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Princess Katt

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Everything posted by Princess Katt

  1. Happy Birthday, my friend!
  2. Congratulations, Rhaegar! And thanks already for your help!
  3. Seigheart, I know not of your conversations with other people, but you did ask for help, first on forum and then to me directly. You asked me to do something RP. I honestly wasn't sure what I should do, but did wish to help you, so I contacted several people on my own to try to figure out what must be done. Then Maebius stepped forward and made the heat plant. I cannot believe that any power over life and death would wish you to whine about being dead. But I do think that any efforts made from this point forward must include you. And, really... what more proof that you deny death than your hosting the slave auction? That was a great effort for a corpse, in my opinion. Who can deny that you wish to live from that action alone??
  4. I say leave the plant and let's get more heat! Why should we back down now... to show that we are defeated? Honestly, I am more determined than ever now.
  5. I will still be holding a vigil at 22:00 today (Friday)... please come if you possibly can.
  6. I do presently have an avatar, but would like to update her somewhat. And I have spoken to the Duke of Malfi about perhaps doing it, but perhaps there are other artists out there with more time than he does. She should be wearing a crown, with flowing blonde hair. Her dress should be long and medieval if possible. I would like her to have a weapon, but not be wielding it as to strike-- my thought was to have a dagger secured to a hip belt. However, if you have a better idea, that is fine. I am happy to pay the going rate, and if more than one person draws something I like, I might buy more than one. Please post or PM me with any questions.
  7. Maebius has done something to help the cause-- a place we can store heat permanently. Please, as you are wandering by, click the plant in front of the left stair and say "For Seigheart", it will store your heat for Seigheart's behalf. I will continue to hold vigils, tomorrow again at 22:00, until Seigheart is back with us.
  8. I think it is time to start showing that Seigheart does matter. We need him, with all his flaws, to lead the TK. Please help me in showing he does matter by attending a vigil for him on tomorrow, Feb 9, at 22:00 at GoE. Please bring heat or heat jars if you have any, as we should need them. In the event that there are not enough attendees, I plan to keep holding vigils until Seigheart is resurrected. Please join me and spread the word. Princess Katt
  9. I quite enjoy trying to guess who has posted songs for me. Great job, Guillak!
  10. I am open to anyone's suggestion. I'll try to contact Eon. Anyone? Any other ideas?
  11. This topic has been dead far too long. Isn't there anyone willing to step up? I would gladly participate in Seigheart's resurrection if I knew what to do or who to call on. Peace? Would you accept a price from me and/or others? Please, post here if you are willing to help. We can gather at the GoE if people are willing.
  12. Why was my name not added to the auction list? If I am not abused by my master, I'll be a slave for a week.
  13. Even I will miss you, Tipu... Travel safely, we'll all be here when you get back!
  14. I'll volunteer to be a slave. I can't do much of anything useful, but people tell me I'm attractive to look at.
  15. Welcome and good luck to you!
  16. It seems to me that anyone having the ability to check the chat logs should also be able to see the whispers? Of course, that would mean a secret should always be written in PM, if at all.
  17. Congratulations, CotS!
  18. I am way out of the parameters, and I have only just now gotten my MB citizenship back. But I'd be honored to be considered. Princess Katt Activity days: 449 ([b]92%)[/b] Current allegiance: Marind Bell Tag: [b]SUPPORTER 635[/b]
  19. Seigheart, I have a 5 gold note... is it too late for me to be included?
  20. I do agree with most of this, though sometimes when you are shocked and panicked, it is difficult to think about the RP possible. I daresay this is why some are masters and others are not, myself included. I aspire to one day being a more unflappable roleplayer. MD is a learning experience, on many levels.
  21. I think perhaps you are misunderstanding me. I didn't mean to say that I dropped the guild solely because of Eon. But I don't think this is the place to discuss my feelings on the guild, I was trying to focus on what happened at the wedding.
  22. [quote]when Eon whisked Dragual and Azull away to the GoE, she spoke her vows to the air and audience[/quote] Due to lag, I did not know Darth and Azull were gone until I had the vows well completed. I assumed, wrongly, that all had been there for them. That is why I did not repeat them. What may have appeared to be lack of emotion on my part was actual panic and messaging in 3 or 4 windows to figure out what to do about the movelock. I had considered dropping the guild long before this because of Eon's attacks to me, so doing so was not as much of a thoughtless decision as it may have appeared. I was grateful to Kiley for being willing to help in such an unconventional way. I apologize to all for all of the confusion and thank those who came for being patient. At long last, the wedding was completed. Although we did not get to hear all the music Darth and I had planned at the reception, I am indeed a happy bride. Thanks to all who participated.
  23. [center][center] [/center][/center] [center][center][img]http://i1196.photobucket.com/albums/aa407/katrynr/Invitation.jpg[/img] [/center][/center] The reception will be immediately following at the "new" Fire and Ice Pub at Wind's Sanctuary.
  24. I had found one of the ones posted in the avatar shop, so I think that they may all be in the shop now, rather than in Asterdai's vault.
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