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Ary Endleg

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Everything posted by Ary Endleg

  1. Yes, as Tal said. In addition to that you have to get Sword Balance (victory), just Sword (win) won't give you erolin heat. At least from my knowledge...
  2. Already reported http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/15439-battle-log-shown-a-warning-message/
  3. You're capped maybe?
  4. :/ doesn't hold in my mind. Last time I checked, energy can't be created or destroyed, only transferred :p As far as I'm aware friction doesn't work like that, you need to produce movement first. Friction is brake for movement, it absorbs energy of movement into thermal energy, sometimes electrical. Now you have lets say 0 VE and 0 AP yet when timer ticks you get stuff back. With friction a lot has to be invested to have insignificant output produced. In MD you're actually producing tons of VE/AP etc. Which comes from...? Basically we are producing "energy" in MD, which means... Hey Mur, Einstein would like to have a word with you :))
  5. Reorganization requires more energy to be invested into something for reorganization to occur, from where? That saying is too vague and hence not applicable.
  6. How does that generate it? One is not required to eat in MD to sustain himself :p You gain VE and AP just because timer elapsed.
  7. Lol bigger issue is if one is tagged the least amount of times and then while he carries the item, he can log off and wait till it ends. That way he denies others the chance to tag him again :p
  8. Aelis was referring to last line in Mur's post. It's hypothetical take on "how it would work" if vitality was replaced by heat. Erolin is the big thingy with "active heat", the little orbs above are erolin orbs not erolin itself.
  9. Heat is also concept of it's own :p However they are all loosely tied or connected, so they might be distanced from it but shouldn't be too far off the bat either. If you look at their original meaning of staying "loyal" to your ally by combat contribution or staying "honorable" by not attacking the "weaker" players... Those things don't really hold up that kind of meaning, do they? But if we acknowledge their connection to other concepts, we might find out more about them. So far I sort of view them as identity of inner peace and growth.
  10. According to the other announcement that replaced experience with heat, it says that creature/personal heat and erolin heat are same thing, difference being that erolin heat is unstable form of heat. If all of above is energy with different assigned identity... then what about honor, loyalty, creature/personal wins?
  11. If... Then what is vital energy for example? What about value points, exploration points and action points?
  12. All this change will do is provide a gold sink. Nothing more.
  13. In that case this needs to be moved to Bugs.
  14. Nop. I watched it closely for several days, camping the site. It does grow. Also as far as I remember token boost still won't result in decimal amount, it will get rounded. EDIT: so only question is if this is intended to work like that or not?
  15. It seems that fenths are growing/replenishing like normal resources. If there are 0 fenths at altar, during next 4 days they would grow up by quarter. On 4th day there would be 1 fenth that can normally be harvested. If fenth isn't collected during that 4th day, on 5th day fenths go back to 0. This involves no creature sacrificing. Is this a bug? Mur says he doesn't remember :))
  16. Oh okay, thanks, can be closed.
  17. I'm unsure of this, it looks like above 4 items could be 2 items just with more "charges". Above we can see 2 instances of trade logs and 2 instances of WP logs, shouldn't it be 1 instance of each with 2 "purchasable charges" (you know like creat slot is one instance that can be bought 20 times)? I'm unsure of it because I can't yet see what exactly it's offered, if they offer different number of log entries then there's no problem, but if they offer same number of log entries, I think they should be bundled up. Anyone have details on this?
  18. Oh that thing, yes it has been happening some time already, it's some weird combination of flash and popups/iframes issues. Only happens on MD.
  19. And how do you know your data is real? Clicking yes and no doesn't mean anything since you can't be sure that yes means yes and no means no. You also can't force people to vote. You relay solely on their good will and honesty. Truth to be told if I wasn't already exposed to this, I wouldn't like to put more fuel to fire so would do anything else than vote yes. Edit: also my and Chew's argument is over, I withdrew from discussion.
  20. Point taken.
  21. That's exactly your problem in here I'm talking about. You don't get told such stuff. Due to how things currently are you lack such communication channel.
  22. Yes now I see your edits. My browser died so my post went poof before I managed to submit it. In reality center seems to be east indeed (because you turn left in archives and continue west), which is exactly opposite than mainlands. (mirror effect?) But if you spin map so it faces south and compare it to mainland map facing north, then it's exact match of grid from mainlands (as in all scene numbers would match each other). Either way my point was that when you spin maze map by 90 degree in either directions number of column and rows will match mainland map. Secondly both maps are grids and if your logic from maze is applied then there's also "secret" center between tranquil plains and gazebo. If this secret labby center is a big deal, then mainland one should also be equally important, if not more. Plus I used your method.
  23. How do you describe the last situation where huge majority of people that knew about didn't saw it as bug or saw anything abusive in it, it was rather viewed as feature.
  24. Gah... you don't understand again. I said that center on both maps is to the west from 0x0. Hence logic is the same for both maps. They are equal. If you take labyrinth map and look at it as normal map where north is pointing up then it has same number of rows and columns as mainlands. Clarified?
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