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Everything posted by DarkRaptor

  1. i would like to participate.
  2. creatures currently display vitality numbers incorrectly (or none) using FF18 on windows platform
  3. Spartiatis death was before the existence of the "Revival Specialist". Also, for what i know, he was asked a great sum of gold to be revived and i guess he decided that he would not pay for it (even when he had alot more of value) because.. what assurance he would have that in the minute after his revival he would not be dead again? I remember to be discussed how this would be a nice way of making business...easy gold..
  4. I consider Molquert and his guards a very cool ingame quest.. ok.. it gives no personal rewards but that's perfectly ok! Not everything should be about fat rewards! I've done that quest 3 times and i've enjoyed every bit :D If i have the chance i will do it again and again just for the fun. (ps: i have to agree that not be able to see the guards is a added trouble)
  5. Life orb have the same issue
  6. Life Orb is charging again, thank you :-)
  7. life orb
  8. A Human Cannon! (actually not only for humans but large enough to fit any MD character..) The thrust is vapor based so a supply of lumber and water will be needed to activate the device. Activating the device will fire up the player in the air to a random location with Sky visibility. :D [url=http://s1285.photobucket.com/user/darkraptormd/media/MDHCannon_zps99d06414.jpg.html][/URL] (a skill limited sketch of such device that could fit on a GG landscene or for ease of accessibility on Old Mans Road) Features Used: Progressive Combiner, Chase (or teleport..idk..) Notes on possible improvement: 1.Control the distance of the throw by having diferent values of water and lumber supplied. 2. If the activation of the combiner would give some stat (skydive) players with a high level could try to land on a specific area (GG..Necro..etc.) still very random. 3. For safety reasons player Must wear (have in inventory) a helmet that can be found in some scenes.. :P [url=http://s1285.photobucket.com/user/darkraptormd/media/MDHHelmet_zps59d8d224.jpg.html][/URL]
  9. Craft It Yourself! Quest Description: Before finding a small parchment lying on the side of the road you would never imagine that you would be immersed into such adventure... A adventure full with puzzles that will lead the player to travel the realm following clues and hints to find some secret construction plans and the needed resources to craft his own tool! (1 use/non-transferable) Notes: 1.Once the player had finnished the quest he would be able to reconstruct the Tool (1 use/non-transferable) by redo a part of the quest that requires quite a good effort (and AP..) 2.Adventure would consist in 5 major puzzles and some other small adventure interaction (similar to some of my former quests) 3.Adventure will need to use more than 3 of the new clickables 4.Adventure will need to use some of the new Non-Transfer items 5.Adventure will require access to NML,GG and MDA.. quite a bit of travelling will be needed. 6.All automated and partially replayable
  10. I'm currently 1kAD and recently used the shop for the first time so here is my opinion about some of the items. But first i would like to say that in 3 years i felt absolutly no need of using the shop other than in the Extra Features branch.. wich is easy to get only with free credits. I'm a subscriber because it's my opinion that if i play the game every day and i can then i Must Support It. Powerups and Rechargers I think all the powerup's (Concoction's of True Self,Regeneration Ritual's,etc) have a very easy equivalent form of being achieved the same result by waiting some time or by the help of a player (givevital,heal,orbs..) The creatures that can be bought in this branch are not uncommon and will also be not very hard to get by playing some realm quests. Permanent boosters statsbooster's like Vitality Elixir's, Bottle of Learning, Metal Orb can be very easily replaced by sacrificing one or two creatures boosters associated percentage defense and attack increase are not possible to achieve through a known other method. Extra Features Most this features are not possible to get without the shop, exception to creature, heat slot and friend list(on xmas tree). Timed boosters All this tempbooster's are easy replaceable either by time or spells from other players. The creatures that exist in this branch are not hard to get by winning some quests or by trading. Creature Tokens There is no known method of getting Creature Tokens out of the shop, but that is easy to bypass with trading and participating in quests. Unique MD Avatars Avatars can be bought/traded directly from players Coins are possible to get by trading or participating in quests. Notes: 1. I've always considered the list of shop items and their position a spoiler. 2. Free Credits will give 50+ Credits per year, so a player can buy a full branch of the shop only with free credits
