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Bashaw Steel

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  1. Like
    Bashaw Steel got a reaction from Mallos in How would you send messages in the past?   
    The best part of MD is that you can go all out with your philosophical self and still be considered partially sane:D
    And even if you are not, it only adds to the charm:)
    Dark Demon and Sushi are especially heavy hitters, you guys made my day.
    Time is, however, most insidious thing one can imagine. Just think about it. It can be described as a part of perception, or something that has numerical value,
    a concept of our deeds and memories as unfailing proof of our past. All of that and much more can be taken into account and be considered as correct. I think 
    it was Einstein who said that-if you cant explain something simply then you dont understand it well enough. Time is difficult to explain because time is a man made thing and not
    a law of nature. Stuff happens, earth spins, people die and are born, its not because of passing of time but rather because of cause and consequence. Our reality is just shaped in a way where circular things have more sense and, our minds as demon said, perceive such happenings to be in time.
    Time is only time because we named that split second in which we exist like that. We could named it sugar squirrel and have the same results. The greatest reason that puts 
    time as such in this position is because it has no beginning. And time as we made it has to has one. Day begins with dawn. Night with dusk. Life with birth. Everything in time has a starting point except the time itself. Mur said how he had been thinking about his problem for a long time. Regardless of that, it is natural to assume that his thinking has a starting point. If there is a start there is also the end. But if there is no start then there is no end. So, even with memories, even with power to alter the reality itself, you will still have to deal with the beast that will repeat itself. And if you are alive in this world and caught in the loop, you will also repeat yourself. So, to leave message to past self is to actually send message to your future self. All things considered in the time loop, that is the only way to cheat the message without SF or spiritual elements:) 
  2. Like
    Bashaw Steel got a reaction from Muratus del Mur in How would you send messages in the past?   
    Nature of the time loop is such that regardless what we do to remind us would be good for nothing. Time does not rewind itself to the beginning of the loop
    but rather resets, so any means of cheating the message would not be possible. If i plant a tree in my garden during that time interval in which i am aware 
    of time loop, record whats happening, leave cryptic stuff or even kill myself, none of that would matter. Plant will not become a seed, record would not exist or any other 
    stuff i left behind including my death. That is because behind itself does not exist. Time loop is not a line of time but rather a circle. If you guys like the night sky like me
    you also like the stars. Thing about stars is that most of those we see are actually dead. What we see is actually a picture hundreds of thousands years old, if we teleport somehow
    to their place in an instant, there is a good chance that they would be dead. Time does not travel faster than light but rather have the same speed and light of the stars we are able to see is actually and literary-past. So, to send a message to yourself one must send it in far space with speed of light and make it somehow come back. Breaking from the time loop by actually becoming part of some other time and coming back into the time interval we are aware of our time loop would break the "curse" and allow us to see whats really happening
    As a side note, time loop is, by far, a greatest punishment one`s councessnes would have to endure. Being aware, even in an instant, that your existence is bound in time loop, even if your future self probable exist outside of it, is brutal:D 
  3. Like
    Bashaw Steel got a reaction from Muratus del Mur in How would you send messages in the past?   
    The best part of MD is that you can go all out with your philosophical self and still be considered partially sane:D
    And even if you are not, it only adds to the charm:)
    Dark Demon and Sushi are especially heavy hitters, you guys made my day.
    Time is, however, most insidious thing one can imagine. Just think about it. It can be described as a part of perception, or something that has numerical value,
    a concept of our deeds and memories as unfailing proof of our past. All of that and much more can be taken into account and be considered as correct. I think 
    it was Einstein who said that-if you cant explain something simply then you dont understand it well enough. Time is difficult to explain because time is a man made thing and not
    a law of nature. Stuff happens, earth spins, people die and are born, its not because of passing of time but rather because of cause and consequence. Our reality is just shaped in a way where circular things have more sense and, our minds as demon said, perceive such happenings to be in time.
