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!![/b] darkraptor
  8. (Stage 1) [b]The Santa's Elf's need your help!![/b] Go visit their shop under the rock at Gazebo of Equilibrium using the "[b]HelpXmas[/b]" words. Be aware that this can be the beginning of an adventure! Rewards: 1. All that sucessfully help the Elf's to fix the sledge will have access to STAGE 2 (Where a [b]WP[/b] will be rewarded!) 2. All that sucessfully help the Elf's to fix the sledge will win something. 3. The prizes will be random between all winners 4. Prize list: (from my stock) 2 Sharptears, Locate Stones, SilverTongue Stones (pending) XmasFestival sponsorship [b]Duration (Stage 1): It will be up to 12:00 ST of xmas day[/b] (Stage 2) Santa will want to reward those who helped fix the sledge, so he decided to make a quizz contest after Christmas! And Reward the Winner with a WishPoint!! Players will "battle" in a quizz tournament to be organized after Christmas. [b]Please Have Fun!!! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!![/b] note: Please don't use alt's
  9. Adventuring Award : [b]Nimrodel[/b] Best Beautification : [b]Dante Lionheart[/b] Champion Fighter : [b]Ignnus[/b] Fossil of the year : [b]Burns[/b] The Golden Protector : [b]Peace[/b] Helper of the Year : [b]Dark Demon[/b] Most Addicted : [b]Ignnus[/b] Most Popular : [b]Peace[/b] Outstanding Service to MD : [b]BFH Lightning[/b] Pre-eminent Role Player : [b]Fyrd Argentus[/b] Prime Quest : [b]Lashtal (A day of fear)[/b] Rookie of the year : [b]Dark Demon[/b] Top Techie : [b]Maebius[/b]
  10. I vote Lightsage. With the [b]hope[/b] that whoever is choosed will prevent what i consider current common faults of the TK: [indent=1]1. Inconsistent rewards sponsorship[/indent] [indent=1]2. Lack of TK Evaluation/Participation on Quests[/indent] [indent=1]3. Lack of TK Creation/Assistance of Quests[/indent] [indent=1]4. Lack of Transparency on Treasury Management[/indent] darkraptor
  11. Congratz [b]dragonrider[/b]! (PO.. i'm not skilled to draw anything close to the quality of dragonrider's work :-P )
  12. Master of Ceremonies as awarded [b]2 credits[/b] to each one of the ten winners! Since, all prizes have been distribuited please close this thread. Thank you all, i heard that maybe granny will return to the realm one of these days... darkraptor
  13. Thank you for organizing the event and Congrats to all other participants
  14. Thank you all again for participating and for the good feedback.. maybe one day the granny will bake again in this realm :-P According to the numbers choosen here is the prizes distribuition: [font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif] Dante Lionheart => 1 -> Pimped Grasan Eagle Eye [/font][font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif]=>[/font][font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif] 2 -> Locate Stone LameKnight [/font][font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif]=>[/font][font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif] 3 -> Locate Stone Nimrodel [/font][font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif]=>[/font][font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif] 4 -> Pimped Grasan Innocence -> Locate Stone laylah [/font][font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif]=>[/font][font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif] 6 -> Sharptear Aelis [/font][font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif]=>[/font][font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif] 7 -> Locate Stone JusticeFang [/font][font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif]=>[/font][font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif] 8 -> Pimped Grasan AmberRune [/font][font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif]=>[/font][font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif] 9 -> Pimped Grasan Valldore Nal [/font][font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif]=>[/font][font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif] 10 -> Locate Stone[/font] (pass to see the previously uploaded list of assigned numbers per prize is [i]DarkMDHC2012[/i], available at [url="http://storenow.net/my/?f=5461"]http://storenow.net/my/?f=5461[/url]) darkraptor
  15. [attachment=4278:Skull.jpg] darkraptor
  16. [b]Thank you all for participating in this simple adventure![/b] I hope you all had some fun by participating.. i know.. that old lady could be a bit frustrating at some times. Please feel free to give some feedback, good or bad is always very very important. [b]Thank You![/b] [b]Now the numbers:[/b] 29 Total Participants 15 Reached the checkpoint: Got the pebbles to mill the grain and baked the first version of the cookies. 10 Finnished the Quest: By giving to the old woman all the needed ingredients for the MagicDuel Halloween Cookies. [b]The Winners List:[/b] [indent=1][b] Valldore Nal Eagle Eye Innocence laylah Nimrodel JusticeFang LameKnight AmberRune Dante Lionheart Aelis[/b][/indent] [b]The rewards:[/b] [indent=1]1x Sharptear 4x Pimped Grasan 5x Locate Stone[/indent] I have prepared a list of the prizes so each prize corresponds to a number between 1 and 10, also uploaded the list to [url="http://storenow.net/my/?f=5461"]http://storenow.net/my/?f=5461[/url] with a password that will be disclosed later. [b]Please all Winners post a number of your Choice (non duplicate) from 1 to 10.[/b] Again, Thank you All darkraptor ps: I will be not active in MagicDuel until Monday, since i want to deliver the prizes as soon as possible, all that didn't have picked a number by then will have the number picked by throwing dice at GoE.
