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Princess Katt

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Everything posted by Princess Katt

  1. Happy Birthday! Thanks for welcoming me to MD so long ago!
  2. Raise your hand if you are at the beach. *raises her hand*

    1. nadrolski


      me can raise my hand on the 21st of this month :D

    2. MoM


      lol I live on the beach ;) so I guess wohoo me?

  3. This discussion reminds me of a humorous bumper sticker that I saw just the other day. I suppose I found it humorous because I'm not a Christian in the strictest sense of the word. It said, in large letters: TRY JESUS Then in smaller letters below: If you don't like him, Satan will ALWAYS take you back. I found it strangely comforting. Satan having a sort of benevolence? Then I laughed at the idea that there could be only two choices. (No offense meant to any Christians reading this.)
  4. To be clear, it is 100 US that you need, or is it 100 UK?
  5. Do you still need it? I might can do it.
  6. I have come to the conclusion that when the computer goes into hibernation it causes the state of logged out, even though the screen shows differently.
  7. I definitely was idle and not logged off. I really do not think that there was enough time for someone's traces to be gone. It happened very fast. If it was that someone attacked me, it would be nice if that person would just own up to it to resolve this mystery. But I really do not think I was attacked. And, why wouldn't they just linger and take all my heads?
  8. No, I don't think so. There was no "trail" of anyone visible and I wasn't idle for that long. And the 200 did not show up on the scoreboard. KINGDOM gained some heads, but it doesn't look like enough to account for the ones that I lost.
  9. I have a new problem. I just lost 200 heads. They just disappeared. Poof. I did not get attacked and I was not offline. I was idle for maybe 20 minutes, but did not go offline. GRRRRR.... this is quite maddening, someone please come up with an answer why this happened!
  10. LOL, I stand corrected!
  11. I think that the new calculation of AP based on active days is the natural complement to the addition of viscosity, and thus, should be the cap to Stage 10. [quote]Ann. 1939 - [2011-07-25 01:14:33 - Stage 10] Actionpoints bonus for Active Days The number of active days will influence from now on the total action points you can accumulate. The older you are the more Ap you will have. The way the bonus is distributed is not constant but in the first 6mo matches half of the active days count, later on growing slower. . The exact bonus values are posted on the forum. The intention is to keep newer players in more central areas, while older players will feel more comfortable to adventure in deeper areas of the map.[/quote] I think changes after this should go toward Stage 11.
  12. I am good and I am here. :)

  13. I think you should hang out at the Paper Cabin and get one fresh off the truck.
  14. I was very sorry to have had to miss it. I was traveling that day, so could not be online until much later. I am so glad that the monarchs were saved! Congrats to all!
  15. Are you hot? I mean, where you are. (It is hot here.)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ChildOfTheSoul


      I live in the middle of a desert, so yes it's hot. :(

    3. Guillak


      Storm in the morning, hail in the evening.

    4. MoM


      I live in climate paradise... we'd call it 'mo3tadel motawasiti' aka literally : moderate middle as in we're in the middle and it's moderate =D

  16. I hope you are still reading this because I miss you lots... and it looks like I'm not the only one! Good luck to you wherever you are!
  17. *hears an echo of "Mirror, mirror, on the wall..." *

    1. Tipu


      "Mirror Mirror on the wall whose is the handsome of all"
      Mirror : Tipu

    2. Prince Marvolo

      Prince Marvolo


  18. I'm out of bird seed. Can anyone spare some?

  19. I need lots and lots of sunscreen!

  20. Finally, summer weather is here! The pool opens this weekend! Yay!

  21. I asked for rain and now we have thunderstorms every day!

    1. Tipu


      that is what life hehe

  22. Anyone care to wash the oak pollen off my car?

    1. Junior


      Depends how many Gold Coins are you offering?

    2. Princess Katt

      Princess Katt

      If only it would just keep raining!

  23. What is better: cold and sunny or warm and raining?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Passant the Weak

      Passant the Weak

      It depends on my mood... Today I'd like cold and sunny.

    3. Prince Marvolo

      Prince Marvolo

      Definately warm and raining

    4. Hedge Munos

      Hedge Munos

      Warm and rainy but today I'd say cold and sunny.

  24. This is spring? Still too frigid for me....

  25. Just to set the record straight, I actually am very keenly aware that I'm NOT always right. And that sometimes there is no black and white, just a lot of shades of gray. I'm glad that folks expressed their opinions, even if most of them differed from my own. And I'm glad that we have a game that allows us to differ and still be friends. I think, in the end, the point I was trying to make (and perhaps failed at it) was that we ALL (myself included) need to be a little more careful how we say things in messages and such because the written word is different from talking face-to-face. When one reads something, it is really easy to take it a completely different way than was intended because you cannot hear the person's intonation or see their face. That is how things are mistakenly taken as insults. I think it is time now to close the topic. Thanks, everyone, on your input.
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