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Eagle Eye

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Everything posted by Eagle Eye

  1. Let's begin the Party Party It's 17th MD Birthday gathering of WINS;) All you need to do is collect Three Fresh Creatures, One creature from LR, one Creature from MB and one creature from NML. Creatures need to gather a wins LR creature, MB creatureand NML creature combined wins of 1700. Everyone, Let's proceed with enthusiasm to collect wins for our newest creatures! 17th MD Birthday - 1700 Wins for your creatures How to start; Participant need to Post your in-game name with the ID of your creature here. If you finish gathering wins , combined wins of your creatures, create a screen shot of your creatures and submit here. Also don't forget the ID of the creatures;) 1st 2nd 3rd Winners it defend of the participant. Rewards; Ann. creature, plushies and gold coins. Happy hunting everyone and hoping somone don't get mad of the you;) Good luck and have fun;))
  2. My brother always welcome to come back home. The Goddess of the forest will be glad and happy ❤️
  3. Don't say bye. Wherever you are you'll be blessed and the place will be blessed also. Always take a good care. See you. Thank you
  4. You can vote yourself being scape of dislike to other, No Hurst feeling. You can vote positive of the player you love and vote yourself dislike. No one knows about it. To make it simple not hurting another player.
  5. Old heads contest you can run and hide and final stage at GOE survival mode. Now the new one survival in one place, one scene to the end. What place scene to be place? Insert go for the team efforts
  6. Hello my fellow Lorerootians News, Death Ray want to become citizen of the Loreroot Land, and during poll voting of citizen Death Ray failed because we are lock of active members;) Here again Death Ray ask me if Lorerootians member awake I told them few of my fellow awake;) Let me know and give me sign so I can tell Death Ray apply again the citizen poll voting are;) Or may please if you see Death Ray just say Hi to him, give your time availability to make him feel good. Your Loving and Tender. EE
  7. Additional allow all spell to work during the heads contest. Open all restricted scene. 20 heads requirements to enter restricted scene. 30 AP dropped when you walk freely If you are not familiar of that scene. Every step drop 30AP. WHAT ABOUT teamwork? Sign up cost 1gc, 3 member per group.
  8. I can be help, no need rewards I volunteer for free for MD. Loving, EE
  9. Maybe, also the participants only can enter those restricted scene;) but I like your idea. Accessible area is good no hiding only log out;)
  10. All location and restricted scene must be open during Heads Contest.
  11. I'm in, but hoping all player must be attackable;)
  12. 1st. Choose your favorite MD scene of the realm with the lively Avy you like. The more Avy more the merrier and the party enjoy. Colored is beautiful and editing is allow so lets MD party lovely 2nd. Write something about the scene you choose and the party you've never forget. Inside of your artwork and no bad works to hurt any. Just a happy;) you know it. 3rd. Don't forget your signature and MD sign 4th. How to start: Send your submission, entry via forum with MD CHRISTMAS PARTY 2021 REWARDS Creature, Gold coin and I'm thinking other additional rewards. 3 winners or more because it's Christmas. Let's enjoy and have fun creating imagination of your mind
  13. Welcoming back Land Loyalty;)
  14. Yes, your right! Thank you 💕 kaya
  15. Start one; after clicking with the desire player name instead of invite remove citizen of the land that's the shown result.
  16. Sorry, I Forgot Miq. Thank you for reminder*smiles*
  17. Great I am going to make a poll citizen vote sooner. Fellow Lorerootians vote for Death Ray to be a citizen of the land. Yes, about Iridian soon and we need to wait. I am glad to hear it. UPDATE I think Loreroot citizen poll are no longer available, upon my observation and taking actions. No voting for citizenship of the land, it's so sad if this happening
  18. I agree and we need wait our majesty come back in realm. In other option ways Voting for citizenship is also applicable and that matter fellow Lorerootians show some support. Let's try what ever comes up the result of the voting citizenship. It's a proper way why you want to become a citizen of Loreroot. You need to prove yourself and treasure it.
  19. Thank you 💕 Fyrd for your kind and good heart, No worries EE will be there by guide of the Goddess. Let them explore and enjoy your guidance. Let me know after your caring and loving, Loreroot always welcome Iridian Moonblossom.
  20. Hail brother and sisterd, I heard Death Ray wants to GoTR. He said it's been a month waiting on, waiting our brother Valoryn back in the realm. I have suggestions before joining GoTR need to become first a citizen of the land. While waiting to a a member of GoTR it's be good. To be part of it.
  21. I am very happy to say I missed you all. To my friend list who's active, to my friends alive walking around to my heaters I don't know. I love you all of you. *Group HUGS* start crying, thinking how long? Wow it's a nice to be;) thank you. Keep safe always MD lovers
  22. Happy BIrthday Maebius and rikstar May the Goddess blessed your birthday and wishes granted. Have a blessed day of your birthday.
  23. I am interested to play and test the a25 tools. Then i can help if needed.
  24. Its a long way to read, But i like it the purpose of what we are. Long Live MD
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