    Time is only time because we named that split second in which we exist like that. We could named it sugar squirrel and have the same results. The greatest reason that puts 
    time as such in this position is because it has no beginning. And time as we made it has to has one. Day begins with dawn. Night with dusk. Life with birth. Everything in time has a starting point except the time itself. Mur said how he had been thinking about his problem for a long time. Regardless of that, it is natural to assume that his thinking has a starting point. If there is a start there is also the end. But if there is no start then there is no end. So, even with memories, even with power to alter the reality itself, you will still have to deal with the beast that will repeat itself. And if you are alive in this world and caught in the loop, you will also repeat yourself. So, to leave message to past self is to actually send message to your future self. All things considered in the time loop, that is the only way to cheat the message without SF or spiritual elements:) 
  4. Like
    Bashaw Steel got a reaction from Sushi in How would you send messages in the past?   
    The best part of MD is that you can go all out with your philosophical self and still be considered partially sane:D
    And even if you are not, it only adds to the charm:)
    Dark Demon and Sushi are especially heavy hitters, you guys made my day.
    Time is, however, most insidious thing one can imagine. Just think about it. It can be described as a part of perception, or something that has numerical value,
    a concept of our deeds and memories as unfailing proof of our past. All of that and much more can be taken into account and be considered as correct. I think 
    it was Einstein who said that-if you cant explain something simply then you dont understand it well enough. Time is difficult to explain because time is a man made thing and not
    a law of nature. Stuff happens, earth spins, people die and are born, its not because of passing of time but rather because of cause and consequence. Our reality is just shaped in a way where circular things have more sense and, our minds as demon said, perceive such happenings to be in time.
    Time is only time because we named that split second in which we exist like that. We could named it sugar squirrel and have the same results. The greatest reason that puts 
    time as such in this position is because it has no beginning. And time as we made it has to has one. Day begins with dawn. Night with dusk. Life with birth. Everything in time has a starting point except the time itself. Mur said how he had been thinking about his problem for a long time. Regardless of that, it is natural to assume that his thinking has a starting point. If there is a start there is also the end. But if there is no start then there is no end. So, even with memories, even with power to alter the reality itself, you will still have to deal with the beast that will repeat itself. And if you are alive in this world and caught in the loop, you will also repeat yourself. So, to leave message to past self is to actually send message to your future self. All things considered in the time loop, that is the only way to cheat the message without SF or spiritual elements:) 
  5. Upvote
    Bashaw Steel got a reaction from Fang Archbane in How would you send messages in the past?   
    The best part of MD is that you can go all out with your philosophical self and still be considered partially sane:D
    And even if you are not, it only adds to the charm:)
    Dark Demon and Sushi are especially heavy hitters, you guys made my day.
    Time is, however, most insidious thing one can imagine. Just think about it. It can be described as a part of perception, or something that has numerical value,
    a concept of our deeds and memories as unfailing proof of our past. All of that and much more can be taken into account and be considered as correct. I think 
    it was Einstein who said that-if you cant explain something simply then you dont understand it well enough. Time is difficult to explain because time is a man made thing and not
    a law of nature. Stuff happens, earth spins, people die and are born, its not because of passing of time but rather because of cause and consequence. Our reality is just shaped in a way where circular things have more sense and, our minds as demon said, perceive such happenings to be in time.
    Time is only time because we named that split second in which we exist like that. We could named it sugar squirrel and have the same results. The greatest reason that puts 
    time as such in this position is because it has no beginning. And time as we made it has to has one. Day begins with dawn. Night with dusk. Life with birth. Everything in time has a starting point except the time itself. Mur said how he had been thinking about his problem for a long time. Regardless of that, it is natural to assume that his thinking has a starting point. If there is a start there is also the end. But if there is no start then there is no end. So, even with memories, even with power to alter the reality itself, you will still have to deal with the beast that will repeat itself. And if you are alive in this world and caught in the loop, you will also repeat yourself. So, to leave message to past self is to actually send message to your future self. All things considered in the time loop, that is the only way to cheat the message without SF or spiritual elements:) 
  6. Like
    Bashaw Steel got a reaction from DARK DEMON in How would you send messages in the past?   