  11. All this new features seem so great because they open a vast number of quest making possibilities. From what i've understand the system enables pickable items vs normal items on the scenes, wich is great, but for flexibility it would be good that the questmaker can program that beaviour "on-the-fly". I would like to sugest a draft for 3 mdscript functions to handle the items: MDScriptSceneItemShow(<ItemId>,<PlayerId>,<visibility>) MDScriptSceneItemPick(<ItemId>,<PlayerId>,<NumberOfUses>) MDScriptSceneItemUse(<ItemId>,<PlayerId>,<NumberOfUses>) Joining this functions with the "On Pick" and "On Use" scripts per item it would permit the questmaker to have full control over the display and the handling of the items. Usage Example 1: Objective: Player A goes to Fortune's Well to grab a paper from the board Needed items : paper (placed visible over the board ) Paper "On Pick" script: ... MDScriptSceneItemShow("paperforquestx",999,false); MDScriptSceneItemPick("paperforquestx",999,3); ... Paper "On Use" script: ... // some storage could be used to decrement and control the use counter to show how many are left.. echo "beware this is a OLD Paper!! you can only use it 3 Times, then is gone.. Forever!!!"; MDScriptSceneItemUse("paperforquestx",999,-1); ... Usage Example 2: Objective: Player A goes to Fortune's Well to use the machine and collect steam intended to not be used directly Needed items : Machine,steam (steam would be on the scene but hidden ) Machine "On Pick" script ... // suply items and charge the machine.. .. // if all done correctly.. give steam to the player MDScriptSceneItemPick("steamforquestx",999,1); ... Steam "On Use" script: ... echo "Why you use it steam alone? Better keep it for later.. it might come handy."; Usage Example 3: Objective: Player A goes to Ash Arch and pick the box Needed items : Box Box "On Pick" script ... // Check if box already in inventory.. just to be safe.. if not continue .. MDScriptSceneItemPick("box",999,1); MDScriptSceneItemShow("box",999,false); ... Box "On Use" script: ... echo "You got some gift!"; MDScriptSceneItemUse("box",999,-1); // once it's used.. let's put again a box on the scene MDScriptSceneItemShow("box",999,true); Note: if this is not the right place to put suggestions, please move it or notify me so i can repost on the correct location.
  12. I also have some items that appear on the default.. though i'm not sure where they correctly belong, still here is the list: (ID:37400) 1st Place Trophy - MDSF (ID:18779) History of the Elucubrat (ID:32413) Life Orb (usable) (ID:32230) Staff of Seven (ID:9429) Sword of the Storm (ID:35317) Third Place medal Thank you darkraptor
  13. Try to Grow a Garden, visit and take time with it everyday, watch plants grow and give fruits... it's a incredibly rewarding activity/therapy to peace your mind. And i can tell you it works very well for some people i know. Exercise is also a good thing, probably best for "one of those days"
  14. Date: 2013-08-10 [url=http://s1285.photobucket.com/user/darkraptormd/media/20130810_Grow81_zpse7bf78fe.jpg.html][/URL] [url=http://s1285.photobucket.com/user/darkraptormd/media/20130810_Grow83_zps04d4efda.jpg.html][/URL][url=http://s1285.photobucket.com/user/darkraptormd/media/20130810_Grow82_zps747ee2d6.jpg.html][/URL] [url=http://s1285.photobucket.com/user/darkraptormd/media/20130810_Grow85_zpsb8bb5d26.jpg.html][/URL] and.. a month or so ago i tried to plant Stevia.. Guess what.. the Stevia liked my garden :D [url=http://s1285.photobucket.com/user/darkraptormd/media/20130810_Grow86_zpsdb32349b.jpg.html][/URL]
  15. Dialogs still not working for me (send msg, daily progress..etc)
  16. Thank you Draconas for the quest, it have a very good plot and it's quite rewarding to chase and talk with the accuseds. Congratz to you and for all of them! :D Took me 2 weeks and countless hours in stakeout :P
  17. humm... since my error still persits... and i'm not using any anti-virus... i guess whatever the code is.. is running..
  18. i have the error for about 1 hour now..... to be honest i did not reported because i saw BFH online.. and though he was playing with code :D
  19. no sure if related byt actually i have no AV and MD is giving this #0f2490# echo " "; #/0f2490# at the top of every frame.. dialogs also not working for me
  20. Thanks for the feedback *smiles* I know that this is a bit more than some lines of work but i'm sure once we can reach a "ideal" concept we can cut it at the best spot to lower the implementation costs (time). At least that's my personal method.. i'm lazy.. never code a word without have a full plan trimmed to what is essencial :-P Aquellia, you have a good point. It was me that failed to explain the whole idea.. i've kind of though of the possibility to the user select what he considers relevant when i added the dismissed field in the player dependent information to store. Still..i've failed by not presenting a interface (option btn or similar) to make de dismissal or to view former quest/events :-) The percentage can be optional and the questmaker can decide to just use the comment to update the quest status.. I believe (by experience) that players like that the questmaker follow their progress.. Ok.. I admit that i have a lot of fun following the questers course :-P Chewett, as you know i make no idea about how costly(in time) would it be to integrate with current QDoc. I've proposed it since i found common things there that i though could be reused/improved. Call it a professional flaw.. i'm lazy and always looking to integrate as much as i can in the least amount of code. :-P [edit: corrected Chewett's name, sorry]
  21. Add a "Breaking News" (or whatever term is better for this) after the login screen and acessible by a link on the daily progress. This would have the current ongoing quests or events as well as the planned upcomming ones.. (sort of a evolution from the current existing system) [url=http://s1285.photobucket.com/user/darkraptormd/media/PosLogonInfo_project_zps7915485a.jpg.html][/URL] I think this can be very usefull to prevent the common newcommer question: "What else can i do here?" As usual this could be implemented the easy way.. or in a more elaborated very nice way.. I've created a thread to discuss/improve the idea here. ps: i was preparing this for some days.. and it comes out by the last post that Rik also have the same idea :-)
