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Princess Katt

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Everything posted by Princess Katt

  1. OK, I think the point is that it doesn't help to insult people no matter what "side" of the discussion you're on. I'm pretty sure that in the last two situations, a PM would not have helped. But, I confess to having tried to converse in chat before PM-ing, and I'll try to do the latter in the future.
  2. I am certainly willing to be part of a team or help however I can if that is the best (or only) solution. I feel that I'm a weak fighter myself, so not sure what help I can be. Shadowseeker, I would not want to see authority misused. But did you ever think that maybe what you did was actually working? Maybe you were getting less and less complaints because there was less to complain about. Just a thought.
  3. Well, there are things I can't do, and I have to abide by that. Sometimes I don't like it. OK, Chewett, clearly you disagree and that's your right. I know that there are those who do disagree with this, I'm only hoping that the ones who do agree with me-- at least in some fashion-- will speak up. I wouldn't have posted if it hadn't been at other's suggestion.
  4. Chewett, I did suggest a repercussion. But, like I said, maybe someone else has a better idea. And I didn't make up the rules... I realize SOMEONE did, but they were there when I signed up. I think the rules are reasonable, but if there are those who think that they are not, then perhaps they should open their own topic to get the rules changed. That seems fair.
  5. I bid 2sc each for the Winderwild and the Undead Priest.
  6. Yesterday there was a somewhat heated discussion about what should be done, if anything about enforcing the Sparring Ground rules in Marble Dale Park. It was suggested that someone open a NEW forum topic about this issue and I said I would do it if no one else beat me to it. So here goes: The problem (as I see it) is that there are, at any given time, a few players who have read the rules, understand the rules, and refuse to follow them at all, which seems disrespectful of everyone else. I am not talking about someone who makes a mistake-- I, myself, have almost attacked someone without asking just by accident, not noticing that they were not idle. Nor is it even about someone who may attack one person and then leave the park-- certainly that is disrespecting the rules, but these people are really just an annoyance. The folks that are the problem are those who sit in the park for hours, attacking all the weak players without asking until the other players are all bled dry and then either do not respond to pleas for mercy or else just say they do not care. One current player even blocked his PMs so that folks could not try to reason with him. These are the players in question. Whenever this problem has come up in chat, there are various responses. Some say things like "grow some balls" or "suck it up". To these people I would say that I really do not believe that those of us complaining are whining. I certainly have had my share of losses, and when someone has attacked me outside the park-- even when it was someone who had not been obeying the park rules previously-- I have not complained at all. I just think that everyone should be expected to obey the rules as most of us do. And a further point is this: people do not ONLY go to the park to fight or be attacked. It has become a gathering place for everyone to hang out and rub elbows with other active players. And if you have to start avoiding the place for fear of attack by a few bad apples, then the feeling of community is spoiled. To sum up, this is a petition for there to be SOME enforcement of the rules of the Sparring Ground, and for there to be SOME repercussion for those few extreme players who flagrantly ignore the rules. I understand that Shadowseeker had tried some enforcement in the past and for whatever reason, folks did not report offending players to him. He got discouraged and quit. So maybe the enforcement should be a small group of players? I think anyone trying to enforce the rules should be at least an MP5, but perhaps that is a good thing to discuss. Also open for discussion is a fitting punishment. Perhaps someone ignoring the rules should be unable to attack in the park for a limited amount of time? More time if they go back to doing it afterward? Or maybe there is something that makes more sense that I've not thought of. Anyway, I hope that some kind of positive change will come from this. Please do add your thoughts and comments and please SPEAK UP if you support this idea! Thanks, Princess Katt
  7. You might want to check with TTL in game. He had some he was trying to get rid of.
  8. Hellooooooo out there....

  9. I am Princess Katt both in forum and in game. fairly new Citizen of Marind Bell
  10. You obviously are seriously multi-talented! However have you found the time to paint so well along with everything else you do? I think you must not sleep.
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