    The best part of MD is that you can go all out with your philosophical self and still be considered partially sane:D
    And even if you are not, it only adds to the charm:)
    Dark Demon and Sushi are especially heavy hitters, you guys made my day.
    Time is, however, most insidious thing one can imagine. Just think about it. It can be described as a part of perception, or something that has numerical value,
    a concept of our deeds and memories as unfailing proof of our past. All of that and much more can be taken into account and be considered as correct. I think 
    it was Einstein who said that-if you cant explain something simply then you dont understand it well enough. Time is difficult to explain because time is a man made thing and not
    a law of nature. Stuff happens, earth spins, people die and are born, its not because of passing of time but rather because of cause and consequence. Our reality is just shaped in a way where circular things have more sense and, our minds as demon said, perceive such happenings to be in time.
    Time is only time because we named that split second in which we exist like that. We could named it sugar squirrel and have the same results. The greatest reason that puts 
    time as such in this position is because it has no beginning. And time as we made it has to has one. Day begins with dawn. Night with dusk. Life with birth. Everything in time has a starting point except the time itself. Mur said how he had been thinking about his problem for a long time. Regardless of that, it is natural to assume that his thinking has a starting point. If there is a start there is also the end. But if there is no start then there is no end. So, even with memories, even with power to alter the reality itself, you will still have to deal with the beast that will repeat itself. And if you are alive in this world and caught in the loop, you will also repeat yourself. So, to leave message to past self is to actually send message to your future self. All things considered in the time loop, that is the only way to cheat the message without SF or spiritual elements:) 
  7. Like
    Bashaw Steel reacted to Sushi in How would you send messages in the past?   
    A timeline infographic based on my silly idea above????:

    1) Experience the same period of time repeatedly.
    2) Return to the beginning stage of the events without memories.
    3) The “aware" periods, too late to change anything but keep sending the messages to other people in different universes.
    4) Other people's timelines(parallel universes) with infinite possibility.
    5) Time travellers from another future, bring back the messages before irreparable damage occurs.
    6) Avoid making the same mistakes and start a new page.
    (OR maybe after that you won't be able to know if you did the right change until the next time loop, so basically you are keep making the "right" choices. If everything is connected maybe its some kind of reincarnation...)

    The reason I use parallel universes...I think maybe the time loop didn't completely reset or reverse, coz we still have the "aware" periods that we can actually remember the things we did or the thoughts between the loops, so it DID happen in the past and the action will have consequences.
  8. Like
    Bashaw Steel reacted to DARK DEMON in How would you send messages in the past?   
    Here are my thoughts on this. I'm just typing what I'm thinking. The answer is somewhere in here, and its not a 'here do this' kind of solution. Because it can't be that simple.
    Its very long: get ready for a ride. But the read is worth it, I promise  
    Here goes:
    Ok so everything resets. Any physical amendment, any environmental changes, etc. This means there is no 'external' solution to this one. Anything affected by time as we know it can't be the solution. This led me to think of two things: the solution either lies in something that is 1) unaffected by time, or 2) it is affected by time, but unlike as as we perceive it. Let me explain what this means.
    Time is not a real quantity. It is a concept. A concept is a mental structure in which we associate things with each other: a source and a target (take note). To alter the concept of time and memory, you have 2 potential options.
    One is the source: the brain itself. There are various centers in the brain involved in memory formation, (specifically the hippocampus and associated structures --- read up on Papez circuit if you wish to go into details of this), which have a wonderful ability to 'trap' a piece of time and store it. This is called a memory. Sounds beautiful doesn't it?
    If you alter the brain, you are changing time as we perceive it (as noted above). Hence this is a potential hole in the loop.
    The other is the target: the sun/moon. This is what mankind uses to perceive time. I'm talking about solar/lunar calendars, the concept of a 'day', a 'month', a 'year'. These are all dependent on the movements of the sun and moon, eg: rising and setting of the sun, solar and lunar eclipses, full/half moon cycles, etc. If you alter the sun/moon somehow, you can send a message because these are unaffected by time. In fact they are targets mankind uses to create time. So technically controlling them will control time. Thus, this is the second potential hole in the loop.