  22. The goal it would be to: 1. Allow users idependently know about active/upcomming quests and their status 2. Allow questmakers to keep permanent quests active and still work and run other quests 3. Allow questmakers give feedback directly by mdscript to the player 4. Extend the concept to Events 5. Interact with the current quest surveil/eval system by suppling the number of participants and their scores (everything unlinked ofc to keep anon) What would possibily be needed: 1. Add a way to questmaker submit a quest init request that will return a QuestID associated with a player (only this player will be able to use/code this quest) 2. Add a internal way to store per each player quest related information started(date),ended(date),status('notplaying''playing','completed',etc),dismissed(bool),percentcompleted(1..100),comment(text),score(num),rank(num) 2. On the QDoc allow to have multiple quests 3. On each quest add to current fields: type (Quest/Event), startdate, enddate, maxapplicationdate 4. On MDScript Edit place a dropdown here player could choose with quest script he is editing (blank would be non associated script as today) 5. Add to MDScript a function that would allow interact with quest participant player mdscript_UpdatePlayerQuestStatus(<QuestID>,<PlayerID>,<PercentCompleted>,<Comment>,<Score>,<Rank>) where: <PercentCompleted> = 0 would reset the startdate and status <PercentCompleted> = 100 would set the enddate,status and if defined the rank and score 6. Add a player independed "Breaking News" (or whatever term is better for this) after the login screen and acessible by a link on the daily progress. [url=http://s1285.photobucket.com/user/darkraptormd/media/PosLogonInfo_project_zps7915485a.jpg.html][/URL] I open the topic in hope that with your help opinions this sugestion becomes more consistent and usefull. Also i realize it would deal a good programming effort that maybe at this time is not feasible, nevertheless one day.. it may become usefull. So, if possible, give your opinnions and sugestions to improve the idea or state why the idea is not suited for MD. Thank you darkraptor ps: probably/hopefully some of this is already contemplated by the ultra secret 2050..and what i'm sugesting is surpassed.
  23. Thank you all for comments First, i'm NOT against depletion or overcollect, people have tools and should be able to use them as they want! (I usually don't overcollect but that is just my choice) I really like the current system where people have the freedom to do their choices and that choices affects the others. The only issue i (personally) found is that the current system is too unbalanced because is infinitly more easy to keep a resource depleted than the oposite. Problems pointed so far: 1. Abusable exploit Depletion would be possible and that's perfectly ok from my point of view. 2. Places with 1 item and similar My complete failure because i've not though of that in the formula, but may be easilly fixable by using the maxpossibleregen value instead of the max on the formula. 3. players that have a "better TZ" They currently already have advantage.. one possible easy solution would be to randomize the resource regeneration, something like base_regen_hour + Random(12hour). I would avoid for now other more complicated regen schemes. 4. depletion, a social thing I completly agree, so a possible solution to the formula would be the ToolEfectiveness have a lower cap of 20%?40%? 5. independent tools vs fairness I agree that like i've presented the independent tools would be penalized, my bad again because when i thought of the system the regroup would NOT fix the tools :-P So.. keeping the tool fix at regroug and complicating even a bit more.. maybe the Tools could have a Resistance Factor? This factor would be applied to the ToolEfectiveness along with the resulting gathering damage effect. A shared tool ResitanceFactor = 1; Independent Tool Resistance Factor = 5 (or more) ToolEfectiveness = ToolEfectiveness - ( (ToolEfectiveness * ToolDamage) / ResistanceFactor ) 6. repair the items Guilds or players with specific personal skills would open a good branch of RP characters I dislike monopolies and think that anyone of us, giving the enough effort, is able to accomplish a task so for me the Tool Repairing should be a skill that we all could get and try to increase. Example: A shovel gets damaged to 30% (ToolEfectiveness), the owner goes to the anvil lights the forge(lots of heat needed..) and then based on his Blacksmith skill he will try do a repairment with a percentage of sucess. Everytime he attemps he gains a little bit more of the skill. IF in a smith's guild the player would receive +XX of the Blacksmith skill... 7. Remove "depletion" from the formulae as a factor for ToolDamage This would simplify the formulas :-) I would be ok with it also, but why to ease sooo much some roles? (being depleter a role) Okay.. i must admit that this is getting more and more complex.. and at the same time much more far from ever be implemented :-D ps: i call overcollect when the max possible regeneration of a location is compromised.
  24. probably controversial but.. maybe a possible way to assure a long term self balancing system. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13758-add-damage-by-usage-to-every-tool/ ps: i know.. probably too much work to do without garanteed results.. well maybe at least discuss it
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