Otus (winged creature)
Recruitment costs: 30Ap, 2k VP, 1k VE, 1 EP
-single tragets
1.Baby Otus
Adventurers might find in their travels, in lifeless areas, a single egg with an unusual glow. Taking it carries great risk, although one will never suspect it. From the egg emerges a small and feeble creature. This bird cannot stop biting everything it sees. Its curiosity is unmatched only by its ferocity when eating - anything smaller than itself is surely a victim.
Targets: dying
Abilities: damage
VE: 300
Attack: 10
Defense: 0
Initiative: 1
Needed for upgrade: stored heat: 400; won battles: 5; age: 3;
Upgrade costs: AP: 20; VP: 800; sacrificed vitality: 500; EP: 1
2. Large Otus
Now grown, the large Otus will aid you in your endeavors. It usually lazies around, not doing much. Underestimating it is, however, folly - its attacks are exceptionally fast and silent killers. With sharp talons and a beak with which it usually plucks the eyes of the prey, the large Otus is a terrible opponent.
Targets: dying, weak, random
Abilities: damage
VE: 600
Attack: 25
Defense: 2
Initiative: 2
Needed for upgrade: stored heat: 4000; won battles: 30; age: 12
Upgrade costs: Ap: 40; VP: 1500; sacrificed vitality: 1000; EP: 2
3. Huge Otus
The numerous battles in which the Otus has been participating have proven to be more than daily routine. Not only it has perfected its skills, using the sharp talons as sharpened knives, but it has also increased in size to unheard dimensions for a bird. Feeding on the opponent's very soul, the huge apparition that covers the sky only by streching its wings is something to be dreaded. Unfortunately, the element of suprise has dissapeared.
Targets: any
Abilities:aimed hit
Attack: 50
Defense: 3
Initiative: 3
Needed for upgrade: stored heat: 8000; won battles: 50; age: 17; + mindpower
Upgrade costs: Ap: 50; VP: 2300; sacrificed vitality: 3000; EP: 4
4. Decrepit Otus
The once powerful Otus has turned into a decrepit bird. It wasn't age that shrunk it, but rather a strange disease. The Otus now prefers to stay alone as much as possible and completely avoids the sunlight. It covers itself with its huge wings and stares into empitness with its head bowed. And yet, it never seems to be alone. Could it be that the otus is not sick, but is guiding the spirits of the underworld onto their path?
Targets: any
Abilities: damage
Attack: 45
Defense: 2
Initiative: 1
Special influence: increases the initiative and damage of undead creatures (as far as I know, that only means tormented soul)
5. Guardian Otus