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Everything posted by Ungod

  1. I've been participating, but I'd like to make one of my own. What are the standards for quest-creators?
  2. I've heard they are formidable creatures every fighter must have, but also that a ritual must have different kinds of drachs, since they boost eachother. Where do I find each type?
  3. codename Molly, or so I've heard
  4. Steps and resources, please!
  5. I need to find a mentor or maybe I just want to create ranks in my mind.
  6. Is there only one way?
  7. Someone's being annoying and I don't want to hear him/her anymore. What do I do?
  8. I have my reasons to want to go back...
  9. Not crazy awesome, but crazy funny. Down with the Bunny Empire!
  10. Since it's always nice and sunny (with occasional! showers and snow), I don't think there's place for a dark night in the game...right?
  11. I once fell asleep on the keyboard while MD was live, but I don't think that counts?
  12. Also, how do I split the ones that don't stack?
  13. What does it really mean?
  14. A clickable is a special area on the screen and in the scene, that can be clicked with other effects than just hearing your mouse go 'click'. That's because a clickable stores information. Hovering over it usually gives it an orange hue and clicking on it will normally open a menu/panel with text, maybe images, and a rectangle to interact with the information stored in the clickable through language. Some clickables generate a text telling you something has been activated, others throw you across space, while others do nothing. Mysterious bunch, clickies. You can create scripts of your own to store your own information in clickables and create various effects for other players that inspect clickies. To do so, you will need to activate the wish(es) in the Wishpoint shop. You can learn about MDScript in the forum section on MDscript, but you can also ask several experienced players.
  15. I made all this effort and infiltrated it, and now I don't know what to do next!
  16. This one is reminding me of the bad times, I want to delete it and make another one.
  17. This topic is only for 18+ only (20 if American).
  18. I heard such actions are possible, but they're complex procedures. Is there something I should know before trying it?
  19. Looking for short-term and long-term solutions, and particularly interested in how to go to bed early.
  20. I heard that you can achieve great things in MD, but you have to unlock them?? What does that mean?
  21. I heard it was possible (details, please).
  22. Just like your brain cannot focus for too long on what's in sight, or learn without breaks, so you cannot explore the new and exciting without a break. Even great explorers like yourself, thirsty of knowledge and wanting to pioneer, cannot do so without getting tired. Whether you travel new lands or acquire new creatures, at some point you might run out of exploration points, at which point you are forced to stop and let them replenish naturally. Have a coffee, relax - the Explorer's League provided you with a hammock, right?
  23. With stealth. Unfortunately, the skill level is too high for you to master and you will be caught. The reason the transfer of creatures, items, resources etc from one account of yours to another (from main account to alternative account or the other way around) is forbidden is the two accounts are not related. Sure, the person behind them is the same, but in the realm they are as distinct as sky and earth. They may be fractions of yourself, but these fractions cannot trade with each other - even if they become best buddies in the realm (the equivalent of you saying that you yourself are awesome, so you should hang out with yourself). It kinda makes sense, no? So don't do it, even if you're so inclined, for punishment awaits with big nasty pointy teeth! (warning, jailing, ban)
  24. I've listened to some music tracks in several scenes; clearly, the other scenes have their music locked and I must pay to unlock it! Or is there some other way?
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