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Everything posted by Tal

  1. Tal

    MD Awards 2014

    not voting for yourself, would say you think you don't deserve it thus not deserve other peoples vote.
  2. what happend to eara's submission?
  3. vinci hominus erolin homo vincii tempus zoomed in is this what I read when pausing flash
  4. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/15398-golemus-kingship-elections/ he won this year elections.
  5. come celebrate xmass with us in md
  6. I can do that, not sure what you mean with altars
  7. I can do creatures
  8. will this still be worked on, or postponed to next year?
  9. if they can train angiens, they can train grassans too.
  10. Im interrested in night mode, and protector ship. collectible resources and management. combat and landweapons
  11. you can easily make them yourself by recruiting and upgrading a grassan.
  12. this means 1 silver, 14 gold?
  13. not very likely since they live in two different countries
  14. gardening tools to tend the forest. (regrow herbs, branches etc) probably to be expandend to all land resource guilds. tied to their respective resources
  15. activity mostly evening/night monday and sunday most of the day. role, sylvan watch. guarding/observing the forest.
  16. the statdamage from otherarmy has very little consequenses. easily reversed by logging in daily, and just training a little, or saccing some crits.
  17. player can be intoxicated by different players at the same time.
  18. a simple aramor in darkraptor's or eons rits, is unbalanced, since a single hit will kill every crit they fight against.
  19. what is invalid about it?
  20. 3 silver for elrond
  21. Morale aura already affects other crits. if your going to compare crits, leave personal stats and tokens out of it. people keep on mixing up personal stats with crits. you can not compare crits and stats together.
  22. win windy already boosts GG drachorn. or do you mean the shop versions boosting a windy? Making GG boost windy, would still make for a weaker rit then a normal drach rit. a windy would only do roughly 2-3 times as much damage as a non boosted crit. Making windy boost other windy, you would need 3 of them to get close to to a drach rit. Windy are rare. not many have 3 windy to put in a rit. even then its inferior to drach rits, due to those having freeze, anti-freeze, and level scare. Windy boosting windy and GG, and GG also boosting windy, you'll get 3 crits that hit all with close to your max stats. Not something we are aiming for. Just more boosts won't make people use it for fighting. aura's might make it more usefull. for example a modified level scare: terror: all crits of opponend use only 40% of stats, boosts morale of friendly crits.
  23. added 2 windy and 1 gg to the list of rits in previous post. they do around 66k damage. a lot weaker then most other possible crit boosting rits.
  24. so we just need to find a ts/sw that has an id lower, between and a higher id then the boosting crits.
  25. made some edits to my prior post. @powle. if you provide the crits with different amount of initiative boosting tokens. so to make sure my sw/ts is a bit faster then some of the boosting crits, and some of the boosting crits are faster then the sw/ts I can test it. otherwise, slim chance of me testing it out.
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