    Both of these are two extremes of the spectrum of a 'concept' called time. The source and the target.
    So we have narrowed it down to this. Next we have to decide which path to take. Looking at the capability of a human being, resources available, and the time interval in which we can make changes after realizing (you say its a day, right?), the best choice seems to be the source. Altering the sun/moon in any way is beyond human capability and nothing can be done in a day
    So we alter the brain. How? Well like I said, the solution can't be external. You can't just insert a device in the brain to alter memory formation. Then what?
    I mentioned the hippocampus and Papez circuit earlier. There is a beautiful natural method of creating and storing memories in time. Now what you have to realize is that only humans have such an elaborate mental structure. No other species or form of life does. What does this mean? It means that just like we see life with less elaborate mental structures, there must definitely be potential to create or BECOME a more elaborate mental structure! One that possibly allows to alter the entire concept of memory formation and time in such a way that your 'past' self can 'recall' things... from the 'future'... which is currently your 'present'... ???? 
    Yes sure call this absurd all you want. I'm sure if a goat told another goat, "hey you know maybe we can talk and write one day", the other goat would laugh. And that is because it is impossible to comprehend or imagine what the beautiful mind has the capability to do. That is what 'the true potential of our minds is untapped and locked' means after all. Once you unlock that capability, you can do things that previously you thought were 100% impossible.
    So that is the answer. You have to unlock the capability to do so, in that one-day time interval. I cannot tell you how to do it because like I said, it is beyond comprehension and imagination. Our minds cannot perceive such a concept yet. But it can happen one day, from within.
  9. Like
    Bashaw Steel got a reaction from Mallos in How would you send messages in the past?   
    Nature of the time loop is such that regardless what we do to remind us would be good for nothing. Time does not rewind itself to the beginning of the loop
    but rather resets, so any means of cheating the message would not be possible. If i plant a tree in my garden during that time interval in which i am aware 
    of time loop, record whats happening, leave cryptic stuff or even kill myself, none of that would matter. Plant will not become a seed, record would not exist or any other 
    stuff i left behind including my death. That is because behind itself does not exist. Time loop is not a line of time but rather a circle. If you guys like the night sky like me
    you also like the stars. Thing about stars is that most of those we see are actually dead. What we see is actually a picture hundreds of thousands years old, if we teleport somehow
    to their place in an instant, there is a good chance that they would be dead. Time does not travel faster than light but rather have the same speed and light of the stars we are able to see is actually and literary-past. So, to send a message to yourself one must send it in far space with speed of light and make it somehow come back. Breaking from the time loop by actually becoming part of some other time and coming back into the time interval we are aware of our time loop would break the "curse" and allow us to see whats really happening
    As a side note, time loop is, by far, a greatest punishment one`s councessnes would have to endure. Being aware, even in an instant, that your existence is bound in time loop, even if your future self probable exist outside of it, is brutal:D 
  10. Upvote
    Bashaw Steel got a reaction from Fang Archbane in How would you send messages in the past?   
    Nature of the time loop is such that regardless what we do to remind us would be good for nothing. Time does not rewind itself to the beginning of the loop
    but rather resets, so any means of cheating the message would not be possible. If i plant a tree in my garden during that time interval in which i am aware 
    of time loop, record whats happening, leave cryptic stuff or even kill myself, none of that would matter. Plant will not become a seed, record would not exist or any other 
    stuff i left behind including my death. That is because behind itself does not exist. Time loop is not a line of time but rather a circle. If you guys like the night sky like me
    you also like the stars. Thing about stars is that most of those we see are actually dead. What we see is actually a picture hundreds of thousands years old, if we teleport somehow
    to their place in an instant, there is a good chance that they would be dead. Time does not travel faster than light but rather have the same speed and light of the stars we are able to see is actually and literary-past. So, to send a message to yourself one must send it in far space with speed of light and make it somehow come back. Breaking from the time loop by actually becoming part of some other time and coming back into the time interval we are aware of our time loop would break the "curse" and allow us to see whats really happening
    As a side note, time loop is, by far, a greatest punishment one`s councessnes would have to endure. Being aware, even in an instant, that your existence is bound in time loop, even if your future self probable exist outside of it, is brutal:D 
  11. Like
    Bashaw Steel reacted to ignnus in Poetry   
    Whining (of mine)
    the world of madness
    would be more than it's talent
    yet the evolution and sadness
    crunched your visage to what it was
    winking all along while lecturing
    as if the degradation would give thee power
    so wrong would be normal
    to how not quite to be human
  12. Upvote
    Bashaw Steel got a reaction from Pipstickz in Looking for a book   
    Indian philosophy is often centered about ideas that revolves around many aspects of the same thing.
