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Everything posted by Tal

  1. another wish. an item to give or remove the sylvan watch tag to people
  2. I wish for the tag "protector of loreroot" with the ability to curse or weaken or harm people for a very long time who harm the forest and spells and abilities to heal, and restore the land and people. and tools to harvest all resources of loreroot and the ability to change the weather. ability to change the viscosity in loreroot to high amounts, or to temperarly close the gates of loreroot, and to walk freely in all scenes of loreroot. this will help me in my role to become loreroots protector/gaurdian and tie me more closely to the land I chosen to guard and protect.
  3. return of the kingship items, return of the kings for those lands that want them create land protectors who are tied to the land with corresponding abilities. bring revival of the death to the lands, or make them more involved in them. make tools or spells, for the resource guilds, so that they can replenish depleted resources
  4. Tal

    selling crits

    coins, items, resources, spell stones, and maybe crits.
  5. soulweaver age 398 tokens: bloodrop 1, black diamonds, jewelshards, darkshield, goldbelt, blooddrop 2 soulweaver age 347 tokens: blackdiamonds, osirisbelt, claw 3, sunshine, stardust, blooddrop 1, darkshield, goldbelt, bloodpact age 94 2 fresh pimps.
  6. if you want the hc to proceed more quickly prevent people from logging of with head balls. as it is now, there is no fun at all to even try to collect them. when someones alts just comes on to take the heads and log of with them. while there are only a few heads in play for most of the times to collect.
  7. me too, unable to log in
  8. a way to actively regrow resources would be good.
  9. [quote name='Ackshan Bemunah' timestamp='1345752006' post='120894'] Seig is in a position where he thinks the revival quest needs additional sponsorship, yet has a personal stake. The appopriate solution is that this muchneeded sponsorship come from another source (probably not council unless absolutely necessary): But somehow all those who could do thhis have a personal stake....AGAINST SEIGHEART...putting him in a REALLY AWFUL position. [/quote] the quest only has been running for a few weeks, since its beginning, seig has begun offering gold for someone to defeat the guards for him, raising his offer, till he now, (imo) is using TK stock to get himself revived. we are not putting him in an awfull position, he is doing it himself,
  10. the way I see it, you'r offering a wp from tk stock to get yourself revived.
  11. 1 silver for the leash as is shown in the first post (170 uses)
  12. I got this error again <magicduel.com> Error: SyntaxError Err description: undefined Err number: undefined Err message: at index 0: expected expression, got '<' Ajax response: <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html lang="en-US"> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Website is currently unreachable</title> <link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="/cdn-cgi/cache-err/error.css" type="text/css"> <script type="text/javascript"> document.cookie = 'cf_use_ob=0; path=/'; </script> </head> <body> <table width="100%" height="100%" cellpadding="30"> <tr> <td align="center" valign="center"> <img src="/cdn-cgi/cache-err/exclamation.png" /> <h1>Website currently unavailable</h1><!-- Error #2001: origin_502_ob0 --> <p>The website you are trying to access is currently unavailable. Please try again at a later time.<br />If you are the site owner, here is a <a href="https://www.cloudflare.com/wiki/I_keep_seeing_%22My_Site_is_Offline%22">help resource</a> to help resolve the issue.</p> <div class="logo"> <a href="http://www.cloudflare.com/"><img src="/cdn-cgi/cache-err/cloudflare.png" /></a> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </body> </html>
  13. forum is acting up too.
  14. I'm getting this error almost all the time, killing md for me.
  15. Mur's exp reset was sold for 3 gold, a lot more then 3 silver. Rates for heat where 1 silver per 1M of heat. still a lot more then 3 silver for 29M heat
  16. I would like one too.
  17. [quote name='J-D' timestamp='1340543002' post='115942'] As long as the killer stays silent we have know way to know for certain. We all know Seigheart killed Chewett. That's a start. On the other hand, Spartiatis claims that Eon was the one who killed him, which makes sense, but we have no way of knowing 100% that it was him unless he, too, speaks up and says so. [/quote] it could also be one of the guardians of bob, they have assassin tools too, and spartiatis cut down bob a few days before he was killed. but unless someone confesses, there is no way to be sure about who killed who.
  18. combat seems to be more about who has the most freezing crits first, after that, its about tokens and then stats.
  19. its not a vote about if the alliance should stay dead, but if there is a group of people dedicated enough to get it back from the council.
  20. no idea.
  21. thank you
  22. that doesnt answer my question. does it count as alt abuse or not.
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