  17. Thanks to MD there is my first pumpkin carving attempt [attachment=4274:CarvingUnlit.jpg][attachment=4275:CarvingLit.jpg] [size=3](note: hi-res versions available if needed)[/size] darkraptor
  18. New Update! More cookies were made! Thanks to [b]JusticeFang, LameKnight and AmberRune.[/b] 26 have already tried.. only 8 have tasted it so far.. The old woman will leave the realm [b]today at 23:59ST[/b] Grab your chance to taste the [b]cookies![/b]
  19. News Update! More cookies were made! Thanks to [b]Nimrodel and laylah Quack[/b] (??!) 23 have already tried.. only 5 have tasted it so far.. Keep the old woman busy, we want more [b]cookies![/b]
  20. I've heard that the old woman have already baked some cookies! Thanks to [b]Valldore Nal,Eagle Eye and Innocence[/b]. Keep the old woman busy, we want more [b]cookies![/b] [b]Spicy Coooookkkkiiieess[/b]
  21. [size=5]I've heard there is a Old Woman on a hunt north of Marind Bell capital that knows how to make MagicDuel Halloween Cookies! Go [b]TALK[/b] to her and venture yourself to help her![/size] [b]Rewards:[/b] [indent=1] 1. All that sucessfully help the Old Woman to make the cookies will win something. 2. The prizes will be random between all winners 3. Prize list: (from my stock) 1 Aged Sharptear, 4 Pimps, Priests and Locate Stones[/indent] [b]Duration:[/b] [indent=1] It will depend on participation but it will be up at least until the end of Halloween[/indent] [b]Please Have Fun!!! Happy Halloween!![/b] Note: This is one of my first scripted quests and there is a large amount of script envolved. So despite all the efford in debuging i can't assure the quest is error free, if you encounter a error please report it to me so i can fix asap.
  22. [quote name='Ackshan Bemunah' timestamp='1350958699' post='124479'] .. BFH suggested an interface for requesting quest rewards from Council or something, to address the second problem. Apparently this can be done in MDScript. .. [/quote] Would this "interface for requesting quest rewards" be much different from the one available for the TK sponsorship requests? darkraptor
  23. [b]About some previous ideas i dislike:[/b] [indent=1][b]1. Progression/Multiple participations[/b][/indent] [indent=2]I don't think it's a good idea the Silver then Gold system or any other system that allows those that don't get 1st place to play again. This in the long term will just lead us again to the current state of HC: a Stall. I explain, worst case scenario ofc, in long term this scheme allow that all players without even do a single fight can become gold heads! This system simply eliminates the "loss" from the contest.. i will be just a matter of patience and gold heads will come.[/indent] [indent=1] [b] 2. HC in single lands[/b][/indent] [indent=2]There would be no point of phase one if HC would take place in one single land.[/indent] [indent=1] [b]3. The leaderboard removed[/b][/indent] [indent=2]All those that played HC know that leaderboard is essencial to the Chase!![/indent] [b]About some previous ideas i like:[/b] [indent=1]1. The restrictions on spell usage/target for those that are not eligle to HC could be removed. 2. Viscosity removed for contesters, although this will force the contestants to sign up for the HC[/indent] [b]My simple idea:[/b] [indent=1]For now, instead of changing the system completely i would just..[/indent] [indent=1] [b] 1. Force the HC phase 1 to be over by day 8 of the month[/b][/indent] [indent=2]Contest is simple over and with no winners for any MP group that does reach the needed score until day 8.[/indent] [indent=1] [b] 2. Force the HC phase 2 to be competive[/b][/indent] [indent=2]This could be done by cutting the heads to every contestant that did not attack or get attacked (by other contestant) in the last contest interval.[/indent] [indent=1] [b] 3. Force the HC phase 2 to have a heads[/b][/indent] [indent=2]If during phase 2 all players get below 500 (for example) head score the contest is terminated immediatly with no winners[/indent] I've seen many ideias posted here that in my point of view are just trying to make the HC more easy.. BUT please realize that if HC is easy it loses it's meaning and the medal have no value at all! Was not that that lead us to this point? darkraptor
  24. The system that makes most sense to me would be one where depleting a resource COULD have a side effect of damaging the used Tool. The damage would be random and would penalize the tool efectiveness for some amount of uses or until item regroup.(or we can go creative and have a guild of tool repair players..) This would require that tool efectiveness and player skill should be considered as factors to the amount of resources gathered per use, we could have a formula like this: [b]Gathered_QTD[/b] = [b]TollEfectiveness[/b] * ( 1 + ([b]PlayerSkill[/b] % [b]TollExpertiseLevel[/b] )) Where: [b]TollEfectiveness[/b] would be 1 (100%) when not damaged and 0 (0%) when fully damaged [b]PlayerSkill[/b] would be the current player stat [b]TollExpertiseLevel[/b] would be the skill level required to take advantage of the tool and collect more than one resource in just one use. This already exists, is tool dependent and i belive it's between 50 and 90..(?)
  25. yes i'm having issues with CloudFare, and from what i've seen (on the mood panel and on chat) many people is having issues. 1. The CloudFare system seems to be not working correctly, it "marks" the MD server as unavailable when it is not the case.. 2. When i'm editing a legit mdscript i sometimes have to type challenge words.. because CloudFare flags my submit as a attacker?! 3. One of the CloudFare annouced "features" is : speed you site.. LOL i just wonder how by adding a (non cached) layer will Ever speed a one server site!? maybe i'm too old school..or maybe i just don't like when some work is done and things get worst for the players.. anyway.. please close this.
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