    Tough pill to swallow if you yourself is not compatible with such beliefs. Philosophy of ancient wisdoms are indeed a good read.
    However, it is smart to avoid such finite paths of thoughts because they are, well,  infinite. They stretch without end and you cant step beside that path
    because there is nothing to step on. So you just go on and on and each time you take a new path, you start from the beginning.
    If you have a spark in yourself for such things, dont force it into molds of already made philosophy. Let it guide you instead, not lead you:)
    If you cant resist Indian truths, i suggest you read the works of Antonio de Melo. That guy is like a One Punch Man in that world:D
  13. Upvote
    Bashaw Steel got a reaction from Lintara in Poetry   
    Some say that our flesh is more of a prison to a soul than it is a home. Sometimes, however, spirit refuses to bend
    and burns ever stronger through the iron bars of our lives. Sometimes, its not about flesh, its about host...
    This one was/is for you, kid:) May you rejoin MD better than i ever did..
    Who has the soul full of tiny cracks
    Through which golden sheen flows
    Who has within those unborn stars
    …In space of guilty and remorse
    I see the sky, full of footprints
    A shining traces of once daring child
    Leading into mountain carved in Steel
    A home?
     Or a prison, for its golden sheen…
    Where beats heart that is one with the Sun
    Somewhere deep, hidden and enclosed
    Where is the child that stands for her dreams
    And golden sheen flows…
  14. Upvote
    Bashaw Steel got a reaction from Ungod in Poetry   
    Some say that our flesh is more of a prison to a soul than it is a home. Sometimes, however, spirit refuses to bend
    and burns ever stronger through the iron bars of our lives. Sometimes, its not about flesh, its about host...
    This one was/is for you, kid:) May you rejoin MD better than i ever did..
    Who has the soul full of tiny cracks
    Through which golden sheen flows
    Who has within those unborn stars
    …In space of guilty and remorse
    I see the sky, full of footprints
    A shining traces of once daring child
    Leading into mountain carved in Steel
    A home?
     Or a prison, for its golden sheen…
    Where beats heart that is one with the Sun
    Somewhere deep, hidden and enclosed
    Where is the child that stands for her dreams
    And golden sheen flows…
  15. Upvote
    Bashaw Steel got a reaction from Rophs in Poetry   
    I cant believe this old shiny still stands:)
    Well, guys, you made my day. Guess its time to appreciate and enjoy some verses:)
  16. Like
    Bashaw Steel got a reaction from Lintara in Poetry   
    I cant believe this old shiny still stands:)
    Well, guys, you made my day. Guess its time to appreciate and enjoy some verses:)
  17. Upvote
    Bashaw Steel got a reaction from Ungod in Poetry   
    I cant believe this old shiny still stands:)
    Well, guys, you made my day. Guess its time to appreciate and enjoy some verses:)
  18. Upvote
    Bashaw Steel got a reaction from klatdees in Poetry   
    As the moving force of the many things, poetry deserves its places here, dont you think?:)

    Tell me where dreams speak the truth
    Where all my illusions are more than dust
    And although there is no eternal youth
    There is something else…
    Higher than hope and deeper than faith
    Something different than all routines
    Where our souls deserves to rest
    After being freed…
    Choose me over the world
    Ignite the passion within the dying
    So they may be also free
    When their time turns to nothing…
  19. Upvote
    Bashaw Steel got a reaction from Azrafar in Poetry   
    much better:)
    dont write poems if you are "dry", wait for inspiration :))
  20. Upvote
    Bashaw Steel reacted to Ungod in Poetry   
    You lay in the bead, turning into a shadow - 
    thats how you feel, when - immobile and dry -
    you rest, while nurses go in and out.
