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Everything posted by Ungod

  1. When you're born into a world, your feet and your hands are tied - but you don't know it. You don't see it. You think you're free and you move funny. Then, one day, you might realise you're tied up. You might realise how to loosen the ties, but you also see it won't do you any good. You don't cut any ties. And if someone asks, you are ”alive and kicking”.
  2. I You lay in the bead, turning into a shadow - thats how you feel, when - immobile and dry - you rest, while nurses go in and out. Life was a brilliant thing, but it burned too fast. Your tongue goes over those dry lips - you remiinisce about the past. And so you lay in bed and ...rest?... and someone gets you something good to eat. III Pay your crossing of river Styx, only two cents, only two cents! No crossing of river is ever free, not even for the souls of the dead. If you dont have cash or card, mortgage your soul, whatever the cost - just pay the toll. (meh...I didnt say quite what I wanted to. I might rewrite it later)
  3. Ungod

    Unholy Priest

    Okay, this shouldnt be here, but I honestly dont know where to put it..maybe in offtopic...maybe I was cleaning some folders and I saw an image I saved some time ago.I suppose you know about the riots in Ukraine...and about priests in the middle of rebels. Well, the image I saved made me speechless - this is it: it also reminded me of the unholy priest :)
  4. Ungod

    Pandora's box

  5. Ungod

    Pandora's box

    I am posting this just so people have an alternative view. Please dont argue in the next commentaries that hope is a good thing - I, for example, am better without it. 3.One interpretation of the myth that I have heard is that Pandora, by closing the box before hope would get out, didnt bring the world to its end. The idea that hope brings one s demise comes from observing what happens to someone who goes on only by hope. Refusing to accept reality and having expectations that will probably never materialise (isnt that what hope is, when not based on anything but itself?) leads one astray.
  6. so what does one have to do when this happens? edit: thanks.
  7. Thats the problem - I know where the road takes me. Nowadays, a trip to China is equal, in my eyes, to a weekend with some friends in a mountain lodge. Because of all the info floating around, you can no longer afford to be ignorant. Google ”tourist in India” and read the first 15 titles. See what you get. As I was saying, you cannot dream of distant and unexplored lands anymore. So you trun your attention to something else to dream about.
  8. Yeah, it seems the seventies and eighties dream that I caught a glimpse of (colonising space etc) is dead indeed. We are turning our attention to things closer to us? Which ones - this is what I would like to know. I find it hard to believe human mind is the new frontier - Freud is still mentioned and until he is gone from our books, there will be no advancement. Speaking of imagination and the desire of exploring, I dont feel like travelling anywhere anymore. Let us say I am not satisfied with pictures and I want to see Pamukkale (random example). Well, I dont like turks and I dont want to give them money. Or maybe I would like to see that chinese scenery with those mountains coming out of the water ”live”. Am I really going to spend some thousand dollars just for that? And it is just for that, because we now know a lot about others who are even thousands of km away from us. Knowing so much, I can plan today the ”perfect” holiday - except for the thrill part, which isnt there anymore. I dont feel like going anywhere, for reasons that differ from case to case. I wonder whether this is my special case, or we are more.
  9. I used to read a lot of sci-fi in gymnasium and college. Back then it seemed to me a lot of people were seeing space as ”the new frontier”. That, or I was too little :) What I know is that around that time there was the moon-landings and launghing sattelites and stuff and I deduce this enthusiasm was shared by many. Now, it seems we are back to earth, we know more of our limitations and while this literature was ”a hit”, it looks to me like its more of a niche. I stopped reading SF a long time ago, you are obviously better informed, but does is seem like the space is still the place that we want to explore? Not only the readers of sci-fi, but readers in general. I guess a science man/woman doesnt care much for the ”land”, but more of a particular aspect of it (rocks, plants, tribal customs etc).
  10. I remember that when I was little I used to imagine how life was in other countries. I wasnt thinking of nearby places, but at the distant and exotic lands (China or India or Mexic). Before I had a computer I managed to read a few books that made me imagine such things. And even with a computer you could still put your imagination to work - until internet became available. Now, even if I tried, I couldnt dream of China or the Sahara. I mean, I am a few clicks away from these places. Pictures, videos - hell, with the video cameras, I can take a tour of a city in France, for example, any time I want. Now imagination on that side is gone - we have the data/information. And that is fine, but I have serious doubts that we no longer dream of unexplored lands. There has been a shift, thats all. My question is: towards what? Parallel universes? Faraway galaxies, planets full of green little aliens? I was watching a greek mythology course from TTC and prof. Elizabeth Vandiver said our myths on aliens derive from our need of having something more to explore, much as the greek stories about the countries from ”the edge of the world”. When your world becomes small, you look in the distance. The sf literature, however, is underground now - I think it was a big hit 40 years ago, but that dream is dead already. So, what have we shifted our imagination towards? Where do we find uncharted lands to imagine how life is ”over there”?
  11. What I see when when I log in is that scroll with ”loading on it” (as in the screenshot). sometimes, it ”fixes” itself and I get something like this and it doesnt pop up anymore. If it doesnt ”fix” itself, I have to manually close the pop-up every time I refresh the page.
  12. Its not the browser. I believe it has something to do with the fact that I have bought only 1 month of calendar.
  13. Well, when we spoke about it, you said ”take a screenshot and send me a PM”. I should have sent you a forum PM, then. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/15479-calendar-issues/#entry151563 (you can edit/delete this particular post)
  14. Basically, the error is like this: one logs in. instead of getting the calendar page or whatever, it gets an empty scroll with ”loading” written somewhere at the top, which one has to close then. this scroll reappears every time you refresh the page and it dissapears sometimes (for one day), giving you a page with ”day1” of ”month1”. the next day, the whole thing starts all over again.
  15. Hmm.. 2 months and 3 weeks ago I wrote an in-game PM to you about calendar pages not loading correctly. Some time later, I saw Princ asking about this in the mood panel, so its not only happening to me. Basically, the error is like this: one logs in. instead of getting the calendar page or whatever, it gets an empty scroll with ”loading” written somewhere at the top, which one has to close then. this scroll reappears every time you refresh the page and it dissapears sometimes (for one day), giving you a page with ”day1” of ”month1”. the next day, the whole thing starts all over again. If you find the time, perhaps you could check this out.
  16. Yes, this is the video. I knew someone would eventually post it here :D I also think a narrator would be great. You dont have to explain too much, just to show the extent of the possibilities in MD. The fact that at first you dont really know what you can do seems (to me) to be an issue. Edit: here is a negative review which supports the above idea and I will quote now: ”Dear lord, please tell me how to do stuff.” and also ” It just seems like a game that offers new players the chance to hang out with a bunch of people who are in on a joke but won't share that joke with new players.” source:http://massively.joystiq.com/2011/10/23/rise-and-shiny-recap-magicduel/
  17. This. I cannot find the video, but I think some trailer of MD is on youtube (and it was quite well done, considering the vast amount of things you would have to put into one). However, that trailer was kind of ”generic”. I mean, it doesnt make you see MD as very different from other mmorpgs (my opinion). However (my second), I dont know if a better trailer CAN be made - I think it is very difficult (someone prove me wrong, please). The only way I see a better trailer is if it is somewhat split into ”sections”, where you would present the things you can do here - a section on combat, one on role-play, one on unlocking secrets and puzzles etc. Because this is what MagicDuel is all about - all those things.
  18. Ungod

