I remember that when I was little I used to imagine how life was in other countries. I wasnt thinking of nearby places, but at the distant and exotic lands (China or India or Mexic). Before I had a computer I managed to read a few books that made me imagine such things. And even with a computer you could still put your imagination to work - until internet became available.
Now, even if I tried, I couldnt dream of China or the Sahara. I mean, I am a few clicks away from these places. Pictures, videos - hell, with the video cameras, I can take a tour of a city in France, for example, any time I want. Now imagination on that side is gone - we have the data/information.
And that is fine, but I have serious doubts that we no longer dream of unexplored lands. There has been a shift, thats all. My question is: towards what? Parallel universes? Faraway galaxies, planets full of green little aliens? I was watching a greek mythology course from TTC and prof. Elizabeth Vandiver said our myths on aliens derive from our need of having something more to explore, much as the greek stories about the countries from ”the edge of the world”.
When your world becomes small, you look in the distance. The sf literature, however, is underground now - I think it was a big hit 40 years ago, but that dream is dead already. So, what have we shifted our imagination towards? Where do we find uncharted lands to imagine how life is ”over there”?