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Passant the Weak

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Everything posted by Passant the Weak

  1. @Mur It's the only link of Free Credits that causes an issue. I think the location is a problem because I tested with 2 different providers (home and professional) for the same (bad) result. @BFH I will try tomorrow with that opendns thingy However if I'm the only one who has problem, I think I can live with it! Thanks for the support.
  2. I tested from my home connection (no firewall) and got the same issue. Looks like a DNS issue when access is from France.
  3. [quote name='Shadowseeker' timestamp='1301063707' post='81313'] That is odd, because I can connect just fine. Did you flush your cache and retry? [/quote] Yes, that's why I waited a few days to report. It must be the Firewall that does not like it... or a problem with the DNS from my location. I will re-try tomorrow from my home connection and see if that's different.
  4. "The desire of looking smart often prevents from becoming smart." ~La Rochefoucauld~

  5. Hello, I've been having an invalid link for a few days with Free Credits. I am using Firefox and running behind a company Firewall (I mention this, because that Firewall sometimes messes things up, but it does not seem tobe the case here). All Free Credit links work fine but this one: http://browsermmorpg.net/?vote=magicduel The errorreport is coming through my firewall (won't post it here: it's in French), basically stating that there was an error while contacting the DNS server. The alleged cause mentioned by the firewall is "DNS temporarily unavailable or network problem". Cheers.
  6. [quote name='Ravenstrider' timestamp='1300995857' post='81275'] You can have an avatar in your vault before unlocking the feature, but sadly you can't use it. In order to use an avatar, you need to unlock the feature in the Extra Features branch of the MD shop... [/quote] Thanks for the clarification Ravenstrider. The feature is within sight. However I am not sure how long I will take to reach it. Blackthorn, thanks for your reply (I shall come back to you later) and really a big bravo for your work. Amazing result... in a incredible short delay.
  7. Thanks Vicarious! 1. I had never tried to store anything in "Reward Codes" folder before. I have used the other folder with no problem. I am using Firefox and it's updated constantly. I will try using something else to check. 2. Only text. What you are saying makes me believe that the loss of information is probably a mistake on my side. I will just look into the "Reward Codes" thingy.
  8. Feeling enlighten by the Darkness. Strange feeling, but not unpleasant.

    1. The Great Pashweetie

      The Great Pashweetie

      pleasent, maybe for a while, but when the darkness has taken your soul, theres no going back.