    Spring cleaning

    Interesting. You are making more of it than a lowering viscosity tool. However, this would change the game completely. It would be so weird if the change would come from a broom :)) Thanks for sharing the idea. I dont think its a possibility right now, but it has given me a perspective I never had.
  19. I won against Ars Alchemy.
  20. There are a lot of buildings in MD, in all lands and outside lands. Paper Cabin, MDA impressive building, beautiful sanctuaries, the places in Land of the East and so on - they all deserve cleaning. But who can do it? :( New item: broom. What I have thought of is this: the broom is a tool which requires AP in order to function. For example, if you ”sweep” the scene once, it takes 10/20/30 AP (value to be debated). Multiple sweeps are allowed (value to be debated). Each sweep makes the room/stoop cleaner. In the process, you gain a small amount of heat. Why would we want cleaner scenes (and only the ones with buildings and interiors)? Well, my idea is that once the room (scene) is cleaner, it is easier to walk through it. Therefore, viscosity is lowered. P.S: truth is, if someone comes with a better effect for the ”broom” tool, it would be even better. All I want to see is someone sweeping a stoop/room. It would bring some feeling to MD that you can hardly get, even with the wildest items. Comment, debate etc. Fingers crossed you like it and it will get implemented.
  21. Received all my prizes (2 aramors, a GG drach, 5 sc and 1 chronicle of MD). Thanks :)
  22. Woah! I never expected this much. I guess I chose the fastest and safest route :) A very fun quest to do.
  23. I want to participate :)
  24. I like the idea. I will also sponsor with coins and a teleport to papercabin stone.
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