    Life was a brilliant thing, but it burned too fast.
    Your tongue goes over those dry lips - 
    you remiinisce about the past.
    And so you lay in bed and ...rest?...
    and someone gets you something good 
    to eat.
    Pay your crossing of river Styx,
    only two cents, only two cents!
    No crossing of river is ever free,
    not even for the souls of the dead.
    If you dont have cash or card,
    mortgage your soul, whatever the cost - 
    just pay the toll.
    (meh...I didnt say quite what I wanted to. I might rewrite it later)
  21. Upvote
    Bashaw Steel got a reaction from Eagle Eye in HBD Sasha Lilias   
    happy b day!:)
  22. Upvote
    Bashaw Steel got a reaction from Azull in Happy Bday Azull   
  23. Upvote
    Bashaw Steel got a reaction from Eagle Eye in happy birthday Eagle Eye   
    happyyyy b day EE, may you remember it by wishes coming true:)
  24. Upvote
    Bashaw Steel got a reaction from Eagle Eye in Happy Birthday To You   
  25. Upvote
    Bashaw Steel reacted to Jester in Forum-within-MD-forum for writers of the Quest   
    {Here is the official post} *Edited for content with a chainsaw and the Jester version of a partial lobotomy
    Chewett has agreed to create a hidden forum for those writers interested in the Community Quest to get together and discuss the story and direction it will take. I have come up with a rough overall outline which is a great starting place, but by getting together we can improve it far beyond what it currently is.
    Please indicate your desire to join this Quest as a writer and therefore the hidden forum by responding to this post with your name, reason for wanting to participate, and optionally a link to a sample of your work, such as a quest or story. This mostly applies to writer's whose work I may have missed during one of my absences. if that is the case with you and you have no sample of your work, you may contact me and we'll work something out.
    I really believe in this Quest, and I'm truly looking forward to working with all the amazing writers I've seen in my time in MD to create a story that won't soon be forgotten.
    {You may cease reading now and respond to the topic, this next portion is included for our archives only}
    *Edited for content five times, pre-chainsaw/lobotomy version, included here for insurance records in case of malpractice regarding said chainsaw/lobotomy
    Chewett, as per his usual awesomeness, has agreed to create a hidden forum so the writers for the Community Quest can get together. The alternate forum I was talking about previously may eventually become necessary, or it may not, and I've been convinced that its best to try to keep this as much within MD as possible.
    I have come up with an outline for the overall plot of the Quest, but I need people willing to help fill in details, change things to make them better, come up with new ideas, and, of course, actually write some chapters, and for that we need to have a discussion.
    If you wish to be one of the writer's for this quest, please reply to this topic. Once we have enough writers I will ask for the hidden forum to be created and all the people who signed up to be added, and bribe chewett with the finest cortyg brandy one can find this side of Kashyyyk.
    Sign up form:
    -Name (spelling counts)
    -Link or reference to a sample of your writing, ie a quest you've done in the past, a story you created for story time, anything like that.
    -Reason you wish to help with this Quest (long or as short as you wish)
    *Paragraph sample speech of why you deserve to be MagicDuel's next top model, along with a head-shot.
    *sample speech and head-shot optional.
    If you do not have an example of your work at hand and I've somehow missed it, just contact me and we'll work something out.
    As you can see by the startling lack of humor present here, I'm incredibly serious about this project. (You should have seen it before I toned it down.) I truly believe in this Quest and what the Community can do if it puts its collective heads together.
    Looking forward to working with you!
    -Sir Jester Jesting Rodriguez von Jestenstein the 67th, Duke of Jester's Door in Scenic Tribunal, Earl of Jestington Abbey and parts thereof, Grand Marquee of Jesteropolis International, voted "Most likely to Jest" at the Gremmy's and twice nominated for "Jester of the Year" by the international clown society (now deceased under mysterious circumstances).
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