  9. I've hesitated long before posting here, because that sort of reasoning is totatlly new to me. So is the realm and all those thoughts that are associated to it. However a few points mentioned here remind me of a few questions that I have in mind since I started to explore the forum and the concepts developped here, associated with my exploring of the realm. The Lands of the East. Appeared after the rest of the realm, they seem to open to a new direction. And this should increase when they do open totally, as the map suggest that one day they will. However they do provide unbalance somehow, because they just don't have their counter part (at least none that I know of). All this is still very confused in my mind but... - Is Necrovion the 4th point of the mini system built by the Main Lands ? - Could the East be the first part of an extension of that system (the upper or lower level of the fractal applied to the system above)? - And how will it close the loop in order to let the system operate and be balanced? Maybe by providing an exit that is different from its entry. And that exit has no real reason to be located at The East part of the realm in my opinion. It could also be totally at the opposite, wich would allow to close the loop in a way that will break them mental pattern that we have in mind and that says that everything should be represented on a plan. The Earth is a sphere, isn't it? Why not the realm? Oh god, sorry if that makes no sense at all. Or if it is just trivial thoughts.
  10. [quote name='Burns' timestamp='1300711174' post='80991'] Udgard, I seriously wonder how a burst would help you when influence is not allowed. Please enlighten me xD [/quote] N00b question. I don't understand "influence not allowed". Does it mean that we have to fight with the bar set at 0%?
  11. I am too young in the realm to have anything valuable that could be a payment to anyone. I am also too young to have access to the avy through the shop (I'm not even sure I have understood how it works, between the avy shop and the personal avys... will have to look into it one day!) But yet I am thinking of an avatar for the future. Please don't work on it yet, but maybe you could think of it and let me know if that makes sense and seems feasible ? Then hopefully one day when I grow up, I will ask you about it. Thanks! ============================================================================ Artist's description Mandatory requirement: Compatible with MDs avatars requirements. It is a young man (could even be a teenager or a child if that's easyer) carrying a ladder on his back. He has his head turned up, as if he was looking for something in the sky. He is physically weak, so he should be rather thin. He may be tall if that makes him look weaker Optional He looks either frightened or surprised... or a mix of both. In my mind, he is sideways, but it is not a requirement. The artist shall decide what to do to express what is in the mandatory requirements. ===== EDited for God's sake! (not sure what happened, but my post was totally messed up...)
  12. Hello! I had a few problems with the Notebook. 1. It won't save what I put in the folder "Reward codes" (or it will save part of what I put there). Is that a special folder that will not accept any random text 2. I have lost some information in the folder "Things to do". It was quite occupied (I have so many things to do... and I used it to store some long answers to pending quests). It is very possible that I made a mistake and erased something without noticing. My question is just: is there a size limitation in what I can save there, that I may have broken? Thanks for any help.
  13. Welcome. As of background music, a few locations provide it... Walk around, explore and explore more and explore again!
  14. Not exactly sure what you are after, but I would happily trade you a young remain for your angien egg. You know where to find me in case you are interested.
  15. Happy Birthday to you, burning man. You were one of the first to talk to me when I arrived, I had to start that thread today. All the best!
  16. I am brand new in the realm, so please consider my opinion as it is: the opinion of a newbye. I dare to answer this thread because actually the way MD shop is built is something that I found very interesting when I discovered it. 1. The shop is very smart. It allows paying players to get nice stuff not only by paying credits, but also by making choices and digging in the shop. This is what I find smart: it involves strategy (in terms of spent credits) rather than brutal financial force. And I like the fact that I am not allowed to buy a creature just because I want it (supposing I have the financial capacity to buy it), but I need to be patien and dig in the shop. 2. What is allowed by buying creatures through credits is to bypass that system. I am a new player and I want to buy an extra rare creature, I can do it by offering unlimited amount of credits to someone. I think, as a new player, I shouldn't be allowed to buy a super rare creature just by burning my credit card, and the current trade system is just setting up that limit: I need coins, or something tradeable (creature, items) to buy someone's creature. And I need time, to get those coins/ something tradeable. Just like I need time to beat the Loreroot guards, or find a way to access certain locations. Making things easier for everyone will just result in allowing the richest players to be more lazy than the others to get what they want. So, to me, buying a creature for credits shouldn't be allowed, because it allows to bypass the effort That being said, the problem is: how would you enforce such a rule (not allowing the trade of creatures for credits)?
  17. I wish I could have come to see the tournament of champions... Alas the location was out of range. Good luck!
  18. First of all, I have to say that I like and enjoy the sparring ground at park (I am MP3). That being said, I acknowledge it is a player established feature and it is in no way part of the game rules. That means that we, players, are usually invited to follow sparring ground rules, but do not HAVE to do so to be compliant with the game's rules. I like that: if a character has made a purpose of not following the rules, I have no problem with that. Thus, I don't vote for any enforced rule in the park (through game machanism, or whatever). It does not mean, I am against retaliating to the people who purposely don't respect the rules. There are a few things I would suggest. 1. Set up a defense that will not harm you when you are chatting at the park. There are a lot of ways for not being too severely impacted by an unwanted attack: use them and share them with people who are in the same situation as you. 2. Organise a counter attack with people who feel like you. That is the hard part. Because the offender may be very strong (he will be very strong usually, if he last long). I am facing teh case currently with a MP3 who delibarately breaks the rule and attacks in the park, and he has made himself very strong by using tokens on basic creatures. I have not found a way to beat him yet, but if I manage, I promise he won''t find rest fo a big while. And if that means buying tokens myself... well... not sure yet but you get the point. And if I don't succeed, I will just you tactic #1 for as long as needed. In summary: organise a resistance group, find the one who can beat the offender, let him kill the offender's defense ritual, then follow up for massive attack with all the people who feel offended, so that the offender gets stuck with no vitality. Yes, that requires time and organisation. Yes, that is risky... but after all we are in a PVP game... and it's up to us to manage that kind of situation. But IMO don't try to set up some enforcing rules... it's not the purpose of the game and shouldn't be. My 2 cts of course.
  19. Having a headache at work... Note to self: work less / play more!

  20. I'm sorry I did not get what the concern is. Is it that players got 1 ticket for each payment made? If so, and if you want to incite players to spend more, just give 1 ticket for each 10$ (or whatever amount seems ok) spent as Kyphis suggested. But i probably got it wrong and the problem must be elsewhere! The point I personnaly don't understand with the tombola is: why is it splitted by payment method? Usually in similar games going for incentive you get either a tombola for whoever spent cash (whatever the payment method is) or a tombola specifically sponsored by a payment site (aka PBC or paypal or....) for whoever used their site for a shop payment. I got the feeling here, that paying players are segregated based on their payment method, and I can't see the benefits for MD owners.
  21. I agree with Burns on that one. What is important to new players (IMO) is to get into a progressive approach. Each MP level shall bring something new; Something to discover, something to learn, something to enjoy... Whatever but something new. In that regard, most of the recent changes fit perfectly well as far as combat is concerned. The main trouble that I can see from the posts (and from my own experience) is the transition phase, because some players had adopted a "stay low MP" strategy (for whatever reason) and because newbies see most of their creatures unusable due to their "high" level. This is not big deal though, and everyone will adapt easily as soon as they accept the changes. Either by progressing to next MP level or by adapting their strategy. Most of my creatures have gotten frozen with the change and yet I like it.
  22. I've always thougt that the 81 was coming from the angle between the GoE/North line and the GoE/Tribunal Entry line. But also it's worth be noted that I've always had a very simplistic mind.
  23. Happy Birthday Mya! May this day bring you as much happiness as you bring to the newbies of the realm.